Saturday, August 29, 2009

Preparing for Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccines: What Can You Do?

Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH and Sherri Tenpenny, DO urgently discuss the worldwide move toward mandatory vaccination against the swine flu. They'll discuss scenarios and options on what to do to stop it, what to do in the face of it to protect yourself and your family, and what the aftermath may look like. This is your opportunity to understand what is really going on.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Time: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM CDT

Reserve your Webinar Seat Now at:

Canada Examines Vitamin D for Swine Flu Protection
August 10, 2009
The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has confirmed that it will be investigating the role of vitamin D in protection against swine. The agency started a study last year on the role of vitamin D in severe seasonal influenza, which it said it will now adapt to the H1N1 swine flu virus.

Dr. Eisenstein's Comments:

"No More Vitamin D Deficiency "

Canada May be getting it. The 35 year campaign by doctors to keep people out of the sun, the use of sunscreens, the contamination of our fish with toxic heavy metals, and the inadequate recommendation for vitamin D supplementation (400IU per day) has led to this serious condition.

...millions and millions of American Children and Adults are deficient in Vitamin D

Recent scientific studies have found that the level of Vitamin D in most people, while adequate to protect against rickets, is not high enough to lower the probability of pain, cancer, autism, heart disease, osteoporosis, colds, flu and many more medical conditions that may be caused by insufficient amounts of Vitamin D.

Why You Need to Have Your Vitamin D Level Tested Now

Traditionally, specific nutrient intake recommendations have been based on preventing a particular "index" disease--for instance, calcium to prevent osteoporosis or vitamin D to prevent rickets. However, researchers are now finding that nutrients are needed to prevent not only short-term disease but also many of the chronic, long-term diseases that are now facing the nation.

The "normal" ranges for many nutrients reflect their ability to ward off short-term disease only and may not be adequate to protect the body from long-term diseases such as cancer, heart disease and central nervous system degeneration.

Since these chronic diseases often show up much later in life, they are commonly attributed to non-nutritional causes. But, evidence suggests that nutrient deficiencies--even deficiencies that are viewed as slight by modern medicine standards--may be the cause of many chronic diseases.

One such nutrient deficiency is vitamin D. It was traditionally thought that a person had enough vitamin D as long as they didn’t have rickets or osteomalacia. Nutritional scientists have referred to 25(OH)D, the functional indicator for vitamin D, values of <20>

According to the author of the paper in the link below, Robert P Heaney, "Discerning the extent to which nutrition may play a role in such disorders [chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and central nervous system degeneration], positive or negative, is probably the principal challenge facing nutritional science today.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition November, 2003;78(5):912-919

Get Tested First

Before considering supplementation with vitamin D, it would be wise to have your vitamin D level tested. This is best done from a nutritionally oriented physician. It is very important that they order the correct test. The advantage of having your medical doctor perform the test is that it will usually be covered by your medical insurance.

Don't Be Fooled -- Order the Correct Test

There are two vitamin D tests -- 1,25(OH)D and 25(OH)D.

25(OH)D is the better marker of overall D status. It is this marker that is most strongly associated with overall health.

The correct test is 25(OH)D, also called 25-hydroxyvitamin D

Please note the difference between normal and optimal. You don't want to be average here; you want to be optimally healthy.

Read full article here. It's long but its well worth it! (Also, to see the article you may need to sign up for the newsletter. It's free and it's loaded with helpful information so it's worth doing.)

Here is a link to LabCorp, a service that is recommended for testing. I have just written them to find out more about how you go about getting tested and am awaiting a response. I'll report back here if I hear from them.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Have You Heard the Latest on Exercise During Pregnancy?

An exercise program during pregnancy may have far-reaching benefits.

Register for FREE for The Tapping World Summit -- Limited Time Offer
Finally, let go of fear, anxiety, pain, excess weight, and more with a simple tapping technique you can quickly master and use from the comfort of your own home. Don't miss this ground-breaking Tapping World Summit event now -- at no charge!

The FDA has the Audacity to Claim Mercury is Completely Harmless
Video: The FDA has the Audacity to Claim Mercury is Completely Harmless
Outrageous conflict of interest uncovered in recent FDA ruling on mercury and what you can do to correct it.

Simple Inexpensive Solution to Radically Lower EMF Exposure
Video: Simple Inexpensive Solution to Radically Lower EMF Exposure
Leading EMF expert reviews how you can use household items to reduce the dangers of EMF in your home.

5 Simple Ways to Increase Your Intelligence

Remember the old adage, “use it or lose it”? This is as true for your IQ as it is for your body.

FDA's Mercury Ruling Defies ALL Scientific Reasoning
Video: FDA's Mercury Ruling Defies ALL Scientific Reason
Why would the FDA go ahead with a new ruling that could put your family's health at risk?

Eat Fat With Tomatoes to Absorb All the Nutrients

Fail to incorporate this handy trick and you may miss out on some of the most important nutrients in tomatoes.

How to Combat the Latest Supergerms

Keep yourself and your family safe from drug-resistant bacteria with these simple tips.

Half of Kids Given Flu Drug Have Side Effects

Is the most popular drug for flu safe or even effective at fighting the flu?

Another Poison Hiding in Your Environment

This little-known but pervasive and toxic endocrine disruptor is one of the most common causes of low-functioning thyroids.

Who's Sneaking Toxins into Your Home-Cooked Meals?
Discover the hidden link between high-temp cooking and health-damaging 'villains' that get into your food...

Legal Immunity Set for Swine Flu Vaccine Makers

How many people understand that if you or your family are injured by the vaccines you have NO legal recourse against the manufacturer?

