Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Manmade Problem Turned Deadlier than AIDS - Is There Still Time to Correct Course?

In 2005, more died from this infection than from AIDS... And the FDA just revealed a new ominous report of how widespread this problem is becoming. Worse - you're at risk with nearly every meal. Uncover these simple steps to protect you and your family - or run the risk of a deadly superbug infection...

Animal Crackers
animal crackers

A hilarious compilation of talking animals guaranteed to brighten your day.

Scientific Panel Calls FDA Miserable Failure in Protecting Children from Mercury

The FDA has reconvened to examine the fate of mercury fillings in the United States. What did the most recent hearings determine?

One of the WORST Winter Mistakes You Can Make if You Live in These "25 Coldest Cities"

Is the common belief that 'exposure to cold temps causes colds and flu' true - or a modern myth? Perhaps there's something deeper causing colds to occur more frequently when it's cold... Inside: Discover the worst winter mistake you can make - no matter where you live...

Conventional Medicine's Answer for Child Insomnia: Drugs

A staggering number of kids are being medicated for insomnia; if your child is having trouble sleeping, be very cautious about using drugs as a solution.

Suck This 'Magic Hormone' into Your Body and Transform Your Health - Takes Just 20 Minutes

This almost magical hormone helps normalize insulin levels, tones your skin, reduces wrinkles, increases your energy and boosts your sexual desire. But there's no need to inject it - just follow this technique for twenty minutes twice a week and let the magic begin...

Doing This During Pregnancy Can Cause a 40% Increase in Behavioral Problems...

Late breaking studies reveal how your actions during pregnancy impact things as far-reaching as your child's behavioral problems and food choices. Find out how to begin your parental persuasion earlier than you ever thought possible...

Modern Twist on an Ancient Super-Food
Modern Twist on an Ancient Super-Food

Discover this convenient modern-day answer to the food secret shared by numerous ancient cultures known for longevity... and the mystery already known by those who are exceptionally healthy.*

FDA Increases Recommendations for Fatally Flawed Obesity Surgery

Millions more Americans are being encouraged to have this drastic procedure... but are the benefits worth the risks?

Are Depressed People Too Clean?
are depressed people too clean

Mounting evidence indicates modern hygiene may be to blame for rising rates of depression, neuroscientists claim.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

This One Activity Will Slash Your Chance of a Cold by 50% ...

If you suffer from colds, your immune system is sending you a warning. And you might be skimping on this... Colds should be easily defeated by a healthy immune system with these 5 factors. So why do Americans get so many colds? And why do most doctors give advice that just makes you more susceptible to them?

Wealth and Health of 200 Countries in the World Over Last 200 Years
wealth and health of 200 countries in the world over last 200 years

How has global lifespan and wealth changed over the last two centuries? This amazing 3D demonstration puts the statistics into perspective.

Higher Animal Based Omega-3 Intake Shown Protective Against Most Common Cause of Blindness

Are you taking the simple steps that can help protect your vision as you age?

The "Calcium Lie" Every Woman Should Know About

You've been told the key to preventing osteoporosis is getting more calcium. But nothing could be further from the truth. Discover the scary truth about why calcium supplementation is likely to worsen bone density and increase your risk of osteoporosis...

One Year in 40 Seconds
one year in 40 seconds

A beautiful transition through all four seasons in just 40 spectacular seconds.

What the Length of Your Index Finger Says About You

Can you determine your risk of heart disease and cancer, and even predict personality traits, based on the length of your fingers?

This Powerful Nutrient Improves Concentration by 60% and Fights ADHD

Patients who took a daily 500mg dose of this for six months improved their ability to concentrate by an average of over 60%. And previous research using a similar nutrient has shown it can improve the symptoms of ADHD more than drugs...

Get the White Out of Baby's First Foods

Despite what your pediatrician may tell you, rice cereal may not be the best choice for your baby's first solid food.

Avoid this Type of Water Purification

I've been discouraging people from drinking this water for over 10 years now. The contaminant level is astronomically high as it becomes concentrated - some of its contaminants are over 10,000 times as toxic as chlorine. And that's not all. Learn all the hazards before you take another drink.

The Marshmallow Test
the marshmallow test

An adorable lesson in will power and rewards, all from a single marshmallow.

How to Help Ease Hectic Holiday Times and Find Quick and Often Permanent Relief to Various Illnesses and Conditions

Holidays can be a stressful time for many. Learn which technique has been a consistently effective healing tool for hundreds of physical, mental, and emotional ailments. Explore its numerous success stories regarding fears, phobias, emotional traumas and physical ailments.

