Historically, people relied on fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut as food preservatives and to promote their digestive and immune system health. Find out why these traditional methods are no longer as effective -- and what you can do about it.
Should Salt No Longer Be Generally Recognized as Safe?
Is salt really as bad as the press is leading you to believe?
Breathtaking Photography
These amazing photographs of our wonderful world will truly take your breath away.
Mouse Studies Confirm the Key to Longevity
New studies confirm the single most important factor for slowing down the aging process.
The Worst Products In The World?
Do you know which international companies were deemed the most irresponsible, outrageously violating your rights as a consumer?
25 Resources to Help You Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse Plastic Bags
If you’re looking for ways to save money and help protect the environment these resources offer many options.
How to Run Your Business More Holistically
I've just returned from a breakthrough 50-hour seminar in LA, and I'm just exploding with some personal things I want to share with you. If you own or operate a business, click to continue...
Adults Beware -- New Vaccine Guidelines Released
The CDC has released guidelines for 11 vaccines touted as necessary for adults, but do you really need any of them?
Forced Medication -- Could Your Child be Next?
Do you know what to do to protect your child against state mandated drugging?
How to Stop Annoying Card Offers!
Make most unwanted card offers disappear from your mailbox in as little as one minute.
This Refreshing Kefir is Very Yummy Indeed!
Watch Luci Lock transform raw milk into a tasty, healthy, beneficial bacteria-rich drink...
Growing Number of Parents Use Religion to Avoid Vaccines
More parents are standing up for their rights and exempting their children from potentially dangerous vaccinations.
At Last, New Rules Set for Grass-Fed Meat
Will the USDA’s new grass-fed labeling standards help or hurt the quality of grass-fed meat?
Play "Pick the Expert"!
Who would you most like to hear from in the field of health today? Take 15 seconds and tell us now...
You Might Lose Your Job If You Smoke or Eat Junk Food
Now you have another reason to avoid doughnuts and French fries.
Nutritional Typing Now a Rapidly Emerging Field, Scientists Say
Mainstream science is beginning to wake up to the importance of eating right for your Nutritional Type.
Amazing Audio Illusion!
This audio illusion will shock you.
The Truth Behind Fast-Food Restaurant's Soft and Fluffy Claims!
Watch as Luci Lock uncovers what really goes into fast-food's "healthier alternatives"...
Twelve of the Weirdest Bugs I Bet You've Never Seen
Or, maybe you have, and you didn’t know just how weird they really are!
The Chinese Secret to Long Life
China spends far less than the U.S. on health care, but achieves nearly the same longevity.
Could You Live Longer Than 140 Years?
One of the top anti aging scientists in the world answers this question.
When Comedians Understand Health Truth You Know We Are Making Progress
A good comedian creates comedy by pointing out the ridiculousness of that which is common, and Bill Maher really hits the nail on the head with this rant about Big Pharma.
Ron Paul is No Longer on the Fringe -- Here's Why
Ron Paul’s campaign continues to gain momentum.
A "Scrumdiddlyumptious" Chilled Mediterranean Soup!
Step into the kitchen with Luci Lock as she makes this quick, easy, and flavor-packed soup -- perfect for a party of one...
Fats and Meats are Not the Cause of Prostate Cancer
Your diet is only one factor in preventing prostate cancer.
7 Effective Ways to Deal with Criticism
If you deal with criticism in a healthy way, you can avoid needless suffering.
One Word That Can Change Your Reality -- And Change The Way You Think
Is this the one word standing between you and your dreams?
Shocking Revelation -- This Cancer Drug CAUSES Cancer
Cutting through the deception behind conventional cancer drugs.
A Brilliant, Hilarious Tribute to Motherhood!
This catchy song will make you, and your children, smile.
Is Your Appendix Really a Useless Organ?
New research shows just what your appendix is good for.
Flu Shot Facts -- Battling Influenza
If you don’t know the facts, you can be easily deceived, especially about flu shots.
How Television Affects Your Brain Chemistry -- And That's Not All!
You will be appalled and shocked when you find out what watching television is actually doing to your mind.
Beware of Misleading Omega-3 Claims
Are mayonnaise or cereal better for your health just because they have omega-3 added to them?
20 Questions to Ask Before You Get Married
What's logic got to do with it? When considering marriage, asking some common-sense questions may be essential for your future wedded bliss.
Pancreatic Cancer is Deadly -- So Cut Your Risk By 25 Percent
Find out just how easy cancer prevention can be!
Imagine Your Laptop Running for 30 Years -- On a Single Charge
How nice would it be to never have to worry about plugging in your notebook or laptop computer?
Cut Sugar and Supplements -- and Live 15 Years Longer?
What is the real truth here?
How My Aunt's Death Can Help You ''Cure'' Type 2 Diabetes
The information in this video could save your life or the life of someone you know or love.
Some of the Most Striking Images You've Never Seen
Is it an insect? Is it a weed? Or, is it something in the human body? The answers to what these images are will surprise you.
Dairies Unite to Set Safety Standards for Raw-Milk Cheese
Another opportunity for the FDA to squash the raw milk movement.
How To Make a Difference in Your Marriage and Your Health
Conflict is an inevitable part of married life. But now researchers have put marital spats under the microscope – to see if the way you attempt to resolve conflicts with your spouse affects your health – revealing surprising results.
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