Friday, December 28, 2007
Find Organic Locally Grown Food in your area!
The best organic food is what's grown closest to you. Use our website to find farmers' markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area, where you can buy produce, grass-fed meats, and many other goodies. Want to support this great web site? Shop in our catalog for things you can't find locally!
This is a great tool and very useful site!!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
More great links
I've been convinced that cell phone radiation is a real concern for all of us. Learn how to avoid the biggest mistake you can make regarding cell phone radiation exposure.
Obesity Linked to Bad Bones
Who would have thought these simple solutions could strengthen your bones?
Does Monthly Fasting Help Your Heart?
How do you know if skipping meals can be beneficial or harmful?
Why it Doesn't Pay to Get Straight A's in College
I sure wish I would have known this when I was going to college.
Sunlight May Save Kids' Sight
In addition to sufficient sun exposure, do you know which food items to eliminate from your children's diets to prevent near-sightedness?
How to Eliminate America's Addiction to Oil
A retired department head from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, shares his comprehensive plan.
Simple $3 Idea Eliminates Intense Pain and Paralysis
Who would have ever thought something this inexpensive could have such profound results?
Finally -- Probiotics Becoming More Popular
The food industry continues to attempt to deceive you with their distorted applications of these powerful health foods.
Lawsuit Against Splenda Moves Forward
The facts about Splenda that you will probably never hear about in this trial or read about in the newspapers.
Losing Your Hearing? Here's How to Restore Your Hearing Naturally
Which natural hormones and anti-oxidants can help restore your hearing?
The Secret to Raising Smart Kids
Why do you want to do the counterintuitive, and avoid telling your kids they are smart?
Wake Up America -- Open Your Eyes
If this must-see video doesn't snap you out of political apathy, nothing will -- until you're personally victimized, at which time it will probably be too late.
Try Doing This With Your Flat Panel TV
This TV screen is so durable it survives repetitive pounding with a hammer.
Thousands Have Gotten Sick from Gardasil HPV Vaccine
And the irony is that even after receiving the vaccine you can still get cervical cancer.
Is Honey More Effective Than Cough Medicine?
This simple trick only works well if you use a special type of honey.
Your Ultimate Personal Vitamin D System
UVB rays from the sun help your skin produce up to 80% of the vitamin D you need. And vitamin D has profound effects on your overall health. See this unique new solution for grabbing those same UVB rays (and even a tan) -- no matter what the weather's up to...
Cell Phones Can Literally Kill You
A Korean man was found dead last month, killed by his cell phone.
How to Flush Away Sinus Ills
This ancient strategy may provide welcome relief if you suffer from sinus challenges.
Ridiculously Funny Medical Stories
These outrageous stories prove that you can still find humor in the most serious of places.
Doctors Are Clueless About Medication for Kids
Are you aware that many of the drugs prescribed for children have never been proven effective or even safe for use in children?
African Plant Helps Fight Fat
Is there any truth that this African plant can help you lose weight?
Ron Paul Interview With Wolf Blitzer
Is it possible that the principle of non-interventionism is a better option for U.S. foreign policy?
Are You at Risk of Sunlight Starvation?
Discover how gloomy winter weather and working indoors may put your health in jeopardy… and what you can do to simply and easily safeguard against sunlight deficiency.
One of the Most Bizarre Faces You Will Ever See
A look at the pro's and con's of personal conviction, and your personal right to refuse unwanted medical treatments.
Update on Raw Almond Controversy
The Almond Board of California has rejected a proposal to modify the requirement to irradiate all almonds. Will the federal court rescue you from yet another "dead" food?
How to Properly Use a Kitchen Knife
With a little practice, you'll be slicing and dicing your veggies like a professional chef.
Finally -- Explanations for Many Optical Illusions
You will be stunned by the countless ways people are deceiving you.
Deceptive and Ridiculous Application of the Organic Label
Should fish pumped full of chemicals and raised in crowded pens be labeled organic?
Friday, December 14, 2007
Mercola condensed 4
Even if you buy your lotion at a health food store, you may be putting something potentially toxic on your skin... Here's what you should really know about caring for your skin, your body's largest organ.
12 Top Places You Risk Getting Infected
Did you know that more than one-third of the most contaminated surfaces are right in your own home?
Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs: What Are Drugmakers Hiding?
Another $4-billion scam resulting in nearly 1 million unnecessary prescriptions.
The World's Weirdest Deaths
The warriors of old sought, and valued "a good death."What does "a good death" mean for you in today's world?
How to Eliminate Chaos in Your Life and Work
Could these 12 simple steps also help you lead a healthier life?
Your Immune System Can Keep Cancer Dormant
But there may be FAR more to this story than you think!
