Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Avoid These 7 Foods and You're Off To A Healthier New Year

These American staples are loaded with toxins, carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, and multiple herbicides and pesticides. Most likely you have one or more on your shelves right now.

People of Hawaii Pass Resolution Against Forced Vaccination

Community activists show that it is possible for local governments to buck "the system" and make real changes in health laws

Will You Be one of the 15,000 That Are Killed By CT Scans Next Year?

More frightening statistics emerge about one of the most commonly ordered diagnostic tests.

Food System Raises Risk of Widespread Contamination

Why an innocent trip to the grocery store can be like playing Russian roulette with your health.

Can This Natural Hormone Actually Heal Brain Injuries & Strokes?

It's making headlines around the world. The experts are stunned. Neuroscientist, Dr. Donald G. Stein has discovered a hormone that may improve outcomes from brain injury.

KEY Health Facts You Need to Know if You Have or Use a Pool

Chlorinated pools may be far more hazardous than you’d ever imagine. If you swim regularly, these hazards could counteract the benefits derived from the exercise unless you take certain precautions.

Could This New American Obsession Stop Flu in its Tracks?

Here’s one trend that flu germs can't become resistant to – and may be one of the easiest and best ways to stay healthy…

Your 7-Minute Guide to Natural Menopause Survival

Simple tips to help relieve your menopause symptoms, including recommendations about bioidentical hormone replacement.

Prevail Against Pests without Pesticides...

Reduce your exposure to toxic pesticides with these simple, all-natural alternatives.

IGNORED for 35 Years – Now Known to be Crucial to Your Health
Video: IGNORED for 35 Years – Now Known to be Crucial to Your Health
Considered unimportant and even evil for decades... and suddenly scientists worldwide are talking about its incredible benefit to every part of your body. In fact, if you could only take one supplement, this MUST be it...

Did a Flu Drug Manufacturer Withhold Evidence From Drug Trials?

Outside researchers say evidence that the drug industry’s touted second line of defense against the flu – the antiviral Tamiflu – just isn’t there. Literally.

Two 'Foods' You Should NEVER Ever Eat

Why removing these two deadly ingredients is without a doubt one of your best health moves ever. Among other things, your heart attack risk will crash by a whopping two-thirds.

What Two Surprising Factors Can Predict Your Risk for Heart Disease?

Who would have known that looking at these two simple measurements -- that you don’t even need to go to a doctor’s office for -- could have such a powerful prediction of future heart attacks?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Could This 'Forbidden Medicine' Eliminate the Need for Drugs?

Do you know the real reason why conventional medicine is so vehemently opposed to this popular and effective alternative treatment approach?

The Links Between Sugar and Mental Health

The connection between high-sugar diets and depression is becoming more and more obvious. These simple lifestyle changes could make all the difference if you’re struggling with mental health problems.

Great Tips to Add Years to Your Life
Video: Great Tips to Add Years to Your Life
Do you know what it takes to live a century or longer?

Why are Millions in the US Drinking Filthy Water – Even in Upscale Suburbs?
Video: Why are Millions in the US Drinking Filthy Water – Even in Upscale Suburbs?
Regulators refuse to enforce the laws on the books and permit toxins far in excess of legal limits.

Warning! This Cell Phone Safety ‘Spin’ Could Make You Dizzy

Should you believe every study you hear reassuring your cell phone safety – or are some simply hiding the truth? Who stands to win and lose in this controversy?

Can These Household Chemicals Crush Your Son’s Masculinity?

Certain common chemicals are extremely toxic to your son's masculinity. Guaranteed you have some of them in your home. And they’re causing infertility too. Discover how to stop their destruction...

College Refuses to Graduate Overweight Students

Unusually proactive college takes firm stance on keeping their students healthy.

Do Cold Temperatures Improve Sleep?

What temperature should you keep your bedroom in order to get a great night’s sleep?

U.S. Gets a Near Failing Grade on Premature Births Report Card

Why does the U.S. have more premature babies than most any other developed country?

