The Skin Care Ingredient that Can Create Early Signs of Aging
Read this before you put anything else on your skin because even the most expensive products contain this "harmless" oil which destroys your skin, disrupts your hormones, clogs your pores, and is a suspected cause of cancer. Find out how to spot it and what to replace it with... Why 80% of U.S. Dentists are 150 Years BEHIND the Times...
Silver fillings are "...a primitive, polluting, 19th century product that began when physicians were sawing off legs. Medicine has since moved forward." Unfortunately, there's an 80% chance your dentist still practices this way -- despite its damage to your brain, central nervous system and kidneys...
This "Miracle Drug" Could Nearly Double Your Risk of Cancer
Even though it's been touted as a "miracle drug" prescribed to prevent fractures, here's the ugly truth about its link to cancer, stomach ulcers, liver damage, kidney failure, and even weaker bones. My advice: Throw it in the trash, follow these 12 steps, and eat this "super vegetable" instead... Don't Ever Drink This During Pregnancy…
There's a hidden, tasteless -- and dangerous -- compound lurking in your kitchen. A new study shows the high risk health hazards of drinking this while pregnant. It's so dangerous it can cause stillbirths and maternal deaths. Please don't ignore the evidence.
Nearly 30,000 Americans Get Cancer From This One Procedure EVERY Year: Will You?
The reckless overuse of this medical procedure not only causes escalating rates of cancer, but will be responsible for 1,000 times MORE deaths over the next 25 years. And studies now show the damage is far greater than you're being told. Discover the sinister truth and spare your body irreparable harm by just saying "no". Accommodating Resistance with Tubes & Bands (Part 1) A novel approach to improve a serious flaw!
The many pro's and con's of using tubes and bands for resistance training rather than free weights. How Drug Companies Bribe Doctors to Suck You Into Their Web...
Psychological warfare... guerilla brainwashing... "rewards" for doctors who prescribe their drugs -- all to the tune of $30,000 per year per doctor in the U.S. How Big Pharma spends big money persuading doctors to get you hooked on their meds... step in and protect your own health now.
This "Breakthrough" One Page Chart Will Help You Slim Your Waistline
More than 100 personal clients have radically changed their waistline, their lifestyle and their lives by using this surprisingly simple tool used by less than 3% of the population. Now it can help you achieve lasting change too... If Only Your Child Could Digest 24 Hours of Your Instructions THIS Fast
Things said by moms everywhere -- set to Rossini's famous William Tell Overture. Twenty-four hours of parental guidance squeezed into just 2 min., 55 sec. If it weren't so true, it wouldn't be nearly as funny! Statins Increase Your Risk of Foodborne Illness
Who would have thought that these cholesterol-lowering drugs could have you sicker than a dog from eating infected food?
Could This be the Key Factor Spiking the Rise in Dementia and Alzheimer's?
New study shows that this can cut brain shrinkage associated with the onset of dementia and Alzheimer's - in half. Because the disease is incurable, is the 6th leading cause of death, and can bring endless years of suffering, this and the other preventive strategies discussed here are a must... Should American Women Learn to Give Birth at Home?
Increasing numbers of women are rethinking the status quo that a hospital is the best place to give birth.
Deadlier than AIDS: Why is This Travesty Allowed to Continue in the U.S.?
The "modern plague" of AIDS is tame compared to this mushrooming medical threat, which now claims more lives each year than AIDS. It's such an insidious enemy that Europe took action several years ago to drastically reduce their threat - why hasn't the FDA done so in America? One in Six Patients Report Getting Wrong Diagnosis
With each survey, study, and statistical review, the answer remains the same: Patients beware, because conventional medicine may inadvertently lead to you or your family's premature demise. Bigger than Any Transplant Story You've Heard Before…
Scientists are exploring miraculous new frontiers in "organ printing" – using modified inkjet printers to create new organs that replace tired, worn out ones. Because they use your own cells, there's no tissue rejection. Find out just how soon should you anticipate this alternative to today's organ transplant...
