This daily habit plays such a tremendous role in helping to prevent inflammation in your body that contributes to the build-up of plaque in your arteries, which can lead to a heart attack. This recent study proved that engaging in this activity just twice a day can substantially reduce your risk.
Grains of Sound -- Low Earth Orbit

Stunning visuals from low earth orbit cameras set to an amazing audio backdrop.
What are the World's 10 Fattest Countries?
"Globesity" is making its way around the world, and these 10 countries are so far the hardest hit.
This Vilified Daily Food Slashes Heart Attack Risk in Half...
The ongoing demonization began in 1953... Please don't believe it. Discover its vitamins, minerals, and other awesome components befitting a true 'health' food - and the 10 health issues, including heart disease, it can alleviate. So kick out its many imposters... and enjoy it daily.
Want to Be Happier? Keep Your Focus
Five simple ways to live in the present moment and increase your level of happiness.
The Trick to Eating Healthy on a Tight Budget

There's no doubt the standard of living for America's middle class is dropping like a rock. But here's how to eat healthy on a tight budget instead of stocking up on "cheap" food which will end up costing you an arm and a leg later on...
The Amazing Anti-Aging Discovery Experts Say Deserves the Nobel Prize...
She discovered how to make roundworms live 6 times longer... shutting down this highly damaging gene and activating its opposing 'elixir of life' gene. And she believes people can do it too - meaning that switching on your 'sweet 16 gene' is now simpler than ever. How to get started today...
New Concerns Arise for Children's Dental X-Rays
Is your child or teen being exposed to dangerous amounts of radiation in the dentist's chair?
Eating This "Healthy" Food? It Could be Slowly and Silently Killing You
Everyone should know the dangers about this food which stunts growth, causes infertility and toxifies the nervous system--especially women. It can cause difficulties with menopause, stimulate breast cancer and may result in Alzheimer's later in life...
Largest U.S. Egg Producer Caught Abusing Chickens on Video

Disturbing video footage reveals one of the many reasons why I recommend avoiding using most organic eggs purchased in the grocery store.
Finally, Proof that Cancer is a Man-Made Disease
The medical establishment won't admit it, but now there's undeniable proof that nearly all cancer is NOT caused by genes or anything in the natural environment. Equip yourself and your loved ones with these 3 top anti-cancer strategies to ward off cancer or to help save your life if you have cancer now.
Monsanto's Ongoing Corruption Incites Forbes' Retraction...
Why it took Forbes nearly a year to retract their praise of Monsanto is beyond me... The news is finally out about all the evils they have perpetrated against our farmers, our government – and your health. And now their superweeds are overtaking America's precious farmland and killing our food...
The Cleaner, Cheaper "Toilet Paper Alternative" Everyone Should Adopt (It's Environmentally Friendly Too!)

While it's considered an "embarrassing" topic in the U.S. - this simple solution which has been used for centuries in Europe allows you to save money, protect yourself from germs and save the environment. And the best part is you can be up and running in less than 30 minutes...
Why do Obstetricians Still Rush to Clamp the Cord?
Delayed cord clamping is proving to be better for newborns by leaps and bounds ... so why is this practice still rare in the United States and other countries?
New Study Shows Antibiotics Have Little Impact on Child Ear Infections
If your child has an ear infection, overwhelming evidence suggests an antibiotic may do more harm than good...
A Newly Discovered Reason to Avoid Fast Food and Popcorn
As if unhealthy food wasn't already a good reason to avoid fast food, here's another one to consider - and it's linked to cancer, infertility, thyroid problems, and elevated cholesterol. But it's not limited to fast food. Popcorn and other common items found in your kitchen are implicated, too.
Amazing Video Animation of the Inner Life of a

Take a journey through the microscopic world of a cell in this fascinating video animation that is beyond anything you ever learned in biology class.
Green Tea Extracts Plus Vitamin D Boost Bone Health
Can green tea improve the already phenomenally proven bone-building benefit of vitamin D?
The Worst Type of Fish You Can Eat

Studies have found levels of PCBs, dioxins, toxaphene and mercury to be higher in these fish which contain an assortment of antibiotics & pesticides. If you buy fish from the supermarket or restaurants, this is urgent information you must have...
How to Live Longer - Reduce Your Need for This
Johns Hopkins Medical School has discovered this aspect of the health system may be the leading cause of death. ALSO: Why only 11% of these treatments are estimated to be beneficial... how to reduce your need for it and a better approach that's becoming more popular...
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