Beware About Drinking Out of Your Hotel Room Glasses!
Hidden cameras reveal some outrageous, and downright disgusting, cleaning habits going on in some shockingly high-end hotel chains.
Ten Strangest Diseases in Medical History
Some people actually lack an ability to feel pain, cannot smile or frown, or are not able to breathe while they sleep.
Awesome Video You Need to See Before You Start Holiday Shopping
This video will change what you plan to purchase this holiday season.
Nine Ways to Help You Stop Snoring
If you or someone you know snores, then grab these solid tips as they can help eliminate this sleep-depriving and health-robbing habit.
Solar Energy Soon to be Cheaper Than Coal
How dramatic improvements in solar energy technology is affecting my new office plans.
How Many of These Ridiculous "Disorders" Do YOU Suffer From?
You won't believe the harebrained disorders used to justify the use of even more drugs.
Black Cohosh May Stop Breast Cancer
What are the 12 approaches that can virtually eliminate your risk of cancer?
Homeschoolers LOVE Ron Paul
As with health care, Ron Paul wants to put the control of your child's education back into your hands.
The 10 Most Insane Medical Practices in History
These deadly ingredients made up children's soothing syrups and cough suppressants from the 19th century.
A Homemade Rosemary Flavored Vinegar That's Absolutely Divine!
Luci Lock shows you a reasonable alternative to making a lovely rosemary-flavored vinegar right at home...
Top Seven Weirdest Houses
You've never seen houses like these in your neighborhood!
U.S. STD Rates On the Rise
Sexual freedom comes with a significant price.
Cranberry Sauce: Good for What Ails You
But beware, not all cranberry products can give you health benefits.
2-Year-Old Knows Geography Better Than 97% of Population
Can you find Zimbabwe, Turkmenistan and Ghana on a world map? This adorable 2-year-old can.
U.S. Presidential Candidate Most in Favor of Raw Milk
Who should you vote for if you’d like to buy raw milk in your local health food store?
Merck Unblinds AIDS Study
And you won’t believe what they’re revealing to their drug study volunteers.
Is Your Multivitamin a Big Waste of Money?
Find out what's really in that multivitamin (or should be), if you don’t want to throw your money down the toilet -- or worse.
Parents Told to Get Kids Vaccinated or Go to Jail
Will you accept police tactics to enforce this dangerous “public health” policy?
Vitamin C Gives Staying Power to Antioxidants
Find out how you can increase your health benefits from tea even more.
How to Go Paperless: Bury the Paper Before it Buries You Alive
Going paperless does not have to be painful if you follow this step-by-step process.
Food Industry Defends Carbon Monoxide Use in Meat
If your meat looks red, don’t for a minute believe it’s fresh or safe to eat.
Virulent Form of Cold Virus Spreads in the U.S.
Is this severe strain of the common cold virus something you need to worry about?
Do High-Fat Foods Disrupt Your Body Clock?
Ignore this "hidden" factor and you will not sleep well -- and will increase your risk of cancer.
Will 'Cweet' Be the Next Big Sweetener?
This "natural" sweetener is 1,000 times sweeter than sugar and has zero calories, but is it safe?
How to Never Lose Contact With Your Friends Again!
Finally -- a way to make sure your friends can still find you after you switch email addresses.
Too Much Sugar Kills Your Sex Life
Find out which types of sweets deliver the greatest deathblow to your health.
An Herb Flavored Olive Oil to Tickle Your Fancy!
Luci Lock shows you the way to herb-flavored olive oil pleasure in just minutes...
Drugs Are Not the Answer for ADHD
After long-term analysis, researchers believe there is no evidence that drugs work in the long run for ADHD.
Health Tips 13
Your daily cup of java may do more than get you going and out the door. It might also reduce your risk for blood sugar disorders.
Research shows that coffee might decrease the risk of developing diabetes by about 25 percent. But watch the sugar. Here's why.
People who add sugar to coffee or tea don't get the protective blood sugar effect, and they may run a higher risk of developing cancer of the pancreas. That's because the risk of developing pancreatic cancer is related, in part, to the amount of sugar in the diet. People who drink fizzy or syrup-based sweet drinks twice a day or more have a 90 percent higher risk of getting cancer of the pancreas than those who never drink them. Suddenly, that sweet stuff doesn't seem so sweet! (Here's another reason to avoid sodas.)
Caffeine Caution
Coffee isn't for everyone. If you're sensitive to caffeine's effects, you may want to avoid it. And even if you aren't, it's best to limit yourself to about 250 milligrams of caffeine a day.
Blueberry Fields Forever!