How to Wipe Ten Years Off Your Face -- as Easy as 1, 2, 3...
Uncover the breakthrough age reversing secrets of America's youngest looking women and be a smash at your class reunion (takes just five minutes a day).

The World's Fattest Countries

Americans, as it turns out, are not the only citizens of the world whose expanding waistlines are threatening their health and lifespan.

Sounds During Sleep Can Boost Your Memory

Researchers keep peering deeper into the mysteries of sleep and memory. Important facts you need to know in order to optimize both.

How Journals Can Twist and Manipulate Vaccine Research
Journals can seriously confuse you and make vaccines sound more effective than they really are. Do YOU understand the real meaning of the professional words they use?

Toxic Sewage Sludge in Your Food

Who would have known that something like this, and even worse, could ever wind up in your food supply?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Spice that Ignites Your Body's Astonishing Immune System
5 to 8 times stronger than vitamin E and stronger than vitamin C, this 'antioxidant breakthrough' may help boost your immunity, maintain normal cholesterol levels, and put the brakes on aging.*

Can Alcohol Really Protect Your Heart?

Don’t be fooled by the latest study findings. Flawed study design is likely the cause for this controversial finding.

Face-Off With a Deadly Predator
Video: Face-Off With a Deadly Predator
Amazing National Geographic video footage of Arctic predator.

Batch of H1N1 Vaccine Pulled Due to Severe Allergic Reactions

GlaxoSmithKline’s Canadian swine flu vaccine shown to cause serious unexpected side effects.

How Dangerous is Outdoor Second-Hand Smoke?

Is there a significant risk to exposure of cancer-causing chemicals in cigarette smoke even when you’re outside?

The Single Most Crucial Nutrient to Energize Every Cell in Your Body

This super 'ubiquitous' nutrient is vital to every cell in your body. And recent findings show more how it's integral in helping cells convert fat and other substances into energy... helping retard the effects of obesity.

Dark Chocolate: The New Antianxiety Drug

New evidence supports the health benefits of chocolate but if you don’t understand these key factors in choosing healthy chocolate, it will actually worsen your health.

Genius Invents Mind-blowing Technology Sure to Revolutionize the Way You Live
Video: Genius Invents Mind-blowing Technology Sure to Revolutionize the Way You Live
Astonishingly brilliant new technology turns paper into a laptop and your finger into a camera… and will have a monumental impact on the way you live. Early adapters are getting in already.

WHO Denies Link Between Swine Flu Vaccine and Illnesses, Deaths

New evidence of vaccine side effects, and growing reluctance of the public to accept this vaccine, is resulting in many of them not being used.

Growing Meat Without Animals ... Would You Eat It?

Will “test-tube burgers” soon be showing up on dinner plates across America?

Overlooked 150 Year Old Household Cleaner a Remedy for Swine Flu?

Derived from a 100% pure natural-occurring mineral, this versatile everyday substance has been around for years and could be a remedy for common colds and other illnesses.

How You Can Normalize Your Blood Pressure Without Drugs

Are you still on potentially dangerous blood pressure medications? Following these guidelines and incorporating certain lifestyle changes can help you normalize your blood pressure naturally.

5 Ways to Rethink the Season of Giving

By implementing these five recommendations, you could turn every season of the year into a time of goodness and grace.

Diabetes Epidemic Expected to Double

Why is diabetes growing into an epidemic of epic proportions when it’s one of the most avoidable chronic diseases there is?

Can an Abnormality in Your Neck Cause MS?

Important new clues in the causes of MS -- and a radical treatment that may resolve it. But is there a better way to capitalize on these findings?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Scientists Believe Your Cell Phone Is a Death Trap
Video: Scientists Believe Your Cell Phone Is a Death Trap
EMFs and microwave radiation are a prescription for disaster for your health, and the health of upcoming generations. Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution?

Your Complexion Reveals How Good Your Diet and Health Is

Addressing these two facets of health can dramatically improve your skin and keep signs of premature aging at bay.

