Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This Common Food Ingredient Can Really Mess Up Your Metabolism
Video: Sugar May Be Bad, But This Sweetener Is Far More Deadly --  Part 2 of 2
Scientists proved that what you eat really can affect your metabolism, diabetes, weight, and more. Read your food labels, and just say 'no' to anything containing this item...

Twitter Now Used to Erode Your Health Freedom?

Urgent need to get even... After all, why should you let them cut you off from your herbs, supplements, and other healthy options?

President Obama Broke Promises About Healthcare Negotiations
Video: President Obama Broke Promises About Healthcare  Negotiations
Despite repeated promises for transparency, congressional negotiations over the healthcare bill are as opaque as a black hole.

Develop Your Greatest Skill -- Language

Taking time to sharpen your language skills may increase your likelihood of achieving success!

The Hidden Benefits of Exercise

New studies document the health benefits of regular exercise and are slowly making believers out of the conventional medical establishment.

Looming Before Us: Corporate Threats to Your Food Supply
Video: Looming Before Us: Corporate Threats to Your Food Supply
Dr. Shiv Chopra, international food expert, uncovers the real truths behind GMOs, Hormones, Antibiotics, Pesticides, and Slaughterhouse Wastes.

Lifestyle Changes That Will Keep You Alive

How many of my top ten can you guess or have you already implemented?

Winter Workouts Can Boost Your Mood

Are the cold weather blues setting in? Before they get a firm grip on you, find out how to stay upbeat and healthy during these long winter months.

How to Erase Your Phone Remotely if You Lose It

If you store valuable information on your smartphone, losing it could cost you more than the price of the handset. Here’s how to protect your information; your identity, and your money.

Why Your DNA Isn’t Your Destiny

New science of “epigenetics” now reveals your DNA is not the unshakable code it was thought to be.

The Single Greatest Daily Energy Booster Since the Discovery of Coffee
Video: The Single Greatest Daily Energy Booster Since the  Discovery of Coffee
It is highly likely that you could be deficient in this "energy vitamin", discover the tiny micronutrient that's giving true energy at the cellular level.

Shocking U.S. Senate Hearing Confirms Dangers of Cell Phones
Video: Shocking U.S. Senate Hearing Confirms Dangers of Cell  Phones
The cell phone dangers debate finally makes it to the US Senate floor.

The Top 10 Things Children Really Want Their Parents to Do With Them

Simple tips to get closer to your kids and create priceless moments you’ll both remember forever.

How Much Food Do You Waste?

Wage your own personal war against food waste with these simple ideas, and get healthy while you’re at it.

WHO and Big Pharma: Guilty of Blackmail and Extortion in Swine Flu Fiasco?
Video: WHO and Big Pharma: Guilty of Blackmail and Extortion in  Swine Flu Fiasco?
How far does complicity between the World Health Organization and Big Pharma go? The European Parliament thinks it goes way too far…

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

From Deceptive Boardrooms to Closed-Minded Thinking... How The Fatally Flawed Medical System Killed More Americans with Just One Drug than the Entire Vietnam War

Corrupted by multinational corporate drug and food industry interests, our Medical System continues to kill and maim thousands each year. Here's Part 1 of my Top Twelve Predictions that unfortunately have come true.

Foods That Chronic Pain Sufferers Need to Avoid

Sorting out conflicting dietary advice is a monumental task for pain sufferers—help is here at last.

Eleven Ways to Think Outside the Box

Expand your mind and enhance your problem-solving skills with these practical tips.

Five Steps to Overcoming Gout Naturally
Video: Five Steps to Overcoming Gout Naturally
Anyone who has experienced the excruciating pain of a gout attack knows that it is no laughing matter. Find out how to treat it without dangerous and toxic drugs.

Why Did the FDA Implement Tanning Tax?

The next thing you know they will tax you for sun tanning outside. How on earth could this ridiculous law ever get passed?

Why Haven't Fruit & Vegetable Eaters Been Told About This Toxic Waste Overload

If Obama & the EPA have their way, you'll soon be eating fruit & veggies grown in soil spread with a toxic waste cocktail of mercury, arsenic, lead & other heavy metals.

Why You Don't Want to Rely on Fortified Foods
Video: Why You Don't Want to Rely on Fortified Foods
Think you’re eating healthy by shopping for foods fortified with essential vitamins and minerals? Learn why this practice may be more harmful than helpful.

Why Do You Continue to Eat When You're Full?

You might be surprised as to what the real cause of why you overeat is.

The Critical Role of Wheat in Human Disease

What hidden danger is lurking in your wheat bread and morning cereal?

The Antioxidant that Actually Restores All Your Other Antioxidants
Video: The Antioxidant that Actually Restores All Your Other Antioxidants
Your body desperately needs this substance to help produce the cellular energy you need to live. Unfortunately, after age 25, your levels of this critical compound begin -- and continue -- to decline. See why I personally take and recommend this nutrient.

Everything you MUST KNOW About Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods
Video: Everything you MUST KNOW About Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods
The four ways to avoid GM foods, and practical ways to help usher in a GM-Free era!

Exercises That Can Reduce Neck and Shoulder Pain

Is repetitive office work causing you pain? These five exercises have been found helpful in easing this common problem.

