It accumulates in areas of your brain that control and alter behavior - especially your hippocampus and other limbic areas. A striking study published in 1995 showed that at comparable levels to humans, this had a profound influence on animals' brains and altered behavior. Isn't it time to stop drinking this now?
More Bone -- and Less Fat -- Through Exercise
New research reveals exercise even has an impact on the fat cells in your bone marrow, leading to stronger, healthier bones -- if you do it correctly.
The Surprisingly Potent Asian Food that Delivers Health Benefits More than Fish Oil...
Imagine all the benefits of fish oil... but in little packages absorbed directly into your body's tissue. The cardiovascular benefits, cancer fighting powers, immune boosting muscle... in a framework 15 times more potent - with its own natural preservatives that make it 200 times more stable so it won't go rancid...
Parents: You Can Say No to Vaccinations, Right? Maybe Not for Much Longer...

You currently have the freedom to vaccinate or not. But if this bill is approved it will remove your right to freedom of choice if you live in this state, and allow you to be openly exploited by those in positions of power in medicine, government and industry. To help me stop this - I need your help TODAY...
If You're Tired, You are Probably Lacking This
There is a silent and growing epidemic many people are suffering from but unaware of the symptoms. Not only will it make you tired, it dries out your skin and can cause premature aging, high cholesterol, heartburn and constipation. The good news is it's an easy fix - but watch out for these 5 hidden landmines...
Stairs vs. Escalator

This ingenious plan not only makes taking the stairs fun, it makes them nearly irresistible and changes people's behavior for the better!
Lymph Node Study Shakes Pillar of Breast Cancer Care
New lymph node study is shaking the pillars of breast care.
Doctor Warns: Eat This and You'll Look 5 Years Older

A new study at the Hawaii Center for Health Research showed people who consumed a lot of this "healthy" food in mid-life not only aged less gracefully, they were more likely to experience brain aging and a more pronounced loss of cognitive function. Ignore this at your own risk...
Delusional Pepsi CEO Says Doritos are Not Bad for You

Pepsi's CEO actually claims that Doritos snack chips and even Pepsi soda are not that bad for your health.
Why You Should Never Sleep With TV or Dim Lights On ...
You may be surprised to learn just how big an impact a glowing TV screen can have on your sleep environment … and your health.
60 Lab Studies Now Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child

If you were under 18 between 1953 and 1999, chances are good you were given this live vaccine. Now 60 lab studies confirm its link to lung, brain, bone and lymphatic cancer (up to 1/2 the 55,000 annual cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma). What will they discover about today's vaccines 40 years later?
How Parents Can Ruin their Children's Health
Are your misguided good intentions sabotaging your child's future health and intelligence?
What the Europeans Know About Toilet Hygiene That You Don't

Our friends across the pond wouldn't think of going without this... But Americans have successfully ignored this essential hygiene habit. Discover why our European neighbors may be a step ahead of us when it comes to personal comfort and cleanliness and how you can easily revolutionize your hygiene habits and save money at the same time.
New Ways to Think About Grief
Are there really "five stages" of grief... or is getting over a difficult loss a much more personal, individualized process?
Words of Wisdom from One of the Greatest Fitness Leaders of All Time

This advice survived the test of time and will help motivate you to lead a healthier lifestyle.
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