I've been convinced that cell phone radiation is a real concern for all of us. Learn how to avoid the biggest mistake you can make regarding cell phone radiation exposure.
Obesity Linked to Bad Bones
Who would have thought these simple solutions could strengthen your bones?
Does Monthly Fasting Help Your Heart?
How do you know if skipping meals can be beneficial or harmful?
Why it Doesn't Pay to Get Straight A's in College
I sure wish I would have known this when I was going to college.
Sunlight May Save Kids' Sight
In addition to sufficient sun exposure, do you know which food items to eliminate from your children's diets to prevent near-sightedness?
How to Eliminate America's Addiction to Oil
A retired department head from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, shares his comprehensive plan.
Simple $3 Idea Eliminates Intense Pain and Paralysis
Who would have ever thought something this inexpensive could have such profound results?
Finally -- Probiotics Becoming More Popular
The food industry continues to attempt to deceive you with their distorted applications of these powerful health foods.
Lawsuit Against Splenda Moves Forward
The facts about Splenda that you will probably never hear about in this trial or read about in the newspapers.
Losing Your Hearing? Here's How to Restore Your Hearing Naturally
Which natural hormones and anti-oxidants can help restore your hearing?
The Secret to Raising Smart Kids
Why do you want to do the counterintuitive, and avoid telling your kids they are smart?
Wake Up America -- Open Your Eyes
If this must-see video doesn't snap you out of political apathy, nothing will -- until you're personally victimized, at which time it will probably be too late.
Try Doing This With Your Flat Panel TV
This TV screen is so durable it survives repetitive pounding with a hammer.
Thousands Have Gotten Sick from Gardasil HPV Vaccine
And the irony is that even after receiving the vaccine you can still get cervical cancer.
Is Honey More Effective Than Cough Medicine?
This simple trick only works well if you use a special type of honey.
Your Ultimate Personal Vitamin D System
UVB rays from the sun help your skin produce up to 80% of the vitamin D you need. And vitamin D has profound effects on your overall health. See this unique new solution for grabbing those same UVB rays (and even a tan) -- no matter what the weather's up to...
Cell Phones Can Literally Kill You
A Korean man was found dead last month, killed by his cell phone.
How to Flush Away Sinus Ills
This ancient strategy may provide welcome relief if you suffer from sinus challenges.
Ridiculously Funny Medical Stories
These outrageous stories prove that you can still find humor in the most serious of places.
Doctors Are Clueless About Medication for Kids
Are you aware that many of the drugs prescribed for children have never been proven effective or even safe for use in children?
African Plant Helps Fight Fat
Is there any truth that this African plant can help you lose weight?
Ron Paul Interview With Wolf Blitzer
Is it possible that the principle of non-interventionism is a better option for U.S. foreign policy?
Are You at Risk of Sunlight Starvation?
Discover how gloomy winter weather and working indoors may put your health in jeopardy… and what you can do to simply and easily safeguard against sunlight deficiency.
One of the Most Bizarre Faces You Will Ever See
A look at the pro's and con's of personal conviction, and your personal right to refuse unwanted medical treatments.
Update on Raw Almond Controversy
The Almond Board of California has rejected a proposal to modify the requirement to irradiate all almonds. Will the federal court rescue you from yet another "dead" food?
How to Properly Use a Kitchen Knife
With a little practice, you'll be slicing and dicing your veggies like a professional chef.
Finally -- Explanations for Many Optical Illusions
You will be stunned by the countless ways people are deceiving you.
Deceptive and Ridiculous Application of the Organic Label
Should fish pumped full of chemicals and raised in crowded pens be labeled organic?
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