The science behind statin drugs is failing to prove a benefit; here's what can really do the trick.
Health Risks of Hybrid Cars Have Been Misrepresented by the Media
Are EMFs from hybrids dangerous? An expert on electro-pollution weighs in on this important topic.
Little Things to Help You Succeed in Life
Do you know how to go from who you are, to who you want to be? It is actually contrary to the popular wisdom portrayed in movies and TV shows.
Conflict of Interest Rampant in Child Drug Prescriptions
Just how dangerous are the drugs that are prescribed to children?
Major Threat to Human Fertility and Very Existence of Human Life on Earth
How you can avoid one of the largest threats facing the very sustainability of the human race.
How Sunshine and Vitamin D Can Help You Eliminate Mercury
Who would have known that sun exposure can remove one of the greatest toxins known to man?
9 Wonderful Ways to Get Started in the World of Personal Productivity
The best sources for tips and techniques to increase your productivity, at your fingertips.
Why Mammography is NOT an Effective Breast Cancer Screen
Why risk missing detecting cancer with a questionable technology?
Fluoride Exposure May Contribute to Early Puberty
Your drinking water can cause your kids to go through puberty far too early.
How Yeast Can Create Havoc in Your Life and How to Address it
Are you suffering from yeast overgrowth and don't even know it?
Is There a Toxic Secret in Victoria's Secret Bras?
Several women are suing the leading lingerie firm over bras that made them ill.
The Little Known Risks of Working From Home
If you work from home, make sure these health hazards don't offset the benefits.
Chemotherapy Can do More Harm Than Good
It is vital that anyone with cancer consider all possible treatment options.
What You Need to Know About Farmed Fish
Find out why farmed fish is actually contributing to the rapid decline of fish species.
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