Depending on where you live, finding a healthy source of this beverage could be challenging. But if you happen to drink the wrong type, your risk of serious health issues could spike. What to do before you take another sip…
Do You Know Where Your Fish Comes From?
Fish contamination is so rampant, the likelihood of purchasing healthy fish at the grocery store or restaurant is very slim, but some sources are clearly worse than others.
Change Your Focus for Better Results
Create new solutions and ideas by using this simple activity to consciously alter your focus.
Reducing Calories Alone is Not Enough
The key may be doing a simple 20-minute exercise that likely no one over 20 does anymore.
FCC Raises the Red Flag about Cell Phone Hazards
New guidelines for cell phone use were recently issued by the FCC in the wake of increasing concern about cancer and other health risks. How to protect yourself today…
COSMETIC ALERT! Why You Should Dump These Cosmetics Today...
This is no exaggeration. See the truth about how products can miss the mark – even while being one of today’s most trendy, highly-marketed cosmetic lines…
FDA Suppressed Imaging Safety Concerns
More proof that the FDA does not have your best interest at heart, despite their latest assurances.
The New Magic that Can Heal You and Has the Drug Companies Running Scared
How can you harness the power of this novel healing modality that often works better than prescription drugs?
What's the Best Way to Exercise for Good Muscle Tone?
Your exercise routine must include this important fitness variety to preserve your strength and muscle tone.
42 Practical Ways To Improve Yourself
How many practical ways are there to keep you growing and improving on a daily basis? Probably countless, but here are 42 of them.
Believe it or Not: 80% of Your Immune System is Actually in Your GI Tract
When looking to effectively promote your immune system health, you need to look no further than your intestinal tract. Learn about a great way to start promoting your digestive health and overall health as well.
Monsanto Under Investigation by Seven U.S. States
The marketing practices that built the Monsanto empire are getting more careful scrutiny.
Obamacare Creates Windfall for Drug Companies
A little-known change written into the new health care bill could mean higher prices for you and greater profits for the drug companies.
German Magazine Reveals Drug Companies' Influence to Engineer Swine Flu Fake Pandemic
Why did 30 senior pharmaceutical reps meet with the WHO Director General just before the peak of the swine flu mass hysteria?