Remarkable Motivation Secret -- Hint, It’s Not Related to Money

What is the trick to getting -- and staying -- motivated in your work and personal life so you can finally achieve even your wildest dreams?

Polio Vaccine Blamed for Outbreaks in Nigeria

Will the polio vaccine lead to a worldwide polio outbreak?

Important New Vitamin D Research Papers

Free abstracts from major vitamin D conference highlighting the latest and best news in vitamin D advances.

How to Prevent the Flu -- as Easy as 1, 2, 3...
Video: How to Treat the Cold or Flu Naturally
Do you know what to fill your shopping cart and daily calendar with to create a prescription for a cold- and flu-free season?

'Bone-Crushing' Fever Risk MUCH Greater Threat than Swine Flu

Why have you heard nothing about this quick-spreading, and sometimes fatal, infectious disease, even though it's now showing up in the United States?

Avoid Swimming Pools if You Have Allergies or Asthma

Do you know what toxic chemical is lurking in your favorite swimming pool that is threatening your and your family's health?

Mounting Debilities and Deaths from H1N1 Vaccine
Video: Cataclysmic Deaths and Debilities from H1N1 Vaccine
Serious side effects now reported around the world, from anaphylactic shock, to sudden blood pressure plunge, to death -- causing a sense of panic in those who got the shot... even while millions of others refuse it due to safety concerns.

Does High Cholesterol REALLY Cause Heart Disease?

Eye-opening interview with Swedish health expert reveals the truth behind the cholesterol myth.

Avoid Routine Mammograms if You are Under 50
Video: Avoid Routine Mammograms if You are Under 50
Important information that women of all ages need to know before you get your next mammogram.

The Ultimate Payback for Culprits Responsible for Sneaking Mercury into Your Mouth? Put Them OUT OF BUSINESS!
Video: The Ultimate Payback for Culprits Responsible for Sneaking Mercury into Your Mouth? Put Them OUT OF BUSINESS!
Meet the crusader who's taking the FDA to task for the deceitful ruling that allows innocent children and pregnant women to be unknowingly harmed with mercury fillings. He'll tell you how to join the fight to get even with these greedy sneaks...

Shunning the Family Bed. Who Benefits Most?

Co-sleeping is twice as safe for your baby, but why are you being told otherwise?

Top 12 Foods for Healthy Immune Response

Knowing which foods to eat regularly can help ward off nearly all types of illness by keeping your immune system in optimal working order.

Amazing Sand Sculptures

Can you believe these fantastic pieces of art were created with little more than sand?

Men Married to Smart Women Live Longer

What is the driving force behind this interesting phenomenon, and how can you extend your lifespan regardless of your marital status?

Most Britons Reject Swine Flu Vaccine

What do most of the British know that all those receiving the swine flu vaccine don’t?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation
Our hopelessly compromised scientific establishment cannot be allowed to get away with the Climategate whitewash, says Christopher Booker.

Leading British scientists who were accused of manipulating climate change data come forward - dubbed Climategate!
After being exposed by hackers, scientists from University of East Anglia agree to publish figures in full.

NY Times Blows The Whistle On Drug Industry's Dirty Tricks

The whole world seems to be falling apart with swine flu pandemics and financial catastrophes. What do YOU have to be thankful for?

How Trillions of Dollars Were Stolen From U.S. Taxpayers
Video: How Trillions of Dollars Were Stolen From U.S. Taxpayers
Two videos illustrate the depth of the deceptions that are now threatening to bankrupt the US.

Easy, Economical Green Remedies You Can Prepare at Home

Home-made remedies and personal care products that can go a long way to help improve your health.

Swine Flu Vaccine: Physicians' Rejection of the Injection

Physicians' rejection of H1N1 vaccine; a major clue that all is not as it appears to be in the media projection of the vaccine.

Want to live longer? Try Vitamin D

The simple act of optimizing your vitamin D levels, and confirming them with a blood test, could have a significant impact on your lifespan.

