Whether your concern is pesticides or glycemic index, here are the healthiest - and least healthy - vegetables to include in your daily munching or juicing. You'll know when it's important to splurge for organic and when you can save a few bucks. You'll be on your way to healthier eating with these handy lists.
Incredible Optical Illusions Videos Will Baffle Your

Treat your brain to four minutes of mind-blowing optical illusions.
New Warnings about the Hazards of Cell Phones
Are you still holding your cell phone to your ear? You might want to put the phone down until you learn the risks...
One of the Most Common Causes of Insomnia

According to this leading doctor, the reason why people can't fall asleep is not because of lack of being sleepy, but as a result of this. Here's what you can do to fix this problem fast, including something almost everyone should install in their bedroom now...
Elderly Couple Wins 11 Million Dollars, and Gives it All Away
An inspiring reminder of what truly matters in life.
Why do One in Ten Kids in the U.S. Have ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is on the rise ... what is causing so many kids to display hyperactive and impulsive behaviors?
What the TSA is NOT Telling You about Full Body Scans...

Why a federal appeals court has been asked to suspend full body scans at airports. The constitutional reasons - plus the less-discussed health risks of the scans put into perspective by comparing it to other more dangerous radiation, including your flight itself...
Protect Children from Brain Injury - Act Before December 3rd
Despite the evidence to the contrary, the FDA pretends planting this toxin an inch from a child's brain (or inside a pregnant woman) does no harm. ALSO: the latest bill which could stop you having a right to purchase the food of your choice...
TV Watching Increases Waistlines and Blood Pressure
If you want to avoid or address your excess weight, hypertension and reduce your risk of heart disease, part of the answer may be as simple as clicking the OFF button on your TV.
The Label All Milk Drinkers Should Look Out For (Unless You Like Cancer)
Until now, companies whose milk doesn't contain hormones incriminated as a major cause of breast, colon, and prostate cancers have been forced to keep silent. But a new law allows them tell you the difference - if you know what to look for...
Controversial New Breakthrough Can Boost Your Child's Health
New research has found children who do this improve their strength by 20 to 40 percent. What's more, it can also increase your child's energy levels, boost their IQ, reduce their risk of diabetes, strengthen their immune system, and improve their mood...
New Proof that Fruit Juice and Soda Increase Risk of Gout
Got arthritis or gout? The answer lies not in a pill, but in making a simple dietary change.
3 out of 4 People Should Avoid This Common Food
If you want to avoid heart disease, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes or even cancer, then severely limit your consumption of this food - and replace it with this ancient eating approach which is virtually guaranteed to make you healthier...
Consequences of the BP Oil Spill

The environmental devastation and health consequences of the BP oil spill are far from over... in fact they're just beginning.
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