Even if you buy your lotion at a health food store, you may be putting something potentially toxic on your skin... Here's what you should really know about caring for your skin, your body's largest organ.
12 Top Places You Risk Getting Infected
Did you know that more than one-third of the most contaminated surfaces are right in your own home?
Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs: What Are Drugmakers Hiding?
Another $4-billion scam resulting in nearly 1 million unnecessary prescriptions.
The World's Weirdest Deaths
The warriors of old sought, and valued "a good death."What does "a good death" mean for you in today's world?
How to Eliminate Chaos in Your Life and Work
Could these 12 simple steps also help you lead a healthier life?
Your Immune System Can Keep Cancer Dormant
But there may be FAR more to this story than you think!
Beware About Drinking Out of Your Hotel Room Glasses!
Hidden cameras reveal some outrageous, and downright disgusting, cleaning habits going on in some shockingly high-end hotel chains.
Ten Strangest Diseases in Medical History
Some people actually lack an ability to feel pain, cannot smile or frown, or are not able to breathe while they sleep.
Awesome Video You Need to See Before You Start Holiday Shopping
This video will change what you plan to purchase this holiday season.
Nine Ways to Help You Stop Snoring
If you or someone you know snores, then grab these solid tips as they can help eliminate this sleep-depriving and health-robbing habit.
Solar Energy Soon to be Cheaper Than Coal
How dramatic improvements in solar energy technology is affecting my new office plans.
How Many of These Ridiculous "Disorders" Do YOU Suffer From?
You won't believe the harebrained disorders used to justify the use of even more drugs.
Black Cohosh May Stop Breast Cancer
What are the 12 approaches that can virtually eliminate your risk of cancer?
Homeschoolers LOVE Ron Paul
As with health care, Ron Paul wants to put the control of your child's education back into your hands.
The 10 Most Insane Medical Practices in History
These deadly ingredients made up children's soothing syrups and cough suppressants from the 19th century.
A Homemade Rosemary Flavored Vinegar That's Absolutely Divine!
Luci Lock shows you a reasonable alternative to making a lovely rosemary-flavored vinegar right at home...
Top Seven Weirdest Houses
You've never seen houses like these in your neighborhood!
U.S. STD Rates On the Rise
Sexual freedom comes with a significant price.
Cranberry Sauce: Good for What Ails You
But beware, not all cranberry products can give you health benefits.
2-Year-Old Knows Geography Better Than 97% of Population
Can you find Zimbabwe, Turkmenistan and Ghana on a world map? This adorable 2-year-old can.
U.S. Presidential Candidate Most in Favor of Raw Milk
Who should you vote for if you’d like to buy raw milk in your local health food store?
Merck Unblinds AIDS Study
And you won’t believe what they’re revealing to their drug study volunteers.
Is Your Multivitamin a Big Waste of Money?
Find out what's really in that multivitamin (or should be), if you don’t want to throw your money down the toilet -- or worse.
Parents Told to Get Kids Vaccinated or Go to Jail
Will you accept police tactics to enforce this dangerous “public health” policy?
Vitamin C Gives Staying Power to Antioxidants
Find out how you can increase your health benefits from tea even more.
How to Go Paperless: Bury the Paper Before it Buries You Alive
Going paperless does not have to be painful if you follow this step-by-step process.
Food Industry Defends Carbon Monoxide Use in Meat
If your meat looks red, don’t for a minute believe it’s fresh or safe to eat.
Virulent Form of Cold Virus Spreads in the U.S.
Is this severe strain of the common cold virus something you need to worry about?
Do High-Fat Foods Disrupt Your Body Clock?
Ignore this "hidden" factor and you will not sleep well -- and will increase your risk of cancer.
Will 'Cweet' Be the Next Big Sweetener?
This "natural" sweetener is 1,000 times sweeter than sugar and has zero calories, but is it safe?
How to Never Lose Contact With Your Friends Again!
Finally -- a way to make sure your friends can still find you after you switch email addresses.
Too Much Sugar Kills Your Sex Life
Find out which types of sweets deliver the greatest deathblow to your health.
An Herb Flavored Olive Oil to Tickle Your Fancy!
Luci Lock shows you the way to herb-flavored olive oil pleasure in just minutes...
Drugs Are Not the Answer for ADHD
After long-term analysis, researchers believe there is no evidence that drugs work in the long run for ADHD.
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