Monday, September 28, 2009

Flu Vaccine Exposed
Video: Flu Vaccine Exposed
A clear summary on what researchers know about the seasonal flu vaccine that you need to know.

Warning: Metal Water Bottles May Be Hazardous to Your Health

How to protect yourself and your family from “green friendly” water bottles that contain toxins.

7 Surefire Computer Backup Strategies that Can Save Your Life

It is not a matter of IF your computer will fail, but when. So be prepared for the worst with these hassle-free backup strategies.

Pfizer to Pay Record $2.3 Billion Fine

What did Pfizer do to “earn” the largest health care fraud settlement in history?

Are Psychiatric Drugs Necessary?

Or are there more effective, less expensive and safer options?

Does a Cell Phone's Radiation Effect Stop When the Call Ends?
In the next minute, you'll discover some outrageous facts about cell phone use and how to minimize its potential risk to you and your family.

New Theory for Why We Cry

No one really knows why we cry, but theories abound to explain this response that appears to be unique to humans.

IV Vitamin C Used to Recover Terminal Swine Flu Case

How a natural therapy saved the life of one patient that conventional medicine had given up on, who was terminally infected with swine flu.

More Misleading News About Exercise

A major national magazine dropped the ball big time by publishing an article that flies in the face of a mountain of evidence.

VERY Important Vaccine Question

Probably the single most important question to ask when you are considering a vaccine for yourself or family.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Despite Anti-Vitamin D Bias, CDC Stumbles on Deficiency Link to H1N1 Deaths

One of the most important factors to consider if you want to protect your family from the swine flu.

7 Steps to Start Lucid Dreaming

Following these basic guidelines, you can learn to consciously interact with and perhaps take control of the events in your dreams.

7 Reasons to Eat More Saturated Fat

Is it time to start fortifying your diet with plenty of butter, red meat and full-fat cheese?

Accidental Prescription Drug Deaths Spike Upward

Why are so many people dying from prescription drugs?

What to do If You Are Forced to Take Swine Flu Shot
Video: What to do If You Are Forced to Take Swine Flu Shot
Dr. Russell Blaylock reviews the facts about the seasonal flu vaccine, and sets the record straight about the true "dangers" of the swine flu.

Inconvenient Truths About Gardasil and Swine Flu Vaccines
Video: Inconvenient Truths About Gardasil and Swine Flu Vaccines
A common sense look at the risks versus benefits of these two vaccines paint a different picture than what the industry, health officials, and conventional media want to deceive you with.

Is the FDA Poised to Ban a Century-Old Natural Remedy?

Thyroid patients and practitioners join forces to protect rights to use natural alternatives.

Watch This Hilarious Video -- The U.S. Government Can
Video: Watch This Hilarious Video -- The U.S. Government Can
A comedic look at government spending that is sure to make you laugh.

Secrets Your Dentist Doesn't Want You To Know

Before you sit back down in your dentist’s chair there’s some important information you should know …

You Should Skip the Flu Vaccine -- But What If Forced to Take It?
Know what to do now to protect yourself naturally from renegade viruses -- AND their questionable vaccines! Here are your must-know facts...

Oversight on U.S. Federal Reserve is a Disaster
Video: Oversight on U.S. Federal Reserve is a Disaster
The common perception is that the economy is recovering, but don’t be fooled by the media.

Your Appendix is Useful After All

Research shows the long held belief that your appendix is a useless organ is completely wrong.

Many Health Workers Won't Take Swine Flu Vaccine

Do they know something you don’t?

How Cigarettes and Smoking Impact Your Pet’s Health

You know cigarette smoke is bad for you but have you ever considered how it is affecting your pet?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mercury Fillings Battle Heats Up in D.C.
Video: Mercury Fillings Battle Heats Up in D.C.
Never before has such a dramatic impact been made at the FDA and you were responsible!

10 Reasons Why Exercise is Good for Your Weight

How many of them can you guess?

Huge Giveaways In White House Deal With Big Pharma

Why is the U.S. government making behind-the-scenes deals with the drug companies?

How Moms and Minorities are Deceived About Dangers of Plastic

Industry is implementing all their dirty tricks to avoid having to remove this well known toxin from plastics.

FREE Book Documenting the Horrors of Vaccination

This and over one million more are now available online, free of charge.

Why You Should Avoid Red Rice Yeast

This natural "supplement" may be just as hazardous to your heath as other prescription medications to lower cholesterol.

Autism Spectrum Disorder has Risen to New Heights

Two new federally funded studies unleash shocking statistics about the rise in autism.

6 Diseases Back From the Past

Learn how easily you can protect yourself against some of the deadliest ones.

Probiotics Protect You from Gut Parasites

A simple solution to protect you from these nasty critters.

Pervasive B12 Deficiency Affects Millions -- How About YOU?

Are your symptoms due to a vitamin deficiency?

