If you suffer from colds, your immune system is sending you a warning. And you might be skimping on this... Colds should be easily defeated by a healthy immune system with these 5 factors. So why do Americans get so many colds? And why do most doctors give advice that just makes you more susceptible to them?
Wealth and Health of 200 Countries in the World Over Last 200 Years

How has global lifespan and wealth changed over the last two centuries? This amazing 3D demonstration puts the statistics into perspective.
Higher Animal Based Omega-3 Intake Shown Protective Against Most Common Cause of Blindness
Are you taking the simple steps that can help protect your vision as you age?
The "Calcium Lie" Every Woman Should Know About
You've been told the key to preventing osteoporosis is getting more calcium. But nothing could be further from the truth. Discover the scary truth about why calcium supplementation is likely to worsen bone density and increase your risk of osteoporosis...
One Year in 40 Seconds

A beautiful transition through all four seasons in just 40 spectacular seconds.
What the Length of Your Index Finger Says About You
Can you determine your risk of heart disease and cancer, and even predict personality traits, based on the length of your fingers?
This Powerful Nutrient Improves Concentration by 60% and Fights ADHD
Patients who took a daily 500mg dose of this for six months improved their ability to concentrate by an average of over 60%. And previous research using a similar nutrient has shown it can improve the symptoms of ADHD more than drugs...
Get the White Out of Baby's First Foods
Despite what your pediatrician may tell you, rice cereal may not be the best choice for your baby's first solid food.
Avoid this Type of Water Purification
I've been discouraging people from drinking this water for over 10 years now. The contaminant level is astronomically high as it becomes concentrated - some of its contaminants are over 10,000 times as toxic as chlorine. And that's not all. Learn all the hazards before you take another drink.
The Marshmallow Test

An adorable lesson in will power and rewards, all from a single marshmallow.
How to Help Ease Hectic Holiday Times and Find Quick and Often Permanent Relief to Various Illnesses and Conditions
Holidays can be a stressful time for many. Learn which technique has been a consistently effective healing tool for hundreds of physical, mental, and emotional ailments. Explore its numerous success stories regarding fears, phobias, emotional traumas and physical ailments.
This Kills Twice as Many People as AIDS - Why are Doctors Ignoring it?

Less people die from accidents, diabetes, HIV/AIDS or suicides than this unrecognized epidemic. But why are doctors betraying your trust and compromising your best interests by prescribing you this instead of something far more practical? Warning: The answer will alarm you...
Top 10 Food Additives to Avoid
Do you know which common ingredients lurking in your food have been linked to heart attacks, behavioral problems, cancer and more?
The Most Dangerous Types of Water You Can Drink

Including one that is just as unhealthy as soda... another which has 36 harmful pollutants... and this 'healthy water' which invites devastating health consequences as it condenses the toxic byproducts into your drinking supply and sucks the good minerals out of your body. Read this before you consume another drop...
Canadians Vote Against Fluoridated Water Supplies

The battle against fluoridated water is fought one community at a time -- and one such battle in Waterloo, Canada has been won!
Higher Levels of this Mineral Linked with Lower Heart Attack Rate
Optimizing intake of this important mineral can help prevent sudden cardiac death. Are you getting enough?
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