This Kills Twice as Many People as AIDS - Why are Doctors Ignoring it?
This Kills Twice as Many People as AIDS - Why are Doctors Ignoring it?

Less people die from accidents, diabetes, HIV/AIDS or suicides than this unrecognized epidemic. But why are doctors betraying your trust and compromising your best interests by prescribing you this instead of something far more practical? Warning: The answer will alarm you...

Top 10 Food Additives to Avoid

Do you know which common ingredients lurking in your food have been linked to heart attacks, behavioral problems, cancer and more?

The Most Dangerous Types of Water You Can Drink
The Most Dangerous Types of Water You Can Drink

Including one that is just as unhealthy as soda... another which has 36 harmful pollutants... and this 'healthy water' which invites devastating health consequences as it condenses the toxic byproducts into your drinking supply and sucks the good minerals out of your body. Read this before you consume another drop...

Canadians Vote Against Fluoridated Water Supplies
canadians vote against fluoridated water supplies

The battle against fluoridated water is fought one community at a time -- and one such battle in Waterloo, Canada has been won!

Higher Levels of this Mineral Linked with Lower Heart Attack Rate

Optimizing intake of this important mineral can help prevent sudden cardiac death. Are you getting enough?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

8 Skin Moisturizer Ingredients You'd Best Avoid
8 Skin Moisturizer Ingredients You'd Best Avoid

Even if you buy your lotion at a health food store, you may be putting something potentially toxic on your skin... Here's what you should really know about caring for your skin, your body's largest organ.

15 Dangerous Drugs Big Pharma Shoves Down Your Throat

Are you taking any of these commonly prescribed drugs? If so, you may be gambling with your health.

Regular Exercise Reduces Large Number of Health Risks

Who would have known that exercise could positively affect your body in over two dozen ways?

One of America's Oldest Men - Is His Controversial Anti-Aging Advice Right For You?
are you using this powerful antiaging secret

Bernando LaPallo is 109 and still going strong. He shares his most important lifestyle secret, but will it work for you? Here's how to choose what will help you feel and look your best now while living a healthy, long life.

Will Energy Drinks be Banned?

Following hospitalizations, several popular energy drink brands may be pulled from store shelves.

Why the New Vitamin D Recommendations Spell Disaster For Your Health
vitamin d update carole baggerly and dr cannell

Bordering on criminal negligent malpractice, the Food and Nutrition Board's newly disclosed recommendations for vitamin D intake has sent shockwaves of disbelief throughout the natural health community. And even more puzzling... why are they hiding the comments from their panel of 15 "vitamin D experts"?

More Drugs Do Not Mean Better Care

New research reveals that taking more medication is not at all your ticket to optimal health.

This Surprising Toxin Can Lead to Genetic Defects and Miscarriages...

Pregnant women and young children should be especially vigilant to avoid this toxin. Just 0.23 parts per billion is enough to disrupt the hormones in your baby's developing brain. Naturally, the chemical industry clings to their $7 billion industry – regardless... Dump this toxin anyway with the help of these 11 tips...

Four Tablespoons of This "Brain Food" May Prevent Alzheimer's
can this natural food cure or prevent alzheimers

When your brain's production of insulin decreases, it begins to starve as it's deprived of the energy it needs to function normally. But taking just four tablespoons of this "brain food" each day can prevent loss of memory, speech, movement and personality...

Excess Body Weight Actually Decreases Bones

Are the excess pounds you're carrying actually causing your bones to become weaker rather than stronger as previously believed?

BUSTED: This Popular "Independent" Health Website is Deceiving You

Even though they are the second most visited health website on the web - they are using "objective tests" where, no matter how you answer, their recommended solution is an expensive drug. Here's how to insulate your health...

Blue Light May be Key to Fighting Winter Blues

The color of light you're exposed to may make all the difference in your mood this winter.

This Natural Food Should Not be Consumed by Anyone at Any time for Any Reason

That's what a representative from the FDA told TIME magazine - essentially claiming they have the authority to prohibit any food of their choosing, and make it a crime for you to seek it out. But before you get fooled by their "conspiracy theories" read this...

Solar Furnace Melts Rock
solar furnace melts rock

Behold the awesome power of energy from the sun -- when focused into a heat ray it's hot enough to incinerate any item on Earth.

40,000 DAILY Hospital Medical Mistakes - How to Slash YOUR Risk...

