Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Could Sunshine Be Good for You?
Feeling a little bad about all the time you've recently spent in the sun? Here's news that might help take some of the edge off.
New research suggests soaking up a little sunshine here and there might actually help strengthen your immune system. Seems counterintuitive -- and more research is needed to confirm the theory -- but here’s how it goes . . .
Bright, Sunshiny News
Although rates of skin cancer -- as well as several other types of cancer -- tend to be higher in sunnier latitudes, cancer patients in these regions seem to fare better when it comes to fighting the disease. Their secret defense? Researchers think it might be the extra vitamin D they score from living in a sunnier clime. (Vitamin D is that stuff your skin manufactures when exposed to sun. Here's how D revs up your immune system.)
But Be a Sensible Sun-Body
Your body makes vitamin D from the sun faster and more effectively than it soaks it up from food and supplements. Still, you need to minimize your exposure to harmful UV rays, especially during the sun's peak hours (10 a.m.–4 p.m.). All you need is about 10–20 minutes of sun to get the D you need for the day. One option: Apply your SPF just before you head outdoors. By the time it kicks in, you'll have gotten a quick but ample dose of D. How much sunscreen is enough? Find out here.
Check out this natural, easy, and enjoyable way to keep your hunger in check: Eat long, liquid fats.
This type of fat helps turn off hunger signals and sate your appetite, so you eat less overall. Invite a few to every meal.
The Long Way to Full
What's a long, liquid fat, you ask? According to John La Puma, MD, author of ChefMD's Big Book of Culinary Medicine, these fats have lots of carbon molecules adding to their length. More importantly, they produce cholecystokinin (CCK) -- a lovely hormone that tells your brain, "You're full now. You can stop eating." (Browse his book online.)
Long and Short of It
You'll find long-chain, liquid fats right where you might expect -- in the healthiest of foods. Good sources include fatty fish (salmon, trout), nuts and seeds (walnuts, flax), and plant-based foods (avocado, olive oil). You should not only eat more of these kinds of foods but also jettison the short-chain, solid fats (read saturated fats) at the same time. Why? Because not-so-healthy fats actually make you hungrier, according to La Puma. (Find out how saturated fats keep you feeding your face.)
New research suggests soaking up a little sunshine here and there might actually help strengthen your immune system. Seems counterintuitive -- and more research is needed to confirm the theory -- but here’s how it goes . . .
Bright, Sunshiny News
Although rates of skin cancer -- as well as several other types of cancer -- tend to be higher in sunnier latitudes, cancer patients in these regions seem to fare better when it comes to fighting the disease. Their secret defense? Researchers think it might be the extra vitamin D they score from living in a sunnier clime. (Vitamin D is that stuff your skin manufactures when exposed to sun. Here's how D revs up your immune system.)
But Be a Sensible Sun-Body
Your body makes vitamin D from the sun faster and more effectively than it soaks it up from food and supplements. Still, you need to minimize your exposure to harmful UV rays, especially during the sun's peak hours (10 a.m.–4 p.m.). All you need is about 10–20 minutes of sun to get the D you need for the day. One option: Apply your SPF just before you head outdoors. By the time it kicks in, you'll have gotten a quick but ample dose of D. How much sunscreen is enough? Find out here.
When It Comes to Eating Fat, Go Long
Check out this natural, easy, and enjoyable way to keep your hunger in check: Eat long, liquid fats.
This type of fat helps turn off hunger signals and sate your appetite, so you eat less overall. Invite a few to every meal.
The Long Way to Full
What's a long, liquid fat, you ask? According to John La Puma, MD, author of ChefMD's Big Book of Culinary Medicine, these fats have lots of carbon molecules adding to their length. More importantly, they produce cholecystokinin (CCK) -- a lovely hormone that tells your brain, "You're full now. You can stop eating." (Browse his book online.)
