Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Unavoidable Hidden Factor that Greatly Contributes to Autism
Video: The Unavoidable Hidden Factor that Greatly Contributes to Autism
The increasing bombardment of these invisible forces explains the exponential explosion of autism.

Top 10 Computer Annoyances and How to Fix Them

Invaluable time- and hair-saving tips and tricks to make your computing faster and easier.

How to Avoid Being Fooled at the Supermarket
Video: How to Avoid Being Fooled at the Supermarket
Frightening business practices of the large superstores; this video should be mandatory viewing before your next grocery run.

Important Vitamin D Update

Important study confirms the vital importance of optimizing your vitamin D levels for remarkable disease reduction.

The Food Industry Challenges That Obama Needs to Address
Video: The Food Industry Challenges That Obama Needs to Address
Fascinating video interview with leading food journalist, Michael Pollan, that explains, in detail, major upcoming food challenges

The Coming Cancer Explosion

By the year 2030, 17 million people may die of cancer annually. Don't let yourself be one of them.

Why It's Important to Know if Your Doctor Exercises

Only one in 5 doctors get enough exercise. Can you trust someone to care for your health if they don’t care for their own?

The Case Against Mammograms -- What You Should Know...

Why risk missing detecting cancer with a questionable technology?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Important Cod Liver Oil Update

After careful analysis of the latest findings on cod liver oil, I am revising previous recommendation on this source of omega-3 fat and vitamin D.

10 Dangerous Everyday Things in Your Home

Finding safer alternatives for these common household items will reduce your toxic load and improve your health.

Amazing Kinetic Illusions in Op Art

Artistic illusions you shouldn’t believe, even when you see them with your own eyes!

The Dangers of Aspartame
Video: The Dangers of Aspartame
This eye-opening video will explain why NutraSweet can be hazardous to your vision, your brain and your body.

Unbelievable Correspondence With CDC About Vaccine Safety

When a woman asked the Centers for Disease Control some questions about vaccines, the frightening replies she got revealed their astonishing blindness on the issue.

The Route to Obesity Passes Through Your Tongue

Could losing weight be as easy as re-sensitizing your taste buds?

New Solution for Colon Cancer

More evidence that cancer can be thwarted by one essential lifestyle change

Acupuncture is Just as Effective Without Needles

Are you afraid of needles? Then here's some good news for you!

The Shocking History of Human Medical Experimentation in the United States

Think Dr. Frankenstein is a fictional character? Think again. BEWARE: The following article contains shocking information that may be disturbing and unsuitable for some readers.

Thermo-What? The New Frontier in Breast Health...

Why risk missing detecting cancer with a questionable technology?

Regenerative Medicine -- Spare Body Parts for You Very Soon
Video: Regenerative Medicine -- Spare Body Parts for You Very Soon
Most exciting and newest medicinal specialty provides perfect examples of your body's built-in, extraordinary capacity for self-healing.

Amazing Animal Videos
Video: Amazing Animal Videos
From invisible squid, to friendly hippos and intimidating piranhas, to the cutest whatever-that-tiny-thing-is, you’re bound to be amused, amazed and enlightened by these animal videos.

Some Cancers May Just Go Away

How likely is it that certain cancers may spontaneously disappear?

The One Vitamin That is Vital for Your Heart

Are you getting enough of this crucial vitamin to reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke?

My One Hour FREE Vitamin D Lecture to Clear Up All Your Confusion on this Vital Nutrient
Video: My One Hour FREE Vitamin D Lecture to Clear Up All Your Confusion on this Vital Nutrient
I summarize the mountain of recent scientific evidence supporting that understanding how to take advantage of vitamin D is one of the most important physical steps you can take in your health.

The Bright Idea Behind Treating SAD
Video: The Bright Idea Behind Treating SAD
These simple, inexpensive strategies to prevent and treat the winter blues eliminate the need for dangerous antidepressants.

The Top 10 Ways to Stay Energized

How to jumpstart your brain and get back into a productive groove.

Stevia: The 'Holy Grail' of Sweeteners?

FDA approval of Stevia may be the death knell for an otherwise perfectly safe, natural sweetener.

Unconscionable Drugging of Our Children
Video: Unconscionable Drugging of Our Children
Why are so many young children being prescribed powerful antipsychotic medications?