This Type of Meat Contains a "Harmless" Ingredient Which Boosts Your Odds of Disease
You'll also find it added to your corn, lettuce, potatoes, and other vegetables. And even eating organically may not alleviate this problem. Want to get back at these crooks and insulate your health? Just follow the sage advice at the end of this article... Baby Laughing at the Wii
Laughter is infectious, and this little guy sure knows how to spread the joy around! Flawed Study, Bad Science, Outrageous Conclusion
Startling illustration of how the media uses poor science to convince you that something harmful is actually "proven" to be good for you.
Ditch this Daily Kitchen Product Now to Protect Yourself from Cancer and High Cholesterol
Don't wait - because it's been linked to a toxin which can lead to a host of other health problems including heart disease, muscle weakness, and osteoporosis. H1N1 Swine Flu Even Milder than Seasonal Strains
The truth is out about the swine flu... and it's information you'll want to read before getting a flu shot this year.
12 Medical Myths Even Most Doctors Believe...
Myths, half-truths, and urban legends persist in medicine (and elsewhere). Even doctors and nurses can fall prey to common medical misconceptions. Here are 12 medical myths - debunked, so you can make truly informed choices for your health... America's Newest Drug Addicts: How Legal Drugs are Destroying America...
America is a society of drug addicts -- but not just the homeless drunks and illegal drug user you normally think of. A new drug problem is emerging in the U.S. -- a national epidemic that's become so widespread it's being called "Pharmageddon". Discover its deadly link to today's medical care...
This "Miracle Health Food" Has Been Linked to Brain Damage and Breast Cancer
The odds are good this "miracle health food of the 21st Century" is in your diet. Stop falling for the misleading propaganda and read this now because hard evidence has linked it to digestive problems, cognitive decline, heart disease and more... Drinking Water Proven to Help Shed Excess Pounds
Is there any truth to the notion that you can shed excess pounds just by drinking more pure, clean H2O? Pregnant? Why You Need to DEMAND This Test...
Without a doubt the most forgotten test of pregnancy - yet it's highly predictive of your outcomes and risk of death for mom and baby. If your levels of this substrate are low, you could well be in for serious life-threatening complications...
Increasing Selenium Intake Decreases Bladder Cancer Risk
Are you getting the right amount of selenium to help prevent cancer? The Silent Deficiency Robbing Your Heart, Brain, and Other Systems of their Vitality
Preventing a deficiency in this essential nutrient should be top priority on your list of age-defying strategies.* It's definitely on mine. Your body silently demands this to fight off free radicals and to energize every cell in your body.* Avoid coming up short... Botox Found Guilty of Illegal Marketing and Promotion
The corruption, fraud, and illegal activities of pharmaceutical companies have reached an unprecedented high. The maker of Botox is more committed to illegal philandering than providing doctors with accurate information about their products and their uses. Exercise Can Override 'Fat Genes'
New research reveals why you can no longer use the excuse that your "genes" are making you fat...
Read this or Your Immune System is a "Sitting Duck" 
No one should ever, ever go through life without these ten ingredients that act like a heavy-duty bodyguard for your immune system.* Don't let the "bad guys" smash your immune system to smithereens.* This is what I believe to be the ultimate weapon to help you fight back...*
The Big "Secret Price-Gouging Swindle" Drug Companies Will Never Admit...
Crafty maneuvers enforce drug patents longer, making sure YOU pay more - up to a 1,000% mark-up. Think that's too much? Pending legislation in the Senate could stop it - if the drug lobby doesn't kill that idea...
Does Music Make You Exercise Harder?
There's power in music - most people would agree with that. But music may even provide you the stimulus to render you more powerful as well.
If You Fall for This "Water Fad" - You Could Do Some Major Damage 
I urge you, do not be taken in by this water scandal that invites parasites into your intestines, stops you from digesting protein, and absorbing minerals and nutrients. Most of what you've been told is good for you is just plain wrong, wrong, WRONG...
Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One 
Bank regulator and Professor, William Black, tells the hidden story behind the 2008 crash -- and why it is guaranteed to happen again. If you care about your bank account, investments, and retirement, this is a must-watch. Warning: it will make you furious...
Why Your Heart Attack Risk May Increase This Winter ...
What is it about the winter months that puts your heart at an increased risk? And, more importantly, how can you avoid it?
Why This Toxic Sweetener is FAR Worse than High Fructose Corn Syrup... 