Long and Short of It
You'll find long-chain, liquid fats right where you might expect -- in the healthiest of foods. Good sources include fatty fish (salmon, trout), nuts and seeds (walnuts, flax), and plant-based foods (avocado, olive oil). You should not only eat more of these kinds of foods but also jettison the short-chain, solid fats (read saturated fats) at the same time. Why? Because not-so-healthy fats actually make you hungrier, according to La Puma. (Find out how saturated fats keep you feeding your face.)
Sleeping Patterns Are Governed by Light
Your Sleeping Patterns Are Governed by the Dimmest of Lights
Chemical-Free Strategies to Trick Yourself Out of the Blues
Ten tips so easy that virtually everyone can do them!
What's More Important -- Your Cell Phone Or Your Brain?
A must-read if you’re still on the fence about the dangers of cell phones and WiFi.
Osteoporosis Drug Fosamax is Bad for Your Heart
Yet ANOTHER dangerous side effect of popular osteoporosis drug.
Are You Being Controlled ... By Corn?
When you begin to look at the world through the plants’ perspective, you’ll be shocked at what becomes possible.
Why Drunk People Take Risks
Just how much does drinking alcohol impact your ability to make good decisions?
The Next Bubble After the Housing Crisis
What’s causing this new trend of revolving-door bubble-economies?
Good News About Big Bottoms
Could this type of fat actually spell relief from one of the most common diseases?
Where to Find BPA-Free Products
Great resources for living a more toxin-free life.
How Safe Are Green Cleaning Products?
Savvy marketing has turned buying eco-friendly into a jungle with varying shades of green.
Is This the Reason Fat Loss is a Challenge?
Sifting through the facts and fiction of yet another fantasy.
How to Easily Track Your Budget and Save Money
What would you do with an extra $1,000 per year?
Can Hair Dyes Give You Cancer?
Just how safe are hair dyes?
Dirty Drug Industry Secret: Their Pills are Made in China
What else does the drug industry want to hide from you about your prescription?
Your Sleeping Patterns Are Governed by the Dimmest of Lights
Chemical-Free Strategies to Trick Yourself Out of the Blues
Ten tips so easy that virtually everyone can do them!
What's More Important -- Your Cell Phone Or Your Brain?
A must-read if you’re still on the fence about the dangers of cell phones and WiFi.
Osteoporosis Drug Fosamax is Bad for Your Heart
Yet ANOTHER dangerous side effect of popular osteoporosis drug.
Are You Being Controlled ... By Corn?
When you begin to look at the world through the plants’ perspective, you’ll be shocked at what becomes possible.
Why Drunk People Take Risks
Just how much does drinking alcohol impact your ability to make good decisions?
The Next Bubble After the Housing Crisis
What’s causing this new trend of revolving-door bubble-economies?
Good News About Big Bottoms
Could this type of fat actually spell relief from one of the most common diseases?
Where to Find BPA-Free Products
Great resources for living a more toxin-free life.
How Safe Are Green Cleaning Products?
Savvy marketing has turned buying eco-friendly into a jungle with varying shades of green.
Is This the Reason Fat Loss is a Challenge?
Sifting through the facts and fiction of yet another fantasy.
How to Easily Track Your Budget and Save Money
What would you do with an extra $1,000 per year?
Can Hair Dyes Give You Cancer?
Just how safe are hair dyes?
Dirty Drug Industry Secret: Their Pills are Made in China
What else does the drug industry want to hide from you about your prescription?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Why You Should be Worried if Your Kids' Cereal is Widely Known
How bad are cereals that are aggressively marketed to your kids?
Ron Paul Revolution Still Very Much Alive
Did overwhelming Ron Paul support scare the Nevada GOP into cancelling their own convention?
A 'Silent Tsunami' of Hunger is Coming
The global food crisis is already here, and it may forever change the way you eat.
The Way to a Man's Heart is Through His Left Ear
According to brain research, the left ear is more receptive to declarations of love -- and the left cheek is the better one to kiss.
How bad are cereals that are aggressively marketed to your kids?
