Monday, July 27, 2009

A Kidney Stone's Natural Enemy #1
Video: A Kidney Stone's Natural Enemy #1
Preventing and treating this common and excruciating condition is easier than you might think.

Some Dog Foods Deliver Toxic Doses of Poison

Why you need to protect your pet, as well as yourself, from this common toxin.

Amazing Mathemagic
Video: Amazing Mathemagic
What do you get when you combine math and magic? See for yourself in this incredible performance by an expert mathemagician!

Exercise Fights Fatty Liver Disease

Are you exercising enough to prevent this common (and often symptom-less) form of liver disease?

Can Self-Help Make You Feel Worse?

Should you avoid or embrace self-help techniques designed to boost your self-esteem and emotional wellness?

What Single Compound is Crucial for Every Cell in Your Body?
Your body desperately needs this substance to help produce the cellular energy you need to live. Unfortunately, after age 25, your levels of this critical compound begin -- and continue -- to decline. See why I personally take and recommend this nutrient.

Who's Really Guarding Your Water Supply?
Video: Who's Really Guarding Your Water Supply?
Don't miss this FREE full-length expert audio interview discussing the many dangers of fluoride.

Why is Wheat Gluten Disorder on the Rise?

More signs showing what's really wrong with the standard American diet.

The Top 5 Thinking Traps Exposed

Are these common mental traps hindering your ability to reason and make good decisions?

Journalist Accuses WHO of Plan to Commit Mass Murder
Video: Journalist Accuses WHO of Plan to Commit Mass Murder
Are forced vaccinations a real threat against your health and freedom?

The Real Reason for the Declining Krill Population

Be careful as some in the media are stating "facts" about krill that are clearly not based in reality.

What Dangerous Byproducts Lurk in Cat Food?
The cat food you buy may contain ingredients that can seriously compromise your pet’s good health.

Holistic Auto Repair
Video: Holistic Auto Repair
What happens when you combine an auto repair shop with a holistic repairman? Watch the video to find out!

Two Dietary Oils, Two Sets of Benefits

Will eating more of this type of fat help you shed weight and increase muscle?

FDA Changes Tylenol Warnings But Doesn’t Tell You How to Take it Safely

Important updates about Tylenol and related pain relief products that you need to know.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Milk Myth: What Your Body Really Needs

Do you still think you need to drink milk for strong bones?

Antibiotics to Avoid Like the Plague Due to FDA's Oversight Failure
Video: Antibiotics to Avoid Like the Plague Due to FDA's Oversight Failure
Crucial information you need to know if you are taking this common type of antibiotic.

Bruce Lee Plays Ping Pong -- With Nunchucks
Video: Bruce Lee Plays Ping Pong -- With Nunchucks
Martial arts fans rejoice! Perfect example of why Bruce Lee was one of the most amazing martial artists ever.

Can Krill Help with Weight Reduction?

Are you getting the right type of omega-3 fats to help?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explains the Autism Coverup
Video: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explains the Autism Coverup
A chilling case study of institutional arrogance, power and greed.

New Hope for Weight Reduction
Research suggests you will want to give these pound-grabbing buddies an opportunity to help your efforts in managing your weight and good health.

How Your Insurer May Be Ripping You Off

Is your insurer avoiding responsibility for when you become sick?

National Geographic's Best Pictures Of The Year

Need a break? Take a look at some of the most astounding photos captured around the world.

Major Expose on Swine Flu by 60 Minutes
Video: Major Expose on Swine Flu by 60 Minutes
Are we smart enough to learn our lessons from history or do we have to repeat it again?

Finally the FDA is Getting Serious with Tylenol Risks to Your Health

Why is the FDA thinking about taking cough and cold drugs with the pain reliever acetaminophen off the market, and what simple supplement can virtually eliminate the risk of Tylenol toxicity?

Little-Known Secrets about Optimal Iron Levels
Video: Little-Known Secrets about Optimal Iron Levels
You may be aware of the dangers of anemia, but did you know having too much iron could have such a profoundly dangerous effect on your health?

New Research Links Nutrasweet to Leukemia and Lymphoma

If you haven’t already carefully avoided this toxic artificial sweetener this new study will hopefully convince you to avoid products that contain it like the plague.

5 Amazing Holes

Whether beautiful or terrifying, natural or man-made, the magnitude of each of these holes is mind-boggling.

12 Food Additives to Remove From Your Diet

If you eat foods that contain these additives you could be increasing your risk of chronic disease.

