Do you know the health risks you undertake by drinking soy milk or eating other soy-based products, including tofu?
For Most People, College is a Waste of Time
Do you really need a college degree to be successful?
When Should You Go Out in the Sun?
New research turns recommended "safe" time to be out in the sun upside down!
Learn to Swim Effortlessly in 10 Days
These six tips can greatly improve your swimming abilities.
Organic Labels are Not Always Honest
When you eat at restaurants serving organic food, how can you tell that you're getting what you pay for?
Red Bull Can Give You a Stroke
You should avoid Red Bull like the plague if you have any of these conditions.
Cooking and Cognition: How Humans Got So Smart
Yet another example why you can't depend on major media to consistently provide you with accurate advice on health and nutrition.
10 Reasons to Switch to Gmail
Frustrated with your current email service? Gmail may be right for you.
Argentina Investigates Deaths of Vaccinated Children
An experimental vaccine appears to be responsible for the deaths of 14 children.
Why Can't You Use Your Cell Phone on a Plane?
Do cell phones really interfere with airline communications or is something else going on?
Enjoy a Happy Digestive System Once and for All
Since 80% of your immune system lives in your gut, using a high-quality probiotic supports both your digestive and immune health.* See how to get this double benefit by simply providing your gut with health-replenishing "friendly" bacteria -- now available in this affordable new and improved multi-strain probiotic formula.
Drug Company Marketing Leads to HPV Vaccine Rise
Will you let your daughter be one of the victims of this dangerous vaccine?
Cholesterol Pill Taken by Thousands Causes Cancer
Why increase your risk of dying from cancer when treating high cholesterol has nothing to do with taking a drug?
The Real Price of Oil
Are higher oil prices nothing but a deceptive illusion?
Off Target in the War on Cancer
Will modern medicine, blinded by corporate greed, ever get a clue on how to treat cancer?
World Water Crisis Underlies World Food Crisis
Is the Earth really running out of water?
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