Artificial Sweeteners Don't Fool Your Brain

You may be able to fool your taste buds with artificial sweeteners, but your brain isn’t buying it.

Face Adversity with a Smile
Video: Face Adversity with a Smile
Five tips to help you face your next major obstacle with vim and vigor.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

STOP Taking Fish Oil Until You Read This
Video: STOP Taking Fish Oil Until You Read This
Fish oil can oxidize & become rancid inside your body leading to unhealthy free radicals. Find out how to get your Omega 3's without the drawbacks*...

Six Risky Chemicals You're Carrying in Your Body

Do you know how much of a toxic load you're walking around with, and what you can do about it?

WHO Advisor Secretly Pads Pockets with Big Pharma Money

Major conflict of interest uncovered when WHO Vaccine advisor fails to disclose over 9 million dollars from vaccine manufacturer.

Never Use Your Cell Phone in a Plane, Train or Metal Building -- Here’s Why ...

New update about the dangers of second-hand “electro” smoke from cell phone usage.

How to Find Support as a Holistic Mom

Now you can connect with other parents who are interested in holistic health and green living.

Breakthrough Diagnosis Tool Uncovers What’s REALLY Causing Your Health Problems

Got migraines, fatigue, chronic pain, anxiety, cancer, multiple sclerosis, depression or anything else? New technology allows you to diagnose & treat it with pinpoint accuracy.

The Health Hazards of GM Corn
Video: The Health Hazards of GM Corn
A study demonstrates the toxicity of genetically modified corn, which shows that it is neither sufficiently healthy nor proper to be commercialized.

Want to Increase Your Chance of Being Happy? Live in These States

Is achieving happiness as simple as moving to one of these “happy” states?

Common Relaxation Technique Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure and Protect Your Heart

Set yourself up for great health and other positive changes by adding this quick and simple routine to your everyday life.

Alternative Explanation for Why People Get Fat

Could this be the reason why your figure is not what it used to be?

How to Lick Bad Breath Fast -- as Easy as 1, 2, 3...

Once you understand the ugly truth about what really causes bad breath, you'll also hold the magic bullet to halting and reversing it faster than you ever imagined.

What Were the Top 12 Viewed Mercola Articles of 2009?
A look back at the most popular articles of 2009. Which ones did you miss?

Do You Know the Real Reason Cell Phone Use is Banned on Airlines?

If cell phones don’t interfere with flight navigation systems why are they banned during flight?

Scientists Figure out the Cause of Brain Farts

What causes you to make those really obvious mistakes on tasks you’ve done flawlessly thousands of times previously?

10 Small Ways to Make the World a Better Place

It is important to appreciate all the power of small gestures when it comes to changing the world at large.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Astonishing Secrets of Those Who Slim Down Successfully
Video: The Astonishing Secrets of Those Who Slim Down Successfully
Make your New Year's Resolutions come true, and slim down with this amazing discovery that allows you to shed unwanted inches without starving yourself.

232 Toxic Chemicals found in 10 Babies

What impact will all of these chemicals have on future generations and how can you reduce your exposure?

Why is the Epidemic in Learning Disabilities Linked to This Failed Policy?
Video: Why is the Epidemic in Learning Disabilities Linked to This Failed Policy?
Policies created for the masses don’t take your health into consideration. And it’s wreaking havoc on the weakest among us…

Careful With Your Water Filters -- Hotel Filtered Water Can Kill You

It is important to pay careful attention to how you secure clean and toxin-free water for your family.

Not Knowing This about Your Car Tires Could Kill You or Your Loved Ones
Video: Not Knowing This about Your Car Tires Could Kill You or Your Loved Ones
Everyone needs to understand this fact about tires, as failure to appreciate this could easily lead to a fatal accident for you and your family.

Sugar May Be Bad, But This Sweetener Is Far More Deadly
Video: Sugar May Be Bad, But This Sweetener Is Far More Deadly
Research shows this sweetener can cause much more damage than table sugar to human metabolism, trigger early signs of diabetes and heart disease, and cause dangerous growths of fat cells around vital organs.

Many Symptoms Suggest Sluggish Thyroid -- Do You Have Any of These?

This is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed and mismanaged conditions in women. Crucial details to understand if you or someone you love have this condition.

Harvard Takes it Back and Says Swine Flu was Oversold

Was the swine flu pandemic ever a threat? New research reveals the massive deception and manipulation of the truth.

Why New Year’s Resolutions Don't Work

If you’re making a New Year’s resolution, consider these important factors before committing to it.

The Surprising Dangers of Flying through Clouds

The more you fly, the more serious this danger becomes. Important details you need to understand if you fly frequently.

Create More Time & Help the Environment

Can you lessen your environmental footprint just by shopping online? A new study reveals the environmental impact of in-store purchases.

Expert Explains the Flu Vaccine Deception and the Swine Flu Hoax
Video: Expert Explains the Flu Vaccine Deception and the Swine Flu Hoax
Shocking insider swine flu information you won’t hear from the mainstream news outlets.

Love Really Can Cure a Broken Heart

Yes, love can induce hormonal changes in your body with profound impacts on your health.

Your Tap Water Is Legal But May Be Unhealthy

The regulations that supposedly keep your water clean don’t even acknowledge the existence of 99.8% of the toxic chemicals currently being used.