Homeschooling and Vaccination Avoidance: Is There a Link?
Video: Unconscionable Drugging of Our Children
Why it may be necessary to go to extreme lengths to protect your children from unnecessary vaccinations.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Major flaw revealed in Internet Explorer; users urged to switch

The major press outlets are abuzz this morning with news of a major new security flaw that affects all versions of Internet Explorer from IE5 to the latest beta of IE8. The attack has serious and far-reaching ramifications -- and they're not just theoretical attacks. In fact, the flaw is already in wide use as a tool to steal online game passwords, with some 10,000 websites infected with the code needed to take advantage of the hole in IE.

Virtually all security experts (as well as myself) are counseling users to switch to any other web browser -- none of the others are affected, including Firefox, Chrome, and Opera -- at least for the time being, though Microsoft has stubbornly said it "cannot recommend people switch due to this one flaw." Microsoft adds that it is working on a fix but has offered no ETA on when that might happen. Meanwhile it offers some suggestions for a temporary patch, including setting your Internet security zone settings to "high" and offering some complicated workarounds. (Some reports state, however, that the fixes do not actually work.)

Expedient patching or switching are essential. Security pros fear that the attack will soon spread beyond the theft of gaming passwords and into more criminal arenas, as the malicious code can be placed on any website and can be adapted to steal any password stored or entered using the browser. It's now down to the issue of time: Will Microsoft repair the problem and distribute a patch quickly enough to head off the tsunami of fraud that's about to hit or will it come too late to do any good?

Meanwhile, I'll reiterate my recommendation: Switch from Internet Explorer as soon as you can. You can always switch back once the threat is eliminated. (To clarify: You don't need to uninstall IE, just don't use it for the time being.)

Links for other browsers to try: Firefox Chrome Safari Opera

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Simple Change Could Reduce Obesity in U.S. by 20 Percent

It's also the one thing food manufacturers will fight tooth and nail to avoid.

How Washington Hospitals Unleashed an MRSA Epidemic

These simple techniques can greatly reduce your risk of infection

Why Vaccine-Injured Kids are Rarely Compensated

Children are forced to take immunizations and if they suffer any complications they have virtually no legal recourse due to drug industry manipulations.

How You Will Search Your Computer in the Future
Video: How You Will Search Your Computer in the Future
This new technology -- a longtime goal of artificial intelligence researchers -- will make searching your computer a snap.

The Toxic Origins of Autism
Video: The Toxic Origins of Autism
A world-renowned autism expert reveals what may be causing the majority of autism cases.

High-Protein Meals Can Help the Obese

This has been known for some time, but few realize the caveats that make or break this dietary strategy.

How Your Keys Can Be Stolen With a Camera

Use these common sense precautions to thwart potential high tech thieves.

Should Cancer Drugs Be Used to Treat Diabetics?

Two cancer drugs may soon be available to type 1 diabetics, but what are the risks involved?

How to Eliminate Gout Without Dangerous Drugs
Video: How to Eliminate Gout Without Dangerous Drugs
Why take drugs with dangerous side effects when you can treat this painful condition the natural way?

Everything You Need to Know About the Latest Threat to Your Baby

U.S. health officials admit finding industrial chemical in U.S. infant formulas, yet refuse to fess up to the dangers.

Prominent Physician Advises Against Flu Shots
Video: Prominent Physician Advises Against Flu Shots
What does this heart surgeon and professor of surgery say you should do instead of getting the flu shot?

How to Improve Your Luck

Lucky people get that way by applying the same basic principles... find out what they are and turn your luck around.

The Hidden Dangers of Taking More Than One Medication at Once

Find out why the more drugs you take the more risks you take.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

6 Ways to Reduce Inflammation -- Without a Statin Drug
The science behind statin drugs is failing to prove a benefit; here's what can really do the trick.

Health Risks of Hybrid Cars Have Been Misrepresented by the Media
Are EMFs from hybrids dangerous? An expert on electro-pollution weighs in on this important topic.

Little Things to Help You Succeed in Life
Do you know how to go from who you are, to who you want to be? It is actually contrary to the popular wisdom portrayed in movies and TV shows.

Conflict of Interest Rampant in Child Drug Prescriptions Video: Conflict of Interest Rampant in Child Drug Prescriptions
Just how dangerous are the drugs that are prescribed to children?

Major Threat to Human Fertility and Very Existence of Human Life on Earth
How you can avoid one of the largest threats facing the very sustainability of the human race.

How Sunshine and Vitamin D Can Help You Eliminate Mercury
Who would have known that sun exposure can remove one of the greatest toxins known to man?

9 Wonderful Ways to Get Started in the World of Personal Productivity
The best sources for tips and techniques to increase your productivity, at your fingertips.