Ron Paul Revolution Still Very Much Alive
Did overwhelming Ron Paul support scare the Nevada GOP into cancelling their own convention?
A 'Silent Tsunami' of Hunger is Coming
The global food crisis is already here, and it may forever change the way you eat.
The Way to a Man's Heart is Through His Left Ear
According to brain research, the left ear is more receptive to declarations of love -- and the left cheek is the better one to kiss.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Beware -- Food Crisis Getting Worse
Who would have ever thought it would get this bad?
Can Spinach Save Your Eyesight?
The tips in this article can virtually eliminate your risk of the leading cause of vision loss.
The Six Principles of Green Living
Did you know that you could live greener without purchasing a single “green” product?
Medicine's Dirty Little Secret
This simple tool could save your life, so why do so many people want to keep it quiet?
The Kanzius Machine: A Cancer Cure?
Or is there another, hidden agenda fueling conventional cancer researchers' interest in this device?
The HPV Vaccine: Preventive Care or Human Sacrifice?
What Merck does not want you to know about their HPV vaccine Gardasil.
Kill Your Stress ... Before Your Stress Kills You!
In a few minutes a day, you can greatly reduce the stress in your life.
Vitamin D Guards Against Artery Disease
Are you getting enough vitamin D to be protected? How do you know?
Scientists Say Medieval Beliefs About Urine May Contain Drops of Truth
What can your urine tell you about your health?
Mom's Diet May Influence Baby's Gender
You are what you eat -- and surprising research shows that the same is true for your baby.
How to Use Soft Drinks To Kill Mice and Rats
Finally a good use for diet soda, as it may help eliminate unwanted vermin in your house.
Media Caught Lying About Presidential Candidates' Popularity
Can you name the two Republican Presidential candidates?
Food Prices Are a Global Crisis
What is the U.S. doing to help solve the problems contributing to this disaster?
Who's the Superhero of the Omega-3 Universe?
I'm sure you've heard by now about two fats in omega-3 oils that are crucial to your health -- DHA and EPA. These compounds are not only essential to maintaining your health -- scientific research indicates that they may also promote heart health and provide immune system and mood support.*
Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke
What is bankrupting America and its people?
Is Tyson's Antibiotic-Free Chicken Really Antibiotic-Free?
Tyson is using a classic example of deceptive advertising to create a false impression of healthy, natural food.
Boost Your IQ by Choosing Your Exercise Wisely
How can exercise actually make you think better?
Why is Life Expectancy Falling in the United States?
What is the driving force behind America's abysmal health statistics?
Thousands Have Been Harmed by Lasik Eye Surgery
Lasik has caused severe pain, and even led to man's suicide. There are simply better ways to improve your vision.
Who would have ever thought it would get this bad?
Can Spinach Save Your Eyesight?
The tips in this article can virtually eliminate your risk of the leading cause of vision loss.
The Six Principles of Green Living
Did you know that you could live greener without purchasing a single “green” product?
Medicine's Dirty Little Secret
This simple tool could save your life, so why do so many people want to keep it quiet?
The Kanzius Machine: A Cancer Cure?
Or is there another, hidden agenda fueling conventional cancer researchers' interest in this device?
The HPV Vaccine: Preventive Care or Human Sacrifice?
What Merck does not want you to know about their HPV vaccine Gardasil.
Kill Your Stress ... Before Your Stress Kills You!
In a few minutes a day, you can greatly reduce the stress in your life.
Vitamin D Guards Against Artery Disease
Are you getting enough vitamin D to be protected? How do you know?
Scientists Say Medieval Beliefs About Urine May Contain Drops of Truth
What can your urine tell you about your health?
Mom's Diet May Influence Baby's Gender
You are what you eat -- and surprising research shows that the same is true for your baby.
How to Use Soft Drinks To Kill Mice and Rats
Finally a good use for diet soda, as it may help eliminate unwanted vermin in your house.
Media Caught Lying About Presidential Candidates' Popularity
Can you name the two Republican Presidential candidates?