Swine Flu Alert -- Shocking Vaccine Miscarriage Horror Stories

If you are pregnant, or know someone that is, please read or have them read this before making up your mind about getting the swine flu vaccine.

IQ Isn't Everything: Why a High IQ Doesn't Mean You're Smart

Intelligent people may still do stupid things, but adding certain foods to your diet can prove to be a smart choice.

College Students Getting Smarter, Shunning H1N1 Vaccine

Why these young adults are setting a good example.

Green Tea Extracts May Protect You From Oral Cancer

Who would have known that this healthy alternative to coffee could have such profound health benefits?

Can it Get Much Worse? Drug Company Now Claims Statins Recommended for Swine Flu

Has the drug company marketing machine gone into overdrive with their new onslaught of misinformation and confusion?

Can Your Pet Get Swine Flu, and Do They Really Need a Flu Shot?

Swine flu has now been confirmed in a household pet. Do you need to worry?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What the Inventor of the Flu Shot NOW Thinks of the Vaccine...

Have you noticed the latest scare tactics used to offload swine flu vaccines?

This Bee Product Has Enormous Benefits for Your Health

A resinous substance from bees has been used since Egyptian times for its health benefits.

Can You Trust Your Eyes? You Might Be Deceived
Video: Can You Trust Your Eyes?  You Might Be Deceived
Fascinating video explains what it is that determines what you actually see.

Omega-3 Benefits Your Baby's Brain and Eyes

This healthy fat may supercharge your baby’s brain for life … but many are deficient.

One More Reason to Ban Artificial Sweeteners from Your Diet

Do you still believe that artificial sweeteners are safe and healthy? Beware because you are being dangerously misled …

Warning: This Probiotic Tastes So Good and Goes Down So Easy You’ll Need to Hide It from Your Kids
Video: Major Victory with Swine Flu Scandal
Enhance your digestive vitality* on the go or at home… without ever swallowing a pill. I recommend it especially for children, and for people of any age who hate taking capsules but still want optimized immune function*.

Major Victory with Swine Flu Scandal
Video: Major Victory with Swine Flu Scandal
Great cause for optimism as vaccine safety advocates across the world are making a huge difference.

35 Years of the World’s Best Microscope Photography

Stunning microscopic shots give you a glimpse into a colorful world too small to see with your own eyes!

A Cell Phone on Your Hip Weakens Your Bones

New research reveals why you should not clip your cell phone to your belt or pocket …

Deadlier than Cocaine, Heroin, and the Swine Flu?

This public health threat kills tens of thousands more people each year than any flu, yet nothing is being done to curb the destruction.

The Unromantic Truth About Why You Kiss

The reasons behind human ‘mating rituals’ continue to confound and fascinate.

What is Really Interfering with Women’s Hormones?
Video: What is Really Interfering with Women’s Hormones?
The surprisingly simple information you need to get hormones back under control.

France Finds Monsanto Guilty of Lying

Monsanto, poster child for manipulation and corporate greed, is caught red-handed once again …

Do You Know the Five Risk Factors for Lung Cancer BESIDES Smoking?

You can get lung cancer even if you don’t smoke … but these tips will help you greatly reduce your risk.

Superstar CBS Reporter Blows the Lid Off the Swine Flu Media Hype and Hysteria
Video: Superstar CBS Reporter Blows the Lid Off the Swine Flu Media Hype and Hysteria
In this eye-opening interview, CBS News correspondent and award-winning investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson shares the details she unearthed when investigating the swine flu.

Scientists Discover Influenza's Achilles Heel: Antioxidants

More ammunition that your diet is more important than you may realize when it comes to protecting you and your family against flu complications.

Why Canned Soups Can Be Dangerous to Your Health

Consumer Reports blows the lid off the canned food industry’s dirty little secret.

'Spoonful of Sugar' Makes The Worms' Lifespan Go Down

Even small amounts of sugar could cause you to leave your friends and family sooner than you would like to.