Why Mammography is NOT an Effective Breast Cancer Screen
Why risk missing detecting cancer with a questionable technology?

Fluoride Exposure May Contribute to Early Puberty
Your drinking water can cause your kids to go through puberty far too early.

How Yeast Can Create Havoc in Your Life and How to Address it Video: How Yeast Can Create Havoc in Your Life and How to Address it
Are you suffering from yeast overgrowth and don't even know it?

Is There a Toxic Secret in Victoria's Secret Bras?
Several women are suing the leading lingerie firm over bras that made them ill.

The Little Known Risks of Working From Home
If you work from home, make sure these health hazards don't offset the benefits.

Chemotherapy Can do More Harm Than Good
It is vital that anyone with cancer consider all possible treatment options.

What You Need to Know About Farmed Fish
Find out why farmed fish is actually contributing to the rapid decline of fish species.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

You Need to Know This If You Eat Tyson Chicken
Beware as Tyson is using deceptive advertising to create a false impression of healthy, natural food.

Organic Consumers and Companies Harassed by Drug Agents and Police
Important information you need to know if you are traveling with organic products.

15 Ways to Hack Your Brain
Tired of feeling like your head is stuck in the clouds? Wake up your sluggish mind with these 15 tried-and-true tips.

Interview with Expert on Dangers of Cell Phones Video: Interview with Expert on Dangers of Cell Phones
A professor of neuroscience is interviewed about the influence of cell phones on your health.

Why Large Amounts of Fruit May Not Be Healthy
For many people fruit may not be as healthy as you think.

The History of Thanksgiving Video: The History of Thanksgiving
Don't miss this interesting and insightful take on the history of Thanksgiving that will make you think twice about all you have to be thankful for this year.

Who are Smarter -- Men or Women? Video: Who are Smarter -- Men or Women?
Fascinating insights into this age old question.

Just How Secure is Your Password?
This handy calculator can give an idea of how well you've secured your online accounts and lower your risk of online theft.

Statin Drugs: Another Industry-Sponsored Study, Another Deceptive Result
Is it true that statin drugs can lower your risk of heart attacks by over 50 percent, or is this simply another deceptive marketing ploy?

Economic Impact on U.S. With Obama's Victory Video: Economic Impact on U.S. With Obama's Victory
Why Obama's future economic plan will not herald the change so desperately needed.

In Uncertain Times, Prepare Yourself for New Opportunities
What simple strategies can you use to improve your chances of succeeding in a down economy?

Sneaky Trick Now Used by Food Manufacturers
Food makers have creative ways of giving you less than what you think you're paying for.

Does the Flu Shot Even Work? Video: Does the Flu Shot Even Work?
Are you throwing your money away on a flu shot that does not prevent the flu?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Deceptive "Protein" Toxin is Becoming More Widely Spread in Your Food

You won't believe what's being added to your food to boost corporate profits.

Fluoride Added to Children’s Milk in Schools

While the dangers of fluoride are becoming more widely known, UK officials insist on endangering children's health.

How You are Being Cheated on Your Ink Jet Cartridges

Computer companies are rigging their devices so you will buy their expensive cartridges more frequently.

Proof That Fibromyalgia is Real

What did researchers find that finally proves that fibromyalgia is not "all in your head"?

Winning the War on Cancer

Why haven't you heard of this safe, effective and inexpensive cancer treatment?

Believe it or Not: 80% of Your Immune System is Actually in Your GI Tract
Video: Do Flu Shots Work? Ask A Vaccine Manufacturer
When looking to effectively promote your immune system health, you need to look no further than your intestinal tract. Learn about a great way to start promoting your digestive health and overall health as well.

What Door Handles Actually Kill Bacteria?

This simple remedy could save thousands of lives each year.

10 People with Unbelievable Medical Conditions

From just plain bizarre to the highly debilitating, these folks suffer from medical conditions few will ever understand.

FDA Slammed for Calling BPA Safe

Wait until you hear the criteria the FDA used to call this highly toxic chemical safe.

How Light Pollution is Ruining Your Health

Is artificial light altering some of the basic laws of nature ... at the expense of your health?

Do Flu Shots Work? Ask A Vaccine Manufacturer
Video: Do Flu Shots Work? Ask A Vaccine Manufacturer
In this recorded phone call to a vaccine maker, the caller asks questions about mercury and how well the flu shot actually works. The answer is -- perhaps unintentionally -- a bit more honest than what you might hear from their ads.