These Four Beliefs Defy Modern Science…
Video: These Four Beliefs Defy Modern Scienceā€¦
New scientific findings that will eventually shatter long held perceptions about life and medicine, and change the way you live.

13 Things a Burglar Will Never Tell You

Knowing how a criminal’s mind works may save you from being a victim.

Doctors and Patients Sue White House Over Free Speech Violations

The White House tried to reduce opposition to the new health care bill by unlawfully collecting information.

The Simple Inexpensive Way to Radically Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

You don’t have to wait for the future when the government finally approves this approach, you and your family can benefit NOW.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Another Shocking Warning About Swine Flu Vaccine

German health expert says there’s yet another potential health risk to the already hazardous swine flu vaccine.

Canada Looks at Vitamin D for Swine Flu Protection
Video: Canada Looks at Vitamin D for Swine Flu Protection
Has Canada "seen the light" about vitamin D's flu-fighting potential?

Warning: Swine Flu Shot Linked to Killer Nerve Disease

The first indication that the swine flu vaccine poses significant health risk has emerged.

WHO Admits to Releasing Pandemic Virus into Population via 'Mock-Up' Vaccines

Have you ever wondered how new pandemic viruses keep showing up all over the world?

One of the Key Herbs that Prevents and Treats Swine Flu

This ancient herb that’s been treasured for centuries may be a natural way to fight coughs, colds and flu.

What You Need to Know About Inflammation
Video: What You Need to Know About Inflammation
Silent inflammation can linger in your body and wreck your health. Learn simple steps to prevent and treat it.

Why Mammography is NOT an Effective Breast Cancer Screen

Why risk missing detecting cancer with a questionable technology?

Avoid This if You Want to Keep Your Thyroid Healthy

A little-known but pervasive and toxic endocrine disruptor is one of the most common causes of low-functioning thyroids.

Chickens Not Fooled by GM Crops

Are chickens smarter than humans when it comes to choosing their food?

Most Common Cause of Fatigue that is Missed or Misdiagnosed by Doctors

If you feel tired all the time or exhausted for no reason, this widespread yet often overlooked condition could be the culprit.

Do Redheads Feel More Pain?

The color of your hair may impact more than just your outward appearance …

Why You Should Get Off Prescription Acid-Reducing Drugs ASAP!

If you’re struggling with heartburn or other signs of acid reflux, you need to stay away from these drugs.

Brain Damage From Mobile Phone Radiation

The debate over the potentially devastating health effects of cell phones continues, with new ammunition.

It's Easy for You to Become Overly Stressed During These Tough Economic Times...
But now more than ever is the time to get serious about protecting your health and well-being -- discover this cost-effective way to jumpstart your health now!

12 Surprising Signs You'll Live to 100

And five basic strategies to help you join the centennial club.

10 Tricks for Creatively Hiding Your Stuff

Kill clutter and enhance your mental calm with these 10 surprisingly simple steps.

9 Hidden Toxins Lurking in Your Food

Can you name all nine before you click on the link?

Stop Paying for Things You Don't Need

Give your wallet a break by cutting back on these 10 “conveniences” you’ll hardly miss.

8 Spots Germs Love to Hide in Your Home

You likely come in contact with these bacteria-ridden areas numerous times a day … and only ONE of them is in your bathroom!

Why All Your Healthy Pet Efforts May Be Worthless if You Do This…

Are you accidentally harming your pet’s health with this misguided good intention?

10 Ways Growing an Organic Garden Can Help Your Health and Budget
Video: 10 Ways Growing an Organic Garden Can Help Your Health and Budget
Tired of paying high prices for the “organic” food you buy? Starting your own organic garden may be easier than you think.

How to Keep Your Teeth From Dissolving

Don’t be fooled by “healthy” drinks that can cause severe damage to your teeth.

Tips for Being a More Light-Hearted Parent

Going from nagging and frustration to saying “yes” with a smile may be easier than you imagine.

Fat Hormone Influences Your Motivation to Eat

Knowing how to optimize your fat can have enormous influence on your food cravings.

Whey Protein Improves Heart Health

Now you can add cardiovascular health to the many benefits of one of the most nutritious of protein supplements.

Why are These Bizarre Ingredients Allowed in Beauty Products?
Dangerous ingredients sabotage your health -- and beauty. Which of these toxins do your products contain?

The Key to Affordable Health Care: Healthier Lifestyles

European scientists nail the solution to U.S. crumbling health care system.

Hierarchy of the Successfully Self-Employed

Helpful tips to maximize your potential if you are self-employed.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Swine Flu Vaccine Videos you don't want to miss!

Then please read this information!
Warning: Swine Flu Shot Linked to Killer Nerve Disease (see above link)

And then click on the "Older Posts" link on our blog here just below to learn how you can take big steps of protecting yourself and your loved ones just by taking the proper amounts of Vitamin D!