Published by the New England Journal of Medicine - this 6 year study of hospitals with patient safety improvement programs in place showed terrible and too-often tragic results. In these 10 hospitals, 18% of patients were harmed by medical care, and 8% of those were life-threatening. How to avoid becoming a sad statistic...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ignore This Simple Daily Habit and Watch Your Risk of Heart Disease Soar by 70%

This daily habit plays such a tremendous role in helping to prevent inflammation in your body that contributes to the build-up of plaque in your arteries, which can lead to a heart attack. This recent study proved that engaging in this activity just twice a day can substantially reduce your risk.

Grains of Sound -- Low Earth Orbit
Grains of Sound -- Low Earth Orbit

Stunning visuals from low earth orbit cameras set to an amazing audio backdrop.

What are the World's 10 Fattest Countries?

"Globesity" is making its way around the world, and these 10 countries are so far the hardest hit.

This Vilified Daily Food Slashes Heart Attack Risk in Half...

The ongoing demonization began in 1953... Please don't believe it. Discover its vitamins, minerals, and other awesome components befitting a true 'health' food - and the 10 health issues, including heart disease, it can alleviate. So kick out its many imposters... and enjoy it daily.

Want to Be Happier? Keep Your Focus

Five simple ways to live in the present moment and increase your level of happiness.

The Trick to Eating Healthy on a Tight Budget
27 signs that the standard of living for americas middle class is dropping like a rock

There's no doubt the standard of living for America's middle class is dropping like a rock. But here's how to eat healthy on a tight budget instead of stocking up on "cheap" food which will end up costing you an arm and a leg later on...

The Amazing Anti-Aging Discovery Experts Say Deserves the Nobel Prize...

She discovered how to make roundworms live 6 times longer... shutting down this highly damaging gene and activating its opposing 'elixir of life' gene. And she believes people can do it too - meaning that switching on your 'sweet 16 gene' is now simpler than ever. How to get started today...

New Concerns Arise for Children's Dental X-Rays

Is your child or teen being exposed to dangerous amounts of radiation in the dentist's chair?

Eating This "Healthy" Food? It Could be Slowly and Silently Killing You

Everyone should know the dangers about this food which stunts growth, causes infertility and toxifies the nervous system--especially women. It can cause difficulties with menopause, stimulate breast cancer and may result in Alzheimer's later in life...

Largest U.S. Egg Producer Caught Abusing Chickens on Video
largest U.S. egg producer caught abusing chickens on video

Disturbing video footage reveals one of the many reasons why I recommend avoiding using most organic eggs purchased in the grocery store.

Finally, Proof that Cancer is a Man-Made Disease

The medical establishment won't admit it, but now there's undeniable proof that nearly all cancer is NOT caused by genes or anything in the natural environment. Equip yourself and your loved ones with these 3 top anti-cancer strategies to ward off cancer or to help save your life if you have cancer now.

Monsanto's Ongoing Corruption Incites Forbes' Retraction...

Why it took Forbes nearly a year to retract their praise of Monsanto is beyond me... The news is finally out about all the evils they have perpetrated against our farmers, our government – and your health. And now their superweeds are overtaking America's precious farmland and killing our food...

The Cleaner, Cheaper "Toilet Paper Alternative" Everyone Should Adopt (It's Environmentally Friendly Too!)
The Cleaner, Cheaper Toilet Paper Alternative Everyone Should Adopt (It's Environmentally Friendly Too!)

While it's considered an "embarrassing" topic in the U.S. - this simple solution which has been used for centuries in Europe allows you to save money, protect yourself from germs and save the environment. And the best part is you can be up and running in less than 30 minutes...

Why do Obstetricians Still Rush to Clamp the Cord?

Delayed cord clamping is proving to be better for newborns by leaps and bounds ... so why is this practice still rare in the United States and other countries?

New Study Shows Antibiotics Have Little Impact on Child Ear Infections

If your child has an ear infection, overwhelming evidence suggests an antibiotic may do more harm than good...

A Newly Discovered Reason to Avoid Fast Food and Popcorn

As if unhealthy food wasn't already a good reason to avoid fast food, here's another one to consider - and it's linked to cancer, infertility, thyroid problems, and elevated cholesterol. But it's not limited to fast food. Popcorn and other common items found in your kitchen are implicated, too.

Amazing Video Animation of the Inner Life of a
amazing video animation of the inner life of a cell

Take a journey through the microscopic world of a cell in this fascinating video animation that is beyond anything you ever learned in biology class.