Incredible Innovations to Slow Down Aging
Video: Incredible Innovations to Slow Down Aging
Is immortality just around the corner? Listen to my free interview with a prominent anti-aging pioneer in which he reveals the possibilities.

New Diabetes Rate Up 90 Percent in Last Decade

What does this sharp increase say about conventional medicine's advice for treating diabetes?

Your Creative Genius Mindset: The Essential Qualities for Thinking Outside the Box

Do you have the capacity to be a "creative genius"?

How to Avoid Infections at the Gym

What germs are lurking on your gym’s equipment, and can they really make you sick?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Below are a couple videos of Matt Keating who will be performing at Mocha Maya's on Saturday, December 6th at 7:30pm with special guest Chris Cubeta. Tickets are on sale now! Only $8 apiece! Get your tickets now!

Below the Matt Keating videos is a Chris Cubeta video. Check him out as well, you won't regret it!

Will the Down Economy Herald the Use of Natural Medicine?
For the first time in a decade, prescription sales are falling, and that might mean better health for millions of Americans.

The Morning Drink that Can Slow Down Your Aging Process Video: The Morning Drink that Can Slow Down Your Aging Process
Research has shown that this drink, which is used more frequently than coffee in India, contains many antioxidants that can slow the aging process!

Stunning Underwater Photos
Get a rare glimpse into a world most never see.

How U.S. Government is Covering Up HPV Vaccine Side Effects Video: How U.S. Government is Covering Up HPV Vaccine Side Effects
With over 10,000 adverse reactions, including 27 deaths, recorded, why are health officials maintaining that Gardasil is safe?

How to Fend Off Depression in Winter
This simple little tip can make all the difference in the world in this frequently debilitating illness.

No Energy? This Vitamin Could be Your Answer... Video: Is Your Mattress Making You Sick?
Perhaps you're relying too heavily on caffeinated beverages to get you through the day. Or maybe you're just suffering silently with that lack of 'get-up-and-go'. Although there are many causes for fatigue, low levels of this simple vitamin may not only lead to a lack of energy, but also moodiness, nervousness, memory issues, and numerous other concerns.

Corn Syrup's New Disguise
Are you falling for the flashy ads promoting corn syrup that could be dangerous to your health?

What is the Real Cause of Influenza Epidemics?
The answer is sure to surprise you.

10 Keys to Work/Life Balance
Is your work life threatening to take over your personal life? These are some great tips to keep you balanced.

The FDA is Running an Extortion Racket
How is the FDA getting away with using Mob-like extortion tactics?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bag Wars -- Paper vs Plastic: The Real Truth Video: Bag Wars -- Paper vs Plastic: The Real Truth
Do you know which type of bag can REALLY help save the environment and your health?

The Best Alternative Energy Car
No, it is not an electric car.

Mandatory Flu Shots for Preschoolers Cause Outrage
Why are some parents furious about being forced to give their kids a flu shot?

Breast Cancer Prevention's Dirty Little Secret ...
Cutting-edge information that every woman needs to know before getting a mammogram.

Waste From Gut Bacteria Helps Control Your Weight
Having optimal good bacteria in your intestine is an important part of optimal weight management.

Bottled Water Not So Pure
Why bottled water isn't necessarily any purer than the water you get from your tap -- it's just more expensive.

Is the U.S. Headed for Hyperinflation? Video: Is the U.S. Headed for Hyperinflation?
A look at historical precedents may offer a clearer picture.

How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?
Is eight hours a night the optimal amount of sleep for you?

What You Eat Could Raise Your Risk of Alzheimer's
What common food selection could be putting your brain health at risk?

Some Parents are Homeschooling Their Kids to Avoid Vaccinations Video: Some Parents are Homeschooling Their Kids to Avoid Vaccinations
Why it may be necessary go to extreme lengths to protect your children from unnecessary vaccinations.

Is Your Mattress Making You Sick? Video: Is Your Mattress Making You Sick?
The shocking toxins found in most mattresses are not a dream ... they're a nightmare.

How to Live Below Your Means
Does the economy have you down? These 18 tips will help you compensate for the downturn.

Prescription Drugs More Likely to Kill You than Recreational Drugs
Shocking statistics expose two dangerous drugs you and your family need to be aware of.

New Discovery Could Be Key to Unlimited Cheap Energy Video: New Discovery Could Be Key to Unlimited Cheap Energy
This could solve a major portion of the economic crisis as so much of the economy is tied to the price of energy.