This common food ingredient hyper-activates your appetite and makes you pack on the pounds - plus studies link it to brain tumors, cancer, obesity, and high incidence of pre-term deliveries. Ignore this health warning at your own risk...
10-Fold Rise in Obesity Surgery
If you or anyone you know is considering this treatment option for obesity you need to carefully review the evidence and serious complications to avoid a potential disaster.
Women: How to Slash Your Diabetes Risk in Half - Just Do This
And you'll also lower your risk of breast, ovarian andendometrial cancer, heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis. It can be done sitting down and is simply the most natural way to improve your own health and burn away those excess pounds...
The Dark Side of the China Study Story Supporting Vegetarianism...
Dr. Campbell's analysis of my comments is a powerful demonstration of his failure to do careful analysis. Not only are his assertions about my "conflict of interest" regarding raw milk and grass-fed beef seriously flawed - but his final comment really takes the cake... With Recalls at an All-Time High, Meet Big Pharma's Newest Scam
After a whopping 309% increase in recalls, pharmaceutical companies are scrambling not only to boost lost profits from expiring patents, but are seeking something much more sinister with potentially disastrous consequences for your health. When and How Should You Warm Up, Stretch, Exercise, and Cool Down?
Do you skip stretching, thinking it's unimportant, or in order to save time? Learn why this decision could ruin your fitness and fat loss potential.
If You Have High Levels of This - You Have a 65% Higher Risk of Alzheimer's
While low levels in your body are associated with improved health, the opposite appears to be true when it comes to your brain. What you must know to take Alzheimer's to task and get it before it gets you... Six Tips for Six Pack Abs
Learn how to achieve six-pack abs by focusing on these six effective techniques. Why Doesn't the U.S. Ban a Vaccine that's Killing Children Overseas?
How much vaccine risk is too much? That's a question increasingly asked by parents and health professionals alike, in response to the multitude of unanswered questions and vaccine-related deaths overseas. Are you really willing to play Russian roulette with your child's life?
Could This Simple Habit Actually Reduce Cancer and Diabetes by 50%?
Want to cut your risk of cancer in half? Reduce diabetes risk by 43%? Just include this habit in your daily routine, because it sucks disease right out of your body. This could be the mighty secret your healthiest friends already know... The NEW Battle Strategy to Get Rid of Mercury Once and For All in Dentistry
It's time to demand that the FDA protect pregnant women and children from mercury fillings - and to offer true informed consent. Why we need fair balanced science, not industry hype and fraud. Here's how to play to their biggest weakness...
How this Near-Perfect Food Flushes Heavy Toxins from Your Body...
Heavy metal toxicity is rampant in today's world. You're assailed with them on a daily basis. This potent detox agent flushes all that gunk out - plus provides B vitamins and "complete protein." But watch out - one crucial detail dictates its usefulness... 4 Dietary Tips for Fat Loss and Fitness
Healthy nutrition is actually simpler than you might think! Learn what and how to eat to optimize your metabolism. Who Knew this Vitamin Could Prevent Mold Allergies?
New research has discovered this vitamin may be an effective therapeutic agent to treat or prevent allergy to a common mold.
Blood on our Farms: Is Monsanto Responsible for 1 Suicide Every 30 Minutes?
They act like the farmers' friends. But they're not. That's why they hope you never look inside and read about the greatest farming scam of all, killing 46 farmers a day and posing a serious health risk. Finally this celebrity is taking them to task... Media Finally Starts to Catch on to Gluten Free
As gluten-free diets become more mainstream, should you jump on the gluten-free bandwagon?
Feeling Fatigued or Irritable? There's a 1 in 4 Chance You Suffer From This Disease...
Here're 8 other symptoms to watch out for and why following conventional medical advice will actually put you on a path toward life-threatening health problems. The good news: nearly 100% of cases can be successfully cured without medication... Why Do These Drugs Fail Miserably at Heart Attack Prevention?
The claim that cholesterol-lowering medications can help save your life is again shown to be more hype than substance, as three new studies refute the stated benefits of statin drugs. The Cancer Test that's a Death Trap…
Outrageous! But if you want to avoid cancer, you might want to avoid this test linked to an increase in cancer rates - even though the American Cancer Society still hypes it. There's no evidence that it saves lives - so what's motivating the ACS to market it so strongly?
