Doctor proves this nutrient is the clear winner for protecting your eyes from glaucoma, macular degeneration and cataracts. It also supports your immune system and helps prevent cancer. It's found in this common food and this natural supplement...
Did You Know that Splenda is in Your Drinking Water?
How is this potentially toxic artificial sweetener accumulating in your water supply?
A Simple, Inexpensive Trick to Cure a Cold
Many of my patients have had remarkable results in curing colds and flu within 12 to 14 hours when administering a few drops of this into each ear. And the best part is it's available at any drug store for just a couple of dollars...
Great News!! U.S. Says Genes Should Not be Eligible for Patents
A longstanding policy that allows biotech companies to patent genes has been reversed.
How Ultra-Processed Foods are Killing Us
Are you trading the convenience and taste of processed foods for weight gain, disease or even an early death?
The Supplement Almost Everyone Should Take When They Are Sick

Every creature, when they are sick, greatly increases their liver or kidney's production of this critical nutrient. But humans have lost that ability - and that's why you should take at least one gram of this twice a day if you want to heal your body faster...
Basis of Many Medical Studies Found to be Proved Fatally Flawed
Even the most respected "gold-standard" of medical studies may be spouting off incredibly misleading results.
10 Organic Foods That Are Worth the Money
These organic foods may be a bit pricey, but their extra cost is for a good cause: your health.
The Best Kept Secret for Avoiding Alzheimer's...
Avoiding the mind-wasting disease that shatters families... New study shows each unit of this vitamin reduces the risk of Alzheimer's by 2%. Check out this and other effective strategies here - that can help you avoid brain shrinkage and the horror of Alzheimer's...
Omega-3's Fight Gum Disease
If you value your teeth and gums, make sure you're getting plenty of these healthy fats.
Secret Ingredients Your Eyes are 'Starved' For...

You may take your eyes for granted - but they deserve their fair share of support. You want an active fully-engaged lifestyle, of which your vision is one of your most important senses. So lend them a hand, with this special combo of 5 fat- and water-soluble ingredients. Along with 5 other natural strategies...
Research Proves 'Gender-Bending' Chemicals Affect Reproduction
A serious slash in fertility has been linked to common chemicals in many popular household items and personal care products.
The 6 Top Thugs of the Medical World... As Ranked by "Top 100 Corporate Criminals" List
Gross misconduct, criminal fraud, shameless lies, and deceit so insidious it could pass for the script of a thriller suspense movie. Don't be blind-sided. Know how they operate - the better to defend and protect yourself...
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