Food Prices Are a Global Crisis
What is the U.S. doing to help solve the problems contributing to this disaster?
Who's the Superhero of the Omega-3 Universe?
I'm sure you've heard by now about two fats in omega-3 oils that are crucial to your health -- DHA and EPA. These compounds are not only essential to maintaining your health -- scientific research indicates that they may also promote heart health and provide immune system and mood support.*
Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke
What is bankrupting America and its people?
Is Tyson's Antibiotic-Free Chicken Really Antibiotic-Free?
Tyson is using a classic example of deceptive advertising to create a false impression of healthy, natural food.
Boost Your IQ by Choosing Your Exercise Wisely
How can exercise actually make you think better?
Why is Life Expectancy Falling in the United States?
What is the driving force behind America's abysmal health statistics?
Thousands Have Been Harmed by Lasik Eye Surgery
Lasik has caused severe pain, and even led to man's suicide. There are simply better ways to improve your vision.
Friday, May 2, 2008
This Company May Be the Biggest Threat to Your Future Health 
Is a terrifying new disease the tip of the iceberg of what they've created?
Why are Bats Dying?
You will be surprised at how these bat deaths can impact you.
Diabetics Can Reverse Their Atherosclerosis
Do you know the simple tricks that can achieve this?
Demand for Raw Milk Continues to Grow
What do these people know that you don't?
The Vitamin You Need to Prevent Prostate Cancer
Can incorporating "forgotten vitamins" and other all-natural treatment methods help prevent and treat prostate cancer?
How the American Medical Association Got Rich
Did you ever wonder how the AMA got so much power, influence and control?
Simple Ways to Be Happy at Work
If you aren't happy at work be sure to review these great practical tips.
Does Forbidding Snacks Work?
Or will it just encourage your child to taste the "forbidden fruit"?
Impaired Insulin Response Linked to Alzheimer's Disease
If you aren't aware of these simple prevention techniques you might lose your mind to this epidemic.
Can Vitamins Shorten Your Life?
Failing to do your homework can cost you in more ways than one.
Top 10 Crimes Against Your Body
Must-AVOID choices many people make without realizing how much damage they are doing to their health.
Your Mother Was Right -- and Wrong -- About Washing Fruits and Vegetables
How do you sort through the loads of delusional nonsense to find something that REALLY works?
What is Thyroid-Related Fatigue?
How do you know if your thyroid not working properly is responsible for your fatigue?
Vaccine Blamed for the Worst Flu Season in Four Years
Why didn’t the flu shot work this year?
Is a terrifying new disease the tip of the iceberg of what they've created?
Why are Bats Dying?
You will be surprised at how these bat deaths can impact you.
Diabetics Can Reverse Their Atherosclerosis
Do you know the simple tricks that can achieve this?
Demand for Raw Milk Continues to Grow
What do these people know that you don't?
The Vitamin You Need to Prevent Prostate Cancer
Can incorporating "forgotten vitamins" and other all-natural treatment methods help prevent and treat prostate cancer?
How the American Medical Association Got Rich
Did you ever wonder how the AMA got so much power, influence and control?
Simple Ways to Be Happy at Work
If you aren't happy at work be sure to review these great practical tips.
Does Forbidding Snacks Work?
Or will it just encourage your child to taste the "forbidden fruit"?
Impaired Insulin Response Linked to Alzheimer's Disease
If you aren't aware of these simple prevention techniques you might lose your mind to this epidemic.
Can Vitamins Shorten Your Life?
Failing to do your homework can cost you in more ways than one.
Top 10 Crimes Against Your Body
Must-AVOID choices many people make without realizing how much damage they are doing to their health.
Your Mother Was Right -- and Wrong -- About Washing Fruits and Vegetables
How do you sort through the loads of delusional nonsense to find something that REALLY works?
What is Thyroid-Related Fatigue?
How do you know if your thyroid not working properly is responsible for your fatigue?
Vaccine Blamed for the Worst Flu Season in Four Years
Why didn’t the flu shot work this year?
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