Over time, toxins and other sludgy compounds build up in your digestive tract. So making a conscious commitment to cleansing and maintaining your healthy GI tract is necessary to propel you toward peak digestive and immune function.
Major New Discovery to Predict Colon Cancer Earlier
But is it better than these simple lifestyle changes in preventing colon cancer?
Aunt Jemima Pancake Mixes Recalled
Should you be concerned?
How to Tell Difficult Truths So People Thank You
How would you like to safely broach even the touchiest subjects with your loved ones?
Gut Bacteria Mix Predicts Obesity
An imbalance of gut bacteria may be making you, and your kids, fat.
Bet You Didn’t Know This Drink Can Help You Digest Better
Who would have known that this easy to consume beverage can help you digest better?
8 Skin Moisturizer Ingredients You'd Best Avoid
Even if you buy your lotion at a health food store, you may be putting something potentially toxic on your skin... Here's what you should really know about caring for your skin, your body's largest organ.
U.S. Government Concedes That Mercury Causes Autism
In an unprecedented statement, federal officials finally acknowledge a vaccine-autism link.
A One-Eyed Invader in the Bedroom
Are your kids falling victim to this pernicious predator?
7 Secrets of Being Popular
No need to review if you have all the friends you need, but if you are friend challenged this should be on your must-read list.
A Good Reason Not to Skip Breakfast
But are you boosting or deteriorating your health with your breakfast selections?
Sound the Alarm -- Stop the Dangerous, Drug-Promoting "Mothers Act"
Don't be fooled by benevolent-sounding propaganda -- this United States bill is all about promoting mandatory drug use and increasing profits.
Treating Cancer -- With Herbs
Is the use of herbs your best option for treating and preventing cancer?
Immune Systems Increasingly On Attack
An epidemic of allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases is coming your way.
The Selling of Organic
Use these important rules to avoid being deceived and manipulated by deceptive "healthy food" claims.
Can Greasy Hair Protect Your Lungs?
What do you get when you mix greasy hair with personal care products and indoor air pollution? A pretty interesting story.
Ridiculous -- and Ineffective -- Nutrition Advice
Do NOT read this article unless you are ready to have a seriously hard laugh.
Girl's Flu Death Happened Within Hours
Use this senseless tragedy as a powerful lesson to help protect you and your family from deceptive drug hype.
How to Work Less and Get More Accomplished
Why work harder when you can work smarter with these simple and powerful principles?
Ginkgo Biloba Protects Your Memory
But is it right for you? Find out if and when you should avoid it.
How Cellphone Radiation Affects Your Cells
For the first time, researchers are able to show that molecular changes take place in the human body during exposure to cell phone radiation.
Vitamin D in Your Skin
Do you know all the different factors that influence how effectively the sun is helping you make vitamin D?
Tamiflu's Effects On Your Brain
Is it worth these risks to get back to school or work ONE DAY sooner?
What Illusions Tell You About Your Eyes and Mind
Optical illusions are more than just fun; they’re a clue to your past.
More Dairies Go Raw as Consumers Learn the Benefits of Unpasteurized Milk
Many more are finally becoming enlightened about the health benefits of raw milk.
This is a Hearty Winter Warm-up You'll Want to Make Over and Over Again
Follow along with Luci Lock as she creates this family-pleasing favorite soup...
Zinc Can Cure Diarrhea
Just recognize it needs to be used wisely and not as a cure-all.
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