Instead of helping you get trim and fit and build muscle, this wildly popular form of exercise increases the risk of oxidative damage in your muscles and tissues. Discover the key principles that trigger your fitness success and start using them today to make your workout minutes count.
New Evidence Identifies Strong Cell Phone Cancer Link
Urgent information you need to know to protect your health if you use a cell phone.
Breaking News - Why Exercising at This Time of Day is FAR Better than Any Other Time...
Late-breaking study reveals how to NOT pay dearly for dietary indiscretions... and slim down, plus improve your insulin sensitivity. The trick? Just do your workout at this time of day. Add this food, and multiply success even more. Results so amazing, it's almost criminal...
People are Awesome

An uplifting and inspiring compilation of amazing feats showing stunts that in many cases just don't seem possible. Don't try this at home...
Probable Carcinogen in Tap Water of 31 U.S. Cities
Is your health at risk from this cancer-causing chemical in your drinking water?
Caution: Do This and You'll Likely Gain 15 Pounds Next Year
Not only will it cause you to pack on the pounds, but it's also linked to cancer, heart disease, premature aging, arthritis, and osteoporosis. AND is much more damaging than originally thought. How to end this vicious cycle now...
Could this be Why Many Women are Infertile?
This substance is found in more than 90 percent of Americans, and new research shows it may have a devastating impact on fertility.
The Witch-Hunt that's Taking it To One of America's Healthiest Food Choices...

Don't look now... but you're being fattened and conned by the boldfaced lies of an unseen enemy. Under the guise of public health. Financed with your tax dollars. Backed by your government. Beware their slick ad campaigns - and their plans to choke off the hard working producers of this highly-desired nutritious food...
Beauty Sleep -- Truth or Fantasy?
Can missing out on a night of sleep actually make you appear less attractive?
The Superstar of Proteins - The Perfect Match for Counting Calories and Exercise

When you're counting calories or exercising, your protein needs may increase up to 100 percent. What's the best way to fulfill them? There's one protein that stands out as the "King" and helps meet those needs better than all other sources. Plus, it's quick, handy, and delicious...
Memory Foggy? 5 Signs It's Not Serious
Is your forgetfulness normal or a sign of a serious problem? Here's how to determine the difference ...
The Lethal Medical Failure That's Still Recommended by Your Doctor

Even India has put a stop to this deadly experiment. But doctors and U.S. governmental agencies still insist it's essential for every adolescent girl. The death toll in the U.S. from this uncontrolled 'medical experiment' now stands at 89 with 20,575 reported adverse affects. The newest victims on the list? Nursing infants.
Scientists Show that They Can Change People's Moral Judgments
It is true that scientific manipulation can now mold your principles of morality?
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