Within 10 days of eating this "harmless" vegetable, rats developed smaller brains, livers & testicles... liver and immune system damage... and even potentially pre-cancerous cell growth. Now WikiLeaks exposes the dark secrets of why the US government is trying to bully European officials - and refuses to protect us...
World's Oldest Optical Illusion Found?
Prehistoric artists may have been masters at creating mind-bending optical illusions.
Cordless Phone EMFs Trigger Heart Rhythm Abnormalities
New studies show that your portable home phone can have very real, very dangerous effects on your health ....
How to Solve Nearly Any Illness - Without Drugs
If you think drugs are going to help fix your health problems, don't read this because it's almost certain to change your mind. Discover the hidden solution to your chronic health problems and the best healthy drug substitute for diabetes, heart disease & depression...
Falling in Love Only Takes About a Fifth of a Second
New research shows falling in love at first sight is not an urban legend.
This Troublesome Condition Afflicts 75% of Women - How to STOP It Now...
Tired and run-down? You may have this condition that afflicts 80 million Americans - some of them chronically. Discover its all-natural cures, hidden symptoms, and underlying causes - so you can finally be rid of this problem forever...
The "Sleep Mistake" Which Boosts Your Risk of Cancer
Your brain naturally secretes this sleep hormone - but if you make this mistake, you'll trick it into altering its cycle and stop it from producing the "insomnia fighting" hormone that's also a potent antioxidant against cancer. PLUS: a little known device which disrupts this hormone...
"Until This... I've not had 2 Pain Free Nights in a Row Since 1991"
Even tough as nails problems like fibromyalgia respond - sometimes in as little as 3 minutes - to this gentle, safe and easy to administer pain treatment. And it's getting the attention of skeptical Western doctors who are starting to call it one of their primary healing tools...
Why 1/3 of the Population Gets Sick by Restricting This Vital Food Group

What Chris Masterjohn experienced when he quit eating this food, and the story of his massive health improvement when he began eating it again. Which way is right for you? Find out by taking this one step, which will reveal the hidden secrets of what your body really needs for optimal health...
Was There a Conspiracy Involved with BP Oil Spill?

Jesse Ventura reveals sabotage and a shocking "death plot" may have been at the heart of the BP oil disaster.
Warning: Fluoride in Your Water Will Lower Your Child's IQ

Your child's brain could be at risk from the fluoride added to your drinking water supplies.
Breaking News: Popular Cancer Drug Declared More Harmful Than Helpful
With another controversial drug being 'phased out' due to severe side effects, including internal bleeding, high blood pressure, and heart failure, it joins the ranks of failed chemotherapy drugs. There are more effective and safer ways to both prevent and beat cancer, and one may not even cost you a dime.
What's Really to Blame for California's Whooping Cough Epidemic?
Even mainstream media is now investigating why vaccinated people are getting and spreading this disease... the hidden ties between 'expert policy groups' and vaccine drug makers... and the raging debate between 2 well-known pertussis experts. Plus, what you need to know before you choose the vaccine for your precious child...
The "Antioxidant Miracle" Fish Oil Suppliers Don't Want You to Know About*

It's 300 times stronger than vitamin A & E.* It's super-rich in essential DHA & EPA Omega-3 and it beats fish oil hands down.*
Red Wine and Cranberries are Good for Your Teeth
Powerful compounds in cranberries and red wine may help ward off cavities and protect your teeth... but you may want to think twice before stocking up your pantry.
Problems with Digestion? This Type of Food May Be To Blame...
Like many people, you may not be aware of the tremendous damage that this common type of food can launch on your digestive system and actually destroy cells. And not enough of just one nutrient can lead to constipation, heartburn, bloating, headaches, and fatigue. Before you reach for that next pill, check out these eye-opening facts.
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