It's a new year and high time for the "new you". Imagine how great you'll feel when you've finally jettisoned that extra weight you're carrying around... See my 3 simple action steps to kiss your unwanted pounds goodbye!
Fish Oil Capsules Are as Good as Fish
Do you know why this is a classic example of media misinformation?
Scientific Proof that Your Childhood Traumas are a MAJOR Factor in Your All Your Illnesses
Finally -- science provides the proof behind the approach that can help most of your health problems.
Mortgage Meltdown -- American Capitalism at its Worst
Thought things could not get worse? Well hold on as the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis has not yet peaked -- it is just beginning.
Why Are the Birds Disappearing?
There is a silent killer among us that no one is talking about.
Can Chinese Food Cause Cancer?
This common ingredient that may cause cancer is not only in Chinese food ... it's in thousands of foods that you may eat everyday.
Recreational Drugs FAR Less Likely to Kill You than Prescribed Drugs!
After seeing these statistics, you will never look at another drug ad the same again.
How Cell Phones are Killing Birds
Migratory birds are the proverbial canaries in the coal mine; an indication of the very real dangers you face from the wireless revolution.
The U.S. Dollar is Dying
Will the American dollar disappear in your lifetime?
California Dairies Sue to Stop Enforcement of Unfair Raw Milk Standards
Exciting news is brewing over the battle to save raw milk.
Best Nature Photographs of Last Year
These stunning photos won international awards for capturing nature at its finest.
Meet the Man With Blue Skin
How did this man's skin turn a bright shade of blue?
Why Fish Oil is Good for You
Powerful new evidence showing how omega-3 fats prevent one of the worst epidemics you are facing.
The Film About Vaccines You Simply Must See
WARNING! Don't get another vaccination until you've seen this video. The life you save may be your own or those that you love.
What Happens to Your Body Within an Hour of Drinking a Coke
Knowing this information may help you choose water the next time you are tempted with a soda.
Share a Kiss, But Don't Shake Hands
Do you know what your first two lines of defense are to stop the spread of infection?
Can Colon Cancer Screenings Cause More Harm Than Good?
What is actually the best way to screen for this deadly disease?
Can You Afford to Eat Right?
How about 14 specific tips that can help you eat healthy on your 2008 budget?
Ron Paul Meets the Press
Do you know how Ron Paul proposes to eliminate income tax in the U.S.?
With Diet, Exercise and Friendship, Man Loses 400 Pounds
Do you need inspiration? Don't miss this story!
7 Medical Myths Even Doctors Believe
Why you want to be careful before you believe all advice from these "expert" myth busters.
Finally -- Access to the Top Health Experts in the World
Discover this brand new way to stay current with cutting-edge health news -- in less time than ever before. See how you can become part of my Inner Circle and instantly gain valuable and exclusive perks...
16 Secrets the Restaurant Industry Doesn't Want You to Know
Artificial flavorings, absurd amounts of sugar and synthetic food colorings are just the tip of the iceberg...
Daily Hygiene for Men
I have been using this alternative method for the past 18 months now with great results.
10 Amazing and Magnificent Trees
It’s likely you've never seen anything quite like these trees.
Ancient TB Case Shows the Power of Vitamin D
Additional confirmation of the staggering number of diseases you can avoid by just getting enough sun exposure.
Nalgene Bottles Pulled From Shelves
I warned newsletter readers over three years ago not to use these bottles -- now a major Canadian retailer has pulled these popular water bottles from their shelves.
The Truth About Saturated Fat
Do you know enough about fats to make healthy food choices?
Get Rid of Your Trash and Save the Earth
21 things you didn't know you can recycle.
Get Lower Airfares with New Technology
Save big bucks the next time you need to fly for business or pleasure.
Our Decrepit Food Factories
Did you know that most of the food you purchase is threatening your ability to obtain high-quality food in the future?
Farm Program Pays $1.3 Billion to People Who Don't Farm
Leave it to the federal government to come up with a system that pays people to not grow food.
Does Tainted Milk Cause Crohn's Disease?
Must read information if you or someone you love has inflammatory bowel disease.
Experts Starting to Agree -- More Vitamin D is Better
Do you know how much vitamin D you really need?
The Revolution Begins
Even Abraham Lincoln said that when you are deprived of any constitutional rights, it justifies a revolution.
Can Alcohol Really Help You Beat a Cold?
Are there better options than stirring up a cocktail at the first signs of a sniffle?
Does Chemo for Breast Cancer Cause More Harm Than Good?
OR what would you prefer -- getting hit in the head with a hammer or a baseball bat?
Many Toys Contain Dangerous Chemicals
Do you know which toys are at higher risk?
Are Antibiotics Useless for Sinus Infections?
Why use dangerous antibiotics? These natural remedies will send your sinus infection packing.
If Michangelo's David Lived In the US Today
A picture is worth more than 1,000 words...
Mmmm! Absolutely Yummy-licious Persimmon Salad with Raw Honey!
Watch as Luci Lock works her magic on this quick and tasty salad...
Coming Soon -- Microwave Gun That Can Destroy Your Car From 600 Feet Away
Who would have known this weapon could ever be developed?
Can An Ancient Hunger Cure Help the Modern World?
You might be surprised at the answer.
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