Think berries of the blue variety and your mental brawn could go on and on.
Compounds in this tiny fruit may help protect you from two processes linked to brain-cell aging: inflammation and oxidation. And there's no tastier way to keep your brain keeping on!
Potent Polyphenols
Research shows that polyphenols -- powerful plant-based substances that are abundant in tea, red wine, and blueberries -- have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions. Why does that matter to your brain? Because both oxidative stress and inflammation appear to play a part in Alzheimer's disease. (Here's another dark-hued berry that may stave off memory decline.)
Brain Builders
Although you can't turn back time, you can take steps to get peak performance from your brain. Start with these options:
- Bend your mind with word games. (Try this word puzzle.)
- Boost your memory with mnemonic techniques. (Here's how to do it.)
- Take your vitamins. (Here's why.)
Nuts to Cancer
f you're not already snacking on a handful of nuts daily to help protect your heart, here's a reason that might sway you.Walnuts, almonds, and pistachios contain a potent substance that may thwart cancerous tumors. Legumes are similarly loaded with the mighty compound, so there's no reason to leave those peanuts at the bottom of the can of mixed nuts.
A Tongue-Twisting Treat
A key enzyme involved in cancer growth may be inhibited by -- you ready for this? -- inositol pentakisphosphate. Luckily, you don't need to know how to say it to benefit from it! Just know that it's good for you and found in abundance in nuts, wheat bran, and most legumes. Apparently, the compound is so powerful it could hold promise for future cancer treatments. And a nontoxic way to kill cancer cells would surely be welcome. (Know someone facing cancer? Learn about treatment options and recovery.)
More Nutty Nutrients
Nuts are chock-full of good-for-you vitamins, nutrients, and phytochemicals, along with healthy monounsaturated fats that help keep cholesterol down and arteries clear. But stick to about an ounce a day so you don't overload on calories.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Vote in the National Online Primary
Forward this site far and wide!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Groups release guide to toxins in toys
DETROIT - Tests on more than 1,200 children's products, most of them still on store shelves, found that 35 percent contain lead — many with levels far above the federal recall standard used for lead paint.
A Hannah Montana card game case, a Go Diego Go! backpack and Circo brand shoes were among the items with excessive lead levels in the tests performed by a coalition of environmental health groups across the country.
Only 20 percent of the toys and other products had no trace of lead or harmful chemicals, according to the results being released Wednesday by the Michigan-based Ecology Center along with the national Center for Health, Environment and Justice and groups in eight other states.
Of the 1,268 items tested, 23 were among millions of toys recalled this year.
Mattel Inc. recalled more than 21 million Chinese-made toys on fears they were tainted with lead paint and tiny magnets that children could accidentally swallow. Mattel's own tests on the toys found that they had lead levels up to 200 times the accepted limit.
The Consumer Action Guide to Toxic Chemicals in Toys, which is available to the public at, shows how the commonly purchased children's products rank in terms of containing lead, cadmium, arsenic and other harmful chemicals. It comes in time for holiday shopping — and amid the slew of recalls.
"This is not about alarming parents," said Tracey Easthope, director of the Ecology Center's Environmental Health Project. "We're just trying to give people information because they haven't had very much except these recall lists."
Easthope said 17 percent of the children's products tested had levels of lead above the 600 parts per million federal standard that would trigger a recall of lead paint. Jewelry products were the most likely to contain the high levels of lead, the center said, with 33.5 percent containing levels above 600 ppm. Among the toys that tested above that limit was a Hannah Montana Pop Star Card Game, whose case tested at 3,056 ppm.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a level of 40 ppm of lead as the maximum that should be allowed in children's products. Lead poisoning can cause irreversible learning disabilities and behavioral problems and, at very high levels, seizures, coma, and even death.
A spokeswoman for New York-based Cardinal Industries Inc., which sells the Hannah Montana game, said Tuesday that Cardinal was unaware of the environmental groups' tests or procedures but the product has passed internal tests.
"We test every (product) before it ships numerous times," Bonnie Canner said. "We have not tested this product high for lead."
Easthope said the product is manufactured in China. Canner declined further comment until she had more information.
The center and its testing partners found The First Years brand First Keys, Fisher-Price's Rock-a-Stack and B.R. Bruin's Stacking Cups were among the 20 percent that contained none of the nine chemicals.
"There's a lot of doom and gloom about lead in the products — people only hear about the recalls," said Jeff Gearhart, the Ecology Center's campaign director. "Companies can make clean products. Our sampling shows that there's no reason to put lead in a product."
Gearhart and Easthope said the products, while not necessarily representative of everything on the market, were considered among those commonly bought and used. Testers purchased most at major retailers such as Wal-Mart, Toys "R" Us and Babies "R" Us.