Could This be the Key Factor Spiking the Rise in ADHD?
With as many as 1 million US kids potentially misdiagnosed with ADHD, before ever resorting to addictive narcotics, I recommend taking a closer look at this key factor. Your child's behavior may not be what it seems... Antacids Pose Unique Dangers for Seniors
If you're taking an acid-reducing drug for heartburn, acid reflux or another acid-related condition, you need to know about the serious risks you are agreeing to.
Don't Avoid This Daily, Healthful Food Because it's Been Mislabeled as 'DIRTY'
A dark blanket has been pulled over the eyes of society, convincing people this amazing food source is dirty, stupid and an agent for disease. Discover the real story and how to benefit from this incredible food without the risks... How Dirty Electricity Causes Diseases
Is this silent killer playing a significant factor in the development of chronic diseases? Eight Foods that Could be Disastrous for Your Health
Some of our healthiest foods have now been linked to cancer, food allergies, immune system and liver damage thanks to this criminal fraud perpetuated on the American public. And the far reaching consequences are greater than anyone might suspect... Salmonella Outbreaks Spur Nationwide Egg Recall
What is the real truth behind the massive half-billion egg recall, and are eggs still safe to eat?
Avoiding This "Forbidden Food" Could Make You Moody
Your doctor has vilified this life sustaining essential nutrient. But the latest research suggests it's a natural antidepressant - and a deficiency could weaken your bones and increase your risk of a heart attack... How to Protect Yourself from these Five Pervasive Toxins
Do you know the simple steps you can take to minimize your, and your family's, exposure to these five common toxic environmental chemicals?
The Missing Ingredient for Long-Lasting Energy and Focus for School (or Work)*
Many readers ask how I can eat healthy when rushing between meetings or traveling... or what to suggest for children at school. Here are my secrets to eating fast in a health-loving way - what works best for 'fast foods' and immune system enhancers...* The Alarming Reason Why More Girls are Starting Puberty Early
Something odd is afoot. The age of female puberty is dropping precipitously, especially in certain populations. Unfortunately, this isn't something to shrug your shoulders about. You as a parent, grandparent, or other loved one should be highly concerned. Here's why... This Could Be Even BIGGER than the Vitamin D Discovery...
Promising new research is turning up loads of information about a hardly-known vitamin that protects from cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis. But nearly 100% of people are deficient in it...
Cancer's Favorite Food – Found in Everything You Eat?
Reducing this common food from your diet should be top priority on your list of cancer reducing strategies. It's on mine. Plus, learn about a new strategy designed to literally 'starve' cancer cells out of your body… The Power of Biological Light in Healing
Light energy is emerging as a key player in your body's ability to stay healthy and fight disease.
The Great Supplement Hoax: Is There Anyone Left We Can Trust?
The road to real health means doing your own research and not just accepting the claims health companies make about antioxidant levels. Here're 3 questions you should ask to ensure you are not being hoodwinked by a company with few scruples... Arthritis Patients Benefit from Weight Training
How does this form of exercise benefit stiff, achy joints and other arthritis symptoms?
Eight Foods that Could be Disastrous for Your Health
Some of our healthiest foods have now been linked to cancer, food allergies, immune system and liver damage thanks to this criminal fraud perpetuated on the American public. And the far reaching consequences are greater than anyone might suspect... Salmonella Outbreaks Spur Nationwide Egg Recall
What is the real truth behind the massive half-billion egg recall, and are eggs still safe to eat?
Don't Avoid This Daily, Healthful Food Because it's Been Mislabeled as 'DIRTY'
A dark blanket has been pulled over the eyes of society, convincing people this amazing food source is dirty, stupid and an agent for disease. Discover the real story and how to benefit from this incredible food without the risks... How Dirty Electricity Causes Diseases
Is this silent killer playing a significant factor in the development of chronic diseases? Could This be the Key Factor Spiking the Rise in ADHD?
With as many as 1 million US kids potentially misdiagnosed with ADHD, before ever resorting to addictive narcotics, I recommend taking a closer look at this key factor. Your child's behavior may not be what it seems... Antacids Pose Unique Dangers for Seniors
If you're taking an acid-reducing drug for heartburn, acid reflux or another acid-related condition, you need to know about the serious risks you are agreeing to.