Green Tea Extracts Plus Vitamin D Boost Bone Health

Can green tea improve the already phenomenally proven bone-building benefit of vitamin D?

The Worst Type of Fish You Can Eat
farmed salmon exposed

Studies have found levels of PCBs, dioxins, toxaphene and mercury to be higher in these fish which contain an assortment of antibiotics & pesticides. If you buy fish from the supermarket or restaurants, this is urgent information you must have...

How to Live Longer - Reduce Your Need for This

Johns Hopkins Medical School has discovered this aspect of the health system may be the leading cause of death. ALSO: Why only 11% of these treatments are estimated to be beneficial... how to reduce your need for it and a better approach that's becoming more popular...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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Don't look now, coffee is good for you

Posted: November 03, 2010
10:30 pm Eastern

Dr. Julian Whitaker
© 2010

Patients coming to the Whitaker Wellness Institute sometimes express surprise that we serve coffee. Doesn't it increase the body's acidity? Aren't health-conscious people supposed to drink tea instead? Isn't caffeine bad for you?

If coffee were dangerous, then every morning emergency rooms around the world would be choked with people suffering the ill effects of our favorite breakfast beverage. Of course, this isn't the case.

Coffee is not harmful. On the contrary, I consider it to be a health food, and hundreds of studies bear this out.

A cupful of health benefits

Coffee can stop migraine headaches, curb appetite, prevent tooth decay and increase the effectiveness of aspirin and other analgesics (Anacin and Excedrin both contain caffeine). Here are some other benefits researchers have discovered.

  • Protects against neurodegenerative disorders: Research reveals that drinking coffee lowers the risk of Parkinson's disease by as much as 80 percent. Caffeine has also been shown to reduce amyloid plaques in the brains of animals, suggesting it protects against other neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's. And a 21-year-long Scandinavian study found that people who drank three or more cups of coffee a day had a 65-percent reduced risk of dementia, compared to people who drank two or fewer cups.

  • Reduces risk of diabetes: Coffee increases insulin sensitivity, and a high intake – at least six cups a day – lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes by 54 percent in men and 30 percent in women.

  • Boosts concentration and mood: Studies have demonstrated that coffee improves concentration and alertness, boosts mood and decreases suicide risk. Just the smell of coffee relieves stress in animals.

  • Supports the liver and gallbladder: Compared to people who avoid coffee, those who drink at least two cups a day are 80 percent less likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver (even if they drink a lot of alcohol) and half as likely to have gallstones.

  • Lowers cancer risk: Coffee is also protective against cancer of the liver and kidneys, and people who drink it are 25 percent less apt to get colon cancer. Although it's long been suspected of increasing risk of breast cancer, a recent study spanning 22 years and involving nearly 86,000 women found a weak inverse association between the two in postmenopausal females.

  • Alleviates asthma: This popular drink also controls asthma and can even halt a full-blown attack in its tracks.

  • Enhances exercise: Drinking coffee before work outs improves endurance and lessens exercise-induced muscle pain.

  • Increases longevity: A large 2008 study found that drinking up to six cups of regular or decaffeinated coffee daily is associated with a slightly lower risk of death from heart disease, cancer and other causes.

So what is it in coffee that provides such remarkable benefits?

First, that cup of java is a terrific source of protective antioxidants. Researchers evaluating both the antioxidant levels of various foods and drinks and the frequency with which those items are consumed have found that the average amount of coffee consumed by American adults per day – 1.64 cups – provides 1,299 mg of antioxidants.

Tea, the second richest source, supplied only 294 mg, followed by antioxidant-rich (but sparingly eaten) fruits and vegetables, which provide fewer than 75 mg each of antioxidants per day.

Believe it or not, coffee even contains fiber – nearly 2 g per cup.

But these aren't the only components that make coffee a health food. Although some studies reveal that regular and decaffeinated coffee both have benefits, oft-maligned caffeine gives the drink much of its oomph.

In addition to perking up the nervous system, caffeine increases the activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine and enhances delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles and brain.

Drink up, but don't go overboard

Coffee does have a few downsides that are most problematic with excessive use. For example, it can exacerbate anxiety and give you the jitters. And, when prepared without a paper filter, coffee may raise cholesterol. People who have osteoporosis or who are pregnant can enjoy an occasional cup of coffee, but should limit their intake.

But for most of us, enjoying a cup or two of Joe every day is a good way to boost mood, energy and overall health.