Do you still believe low-fat dairy helps your weight?
How Laziness and Inertia Can Make You More Productive
These simple tricks can help you fight uphill battles that are limiting your ability to achieve optimal health.
Fruit Can Keep Your Arteries Squeaky Clean
But beware. There's a catch.
More Drugs That Kill You
Do you know which of these commonly prescribed drugs can actually increase your risk of dying?
Increasing Danger From Cell Phones
What can you do to eliminate the ever-increasing documentation of harm and damage from cell phones?
Why Fish Oil is NOT the Best Omega-3 Source -- Part Two
This ecological meltdown makes it very clear that choosing fish oil is not your wisest choice in the long run.
Why Did 32,000 Scientists Sign a Petition Dissenting From Global-Warming Consensus?
There may be a consensus on global warming itself, but the reasons why are still up for hot debate.
The Rise of the Eat Locally Locavore
Good news -- food production is moving in the right direction for many.
Amazingly Cool Free Backgrounds for Your Computer
These stunning images can be downloaded at no cost.
6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World
After watching this video, you'll never look at a mushroom the same way again.
Holistic Treatment for Candida Infection
Yeast infections don't stand a chance against these natural remedies.
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