Do you know which type of bag can REALLY help save the environment and your health?
The Best Alternative Energy Car
No, it is not an electric car.
Mandatory Flu Shots for Preschoolers Cause Outrage
Why are some parents furious about being forced to give their kids a flu shot?
Breast Cancer Prevention's Dirty Little Secret ...
Cutting-edge information that every woman needs to know before getting a mammogram.
Waste From Gut Bacteria Helps Control Your Weight
Having optimal good bacteria in your intestine is an important part of optimal weight management.
Bottled Water Not So Pure
Why bottled water isn't necessarily any purer than the water you get from your tap -- it's just more expensive.
Is the U.S. Headed for Hyperinflation?
A look at historical precedents may offer a clearer picture.
How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?
Is eight hours a night the optimal amount of sleep for you?
What You Eat Could Raise Your Risk of Alzheimer's
What common food selection could be putting your brain health at risk?
Some Parents are Homeschooling Their Kids to Avoid Vaccinations
Why it may be necessary go to extreme lengths to protect your children from unnecessary vaccinations.
Is Your Mattress Making You Sick?
The shocking toxins found in most mattresses are not a dream ... they're a nightmare.
How to Live Below Your Means
Does the economy have you down? These 18 tips will help you compensate for the downturn.
Prescription Drugs More Likely to Kill You than Recreational Drugs
Shocking statistics expose two dangerous drugs you and your family need to be aware of.
New Discovery Could Be Key to Unlimited Cheap Energy
This could solve a major portion of the economic crisis as so much of the economy is tied to the price of energy.
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