The testing began in 2006 but most of the items were checked in the past six months, Gearhart said.
Calls to a Mattel spokeswoman were not immediately returned Tuesday. A Wal-Mart Stores Inc. spokeswoman declined to comment because the company had not seen the report.
Toys "R" Us Inc. spokeswoman Kathleen Waugh also declined to comment because she needed to fully review the report's findings, referring questions to the Toy Industry Association.
Joan Lawrence, the association's vice president of standards and safety, said the group and its members support limiting accessible lead in children's products. But she said the industry and standard-setting bodies are struggling with how to measure exposure, accessibility and what limits to set.
She said she hasn't seen all of the Ecology Center's findings but called them misleading because the testers did not appear to follow recognized test procedures for lead and other substances. The two most common ways are to use solutions to simulate saliva and digestion, and another to attempt to dissolve the surface coating.
The center and its testing partners performed what they describe as a "screening" of chemicals using a handheld X-ray fluorescence device that detects surface chemical elements.
"The mere presence of any substance alone is only half of the answer — you need to know if it's accessible to the child," Lawrence said. "We can't tell that from what I know of the tests that have been done by this group."
Easthope said her group's tests aren't meant to replace those tests, and that's noted on the Web site. She said it's important for people to know what's in these products since nobody else is providing this data.
"We're not saying that ... all of it will come out into a child," she said. "We're saying it's a concern that so much of these products have these chemicals of concern in them.
"We shouldn't have lead in kids' products. We can make products without lead in them."
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission spokesman Scott Wolfson said he also hasn't seen the Ecology Center's tests but said the federal agency would seek to verify its findings and initiate recalls if warranted.
He said the commission has been meeting with ASTM International, which spearheads voluntary safety standards for toys, to discuss crafting standards specific to lead in plastics. He said there also is movement on Capitol Hill to revise laws on lead in children's products.
Wolfson said the commission launched 40 toy recalls in fiscal year 2006, three involving lead-paint violations. In 2007, there were 61 recalls, 19 involving lead-paint violations.
"What we would like to consumers to know is more recalls are on the way," he said.
On the Net:
The Consumer Action Guide to Toxic Chemicals in Toys:
Toy Industry Association:
List of recalled toys available at the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission:
Miro v0.9.9.9
Get your own $180 laptop -- if you donate a second one in the One Laptop Per Child project
Copyright © 2007, Al Fasoldt
Copyright © 2007, The Post-Standard
The only thing Nicholas Negroponte's One Laptop Per Child project couldn't manage was the price. His plan to build millions of laptops for kids in poor nations is doing very well otherwise.
And even that one slip-up in financial planning can be forgiven. In 1995, when Negroponte announced his plan to build enough cheap laptops so that every needy kid in the world could own one, his target price seemed ridiculous -- $100 per laptop, only 5 percent of what a typical laptop cost back then.
Inflation and the cost of manufacturing pushed the price to almost double the original goal. But even at $180, the cute little XO computers are a bargain unlike anything I've seen before. They're so rugged they're rain- and dust-proof, drop-proof and child-proof. They have built-in networking, last a long time on batteries alone, have a non-Microsoft operating system, ensuring better reliability, and can run off literally any kind of power source.
They even have a solar recharger.
Before Negroponte started the One Laptop Per Child project, he ran the MIT Media Laboratory and was widely hailed as a visionary who would help guide the future of technology. But he gave technology a kick in the pants with the laptop project.
Negroponte knew that kids can't be trusted to take good care of laptops, so he decided to make a laptop that could take all kinds of abuse. There's more: By making the new laptop so cheap that it could be given away, he got rid of the argument against letting kids handle anything expensive in the first place.
Starting Monday, you'll be able to buy an XO laptop for yourself -- as long as you buy one for a poor child in a developing nation. This makes sure Americans can't snap up the supply and keep kids who really need these laptops from getting them.
To get one while giving one, go to and click the "Donate" button. You'll be charged $400 for the two laptops, plus shipping. If you really don't want an XO laptop for yourself, you can pay $200 to have one sent to a child. You can donate more, of course, with each $200 paying for a laptop. All donations are tax-deductible.
The project points out that the XO laptop was designed specifically with children in mind:
"The XO's screen can be viewed as clearly as a newspaper in broad daylight, and the wireless range of the XO is several times longer than your average laptop," the project says.
The laptop comes with a Web browser that's based on Firefox, a document viewer, the AbiWord word processor, an e-mail program, an instant-messaging program, a journal, multimedia authoring and playback software, a music composition suite, graphics software and games. The operating system is Linux.