How Often Should You Bathe Your Pet?
Video: How Often Should You Bathe Your Pet?
Keep your pet’s skin and fur healthy, naturally, with these essential tips.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wild, Crazy Media Shift Opens New Vistas for Health Freedom
Video: Wild, Crazy Media Shift Opens New Vistas for Health Freedom
There is a new revolution in the media that can have profound impact on your future health freedoms.

The Girl Who Doesn't Age

Does this 16-year-old in an infant’s body hold the key to eternal youth?

Massive Collaboration of Dolphins, Sharks and Birds
Video: Massive Collaboration of Dolphins, Sharks and Birds
An amazing and somewhat macabre underwater dance the likes of which you’ve probably never seen!

The Bitter Side of Artificial Sweeteners

You won’t believe where these toxic chemicals are showing up now!

Who Really Makes Your Vaccine Decisions for You?

Are you knowledgeable enough to make a truly well-intentioned choice? Or do you simply trust the government and pharmaceutical companies to do what's best for you? Take this simple quiz to discover whether you're a candidate for this ground-breaking conference in October...

Has Red Wine Been Over-Hyped as a Source of Resveratrol?
Resveratrol is good... Now discover how polyphenols and antioxidants can notch your health up even more.

Changing Your Beliefs About Health and Illness
Video: Changing Your Beliefs About Health and Illness
Simple changes in the way you view your life can have profound influences on how easy it will be to become healthy.

5 Powerful Reasons to Eat More Slowly

This one simple act can create positive ripple effects that can improve more than just your digestive system.

ADHD: Childlike Behavior or Serious Condition?

Get the facts about ADHD your doctor may not be telling you . including simple, effective and inexpensive non-drug options.

The Devil in the Milk

The breed of cow your milk comes from may make a major difference in whether or not it's healthy.

The Most Powerful Health Recommendation of Dr. Andrew Weil
Video: The Most Powerful Health Recommendation of Dr. Andrew Weil
Dr. Weil promotes this as the single most important physical intervention for health.

'Life Force' Linked to Your Ability to Withstand Stress

How your personality may influence your health, and the simplest strategy to improve both your outlook and your longevity.

Who Knew a Picture Could be so Hypnotic?

You’ll have trouble taking your eyes off of this wild optical illusion!

Pets, Protein, Dry Food and Disease
Is a dry-food, kibble diet putting your pet at risk of organ damage and premature death?

Nine Health Benefits of Sex

Yes, getting intimate can be very healthy and give you a major boost in the way you look and feel.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Obama's Plan to Change U.S. Health Care System Will Cost Nearly Two TRILLON Dollars
Video: Obama's Plan to Change U.S. Health Care System Will Cost Nearly Two TRILLON Dollars
If you believe that Obama’s plan will benefit health in the US you are in for a rude awakening.

Truths that Shatter Prevailing Obesity Myths
Video: Truths that Shatter Prevailing Weight Loss Myths
Do you believe the age old adage “calories in, calories out”?

Warning: Swine Flu Vaccine Coming Soon
Video: Warning: Swine Flu Vaccine Coming Soon
What is the hidden agenda of the swine flu vaccine campaign?

5 Ways to Set Your Goals in Stone

Following these tips can help keep your goals front and center, and your enthusiasm soaring.

Heroes of the Health Care Revolution

Who do you think are the top leaders in the impending revolution?

Venezuela Bans Coke

Why did this South American nation have Coke remove this artificially sweetened soda from all the stores?

Agave: A Triumph of Marketing over Truth

Is agave nectar a safe sweetener … or a deceiving creation of marketing spin?

Quick and (Almost) Painless Ways to Kill Distractions

Are distractions eating up your valuable time? Implementing these ten strategies can help you regain control and get your work done.

Does Your Pet Have Allergies? What You Need to Know and Do
Video: Obama's Plan to Change U.S. Health Care System Will Cost Nearly Two TRILLON Dollars
Allergies can wreak havoc on your pet’s health but this natural solution can help.

Can Your Diet Prevent Depression?

Just how useful can your diet be in helping this serious and frequently life-threatening problem?

What’s Your Best Advice for Dandruff? Here’s Mine…
Video: What’s Your Best Advice for Dandruff?  Here’s Mine…
Are you using the most effective strategies to get your dandruff under control?

How Alcohol Changes Your Brain

Mounting evidence is combating previously held beliefs that alcohol consumption may reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Could Use of Social Media Crush ‘Big Brother’?

The Internet is now offering the possibility of short circuiting all the media brainwashing and deception.

Shocking Facts of GM’s History and Current Bankruptcy

A shocking inside look at how the automobile came to dominate American transportation.