Ill-Fated Health Care Reform is One Step Closer to Becoming Reality: Your Help is Urgently Needed
Video: Ill-Fated Health Care Reform is One Step Closer to Becoming Reality: Your Help is Urgently Needed
If you live in the US, do you know what the current health care bill might do to your family's health?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Expert Pediatrician Exposes Vaccine Myths
Video: Expert Pediatrician Exposes Vaccine Myths
Leading physician offers compelling, scientific justification to challenge the status quo on childhood vaccinations.

It Took Me Thirty Years to Figure Out What to Eat for Breakfast
Video: It Took Me Thirty Years to Figure Out What to Eat for Breakfast
People have been badgering me for years to share my personal breakfast secrets. I reveal all of them in my new video.

Is Drinking Tea or Coffee the Smarter Choice?

Get your facts straight once and for all about coffee versus tea … and which is the healthier brew.

How Safe are Pet Microchips?
Video: How Safe are Pet Microchips?
Crucial information you need to know -- before you decide to microchip your pet.

Ten Worst Breakfast Cereals

How can one of these cereals actually claim they improve your child’s immunity?

Powerful and Practical Ways to Support Your Immune System
10 ways to make your immune system work harder for you*...

Choosing Between Raw Milk and a Dead, White Liquid
Join the legions of smart, savvy health advocates who’ve made the switch to one of nature’s healthiest, most healing foods..

Are You Too Busy to Catch the Hidden Beauty Life Has to Offer?
Video: Are You Too Busy to Catch the Hidden Beauty Life Has to Offer?
Incredible social experiment shows the truth about how much you may be missing in life.

Gammaretrovirus Thought to be Important Cause of Chronic Fatigue

Mysterious infections might play major role in this common illness.

Was an Eight-Year-Old's Death Caused by His Flu Shot?

Another young child has mysteriously died after receiving a flu vaccination.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why is Canada Changing Its Flu Vaccine Policy?

Why are health officials, world-wide, so reluctant to embrace healthy, inexpensive alternatives to potentially dangerous vaccines, when they clearly exist?

Pyrex Cookware May Explode and Injure You

Why risk injury from flying kitchen shrapnel when there are safer alternatives?

Hilarious Swine Flu Video
Video: Hilarious Swine Flu Video
Who would have known that such a serious topic could have such a humorous perspective?

Dietitian Says Eating Right Is Best Way to Optimize Good Gut Bacteria

Do you know the foods that will nearly magically increase your healthy gut flora?

Why Antidepressants Don't Work

Ground-breaking new research sheds light on why most people who take antidepressants do not get relief from depression.

Will Anyone in Their Right Mind Actually Buy Into These Three New Vaccines?

You will be shocked when you learn what they want to use vaccines for now.

Pelosi’s Disastrous Health Care Plan
Video: Pelosi’s Disastrous Health Care Plan
Why is it that the major issues that will authentically improve health in the US are being ignored?

Honeybees Face Towering Threat From Cell Phones

What do cell phones have to do with honeybees? A lot more than you might think.

No-Nonsense Guide to a Naturally Healthy Pregnancy and Baby

Key points you need to know if you or someone you know wants to maximize the chances for a healthy baby, free from problems like autism and diabetes.

How to Perform an at Home Wellness Exam on Your Pet
Video: How to Perform an at Home Wellness Exam on Your Pet
In just minutes a day you can easily monitor your pet’s health, and be able to prevent future problems.

The Best Gourmet Cooks Know This... Do You?
Material science breakthroughs allow radical improvements in your ability to prepare healthy meals.

A Review of Four Approved Swine Flu Vaccines’ Ingredients

Do you know what's in each brand of swine flu vaccine?

Rocket Fuel Found In Most Powdered Infant Formula

Be careful if you make the wrong choice on your baby’s formula, you can commit them to a lifetime of future health problems.

Top 'Safe' Cell Phones That Aren't Safe

What is your cell phone’s “SAR” value, and what can it tell you about your cell phone’s safety?

The Great Orange Juice Scam
Video: The Great Orange Juice Scam
Is orange juice really as healthy as you are lead to believe?