Prostate Cancer Treatment Choices

An expert review of treatment options for prostate cancer by one of the most prolific writers in medicine.

Is Forced Experimental Vaccination On the Way?
Video: Is Forced Experimental Vaccination On the Way?
Get the facts and be prepared as the threat of mandatory vaccination looms very real in the US.

Are Tanning Beds Really as Dangerous as Arsenic and Mustard Gas?
Video: Are Tanning Beds Really as Dangerous as Arsenic and Mustard Gas?
Learn how to guard yourself and your family from misleading stories you see in the media.

Black Tea Fights Diabetes

Time to consider ditching your coffee for an alternative that will actually improve your health.

Why Men Don't Live as Long as Women

Six photos reveal why some men’s great ideas may contribute to their early demise.

The Generic Drug Rip-Off

Why are prescription drug prices so high -- even for generics -- and could this novel solution be the answer to more affordable drug prices?

The Secrets of Resveratrol's Health Benefits

Why is this antioxidant often referred to as the modern-day fountain of youth?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Your Body Literally Glows With Light

Science shows that your body literally glows in visible light.

Mayo Clinic DEAD Wrong on Diabetic Recommendations

If you listen to the “experts” on diabetes you will be digging yourself an early grave.

Why You Should NEVER EVER Sleep Where Your Cat Sleeps
Video: Why You Should NEVER EVER Sleep Where Your Cat Sleeps
Ever wonder why cats sleep where they do? Knowing the answer could protect you and your family’s health.

Good Bacteria Fight the Flu

With cold and flu season right around the corner, this simple trick may help keep yourself and your family healthy.

Frightening Facts about Vitamin B-12
Millions of Americans suffer from low energy levels*… Energize yourself today with high bioavailable B-12.

Swine Flu Vaccine Makers to Profit $50 Billion a Year!!

And, to top it off, they will be using you and your family as guinea pigs.

New Model for Cancer -- Dynamite!
Video: New Model for Cancer -- Dynamite!
Groundbreaking new research reveals a powerful cancer fighter that’s available to nearly everyone … plus find out how you can get involved and help prevent tens of thousands of U.S. cancer deaths.

Will YOU Look as Good as Jack LaLanne at Age 93?

Pictures speak louder than words.

Is There Really Such a Thing as Premonition That Foretells Future Events?

A fascinating interview with Dr. Dossey on the power of your premonitions.

Swine Flu is NOT the Problem -- It is the Vaccine that May Harm or Kill You
Video: Swine Flu is NOT the Problem --  It is the Vaccine that May Harm or Kill You
Urgent information to protect yourself and your loved ones … get informed before the swine flu vaccine craze comes to your town.

Doctors Bribed to Hook Your Kids on Drugs?

What you need to know as a parent to keep your children drug-free, happy and healthy.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Don't Miss This Complimentary Tapping Word Summit
Finally, let go of fear, anxiety, pain, excess weight, and more with a simple tapping technique you can quickly master and use from the comfort of your own home. Don't miss this ground-breaking Tapping World Summit event now -- at no charge!

Proof That Thimerosal Induces Autism-Like Neurotoxicity

More evidence supporting the stance against excessive vaccinations and the need for improved vaccine safety standards.

Your Cell Phone and Brain Tumors
Video: Your Cell Phone and Brain Tumors
Why are deadly brain tumors suddenly on the rise?

Statins Cause Muscle Damage

Are you aware of the potentially permanent side effects of taking cholesterol-lowering medication?

Be VERY Careful When Replacing Missing Teeth

A conventional tooth implant comes with significant health risks. Don’t miss this expert review of the latest alternative.

How We Can Lead Others in the Health Care Revolution
Video: How We Can Lead Others in the Health Care Revolution
Have you realized just how close we are to changing the current medical paradigm?

Skyscraper Lunch

Breathtaking photos of some very brave construction workers (warning: do not view these photos if you are afraid of heights!).

Hundreds of Thousands of Reactions to Gardasil… Is Your Child Next?
Video: Hundreds of Thousands of Reactions to Gardasil… Is Your Child Next?
Healthy girls are having their health ruined by Gardasil -- get the facts before you vaccinate your daughter for HPV.

The Newest Heavy Metal Threat

A nano-sized threat may be infiltrating your lungs and wreaking havoc on your health.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Do Drug Companies Secretly Favor a World Flu Pandemic?
Video: What are the Dangers of Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination?
Did you know that for many the flu vaccine recommendations will be for four shots not just one? This means at least a 400% increase in side effects.

Chlorine in Your Baby Carrots

Who knew that these “healthy snacks” were being doused with chlorine?

Want to Keep Your Wallet? Carry a Baby Picture

Surprising findings show that what’s in your wallet can trigger subconscious goodwill in the finder if you lose it.

Your Car and Home Could Soon Be Powered By Urine

Is this the alternative fuel source we’ve all been waiting for?

Why are the Chinese Government and the US Drug Companies So Afraid of Facebook and Twitter?

Why is China blocking the use of Facebook and Twitter? The answer provides important clues for the health revolution.

Important Turmeric Benefits Revealed
See important do's and don'ts when it comes to using herbs and spices to enhance your overall health and wellbeing.

How Industry Giants are Undermining the Organic Movement

Tips and guidelines to help you get what you pay for when buying organic and all-natural.

Woody Harrelson -- Thoughts From Within
Video: Woody Harrelson -- Thoughts From Within
Can you gain enlightenment from poetry?

Who Knew This One Simple Choice Could Have So Many Health Benefits?
Video: Who Knew This One Simple Choice Could Have So Many Health Benefits?
Is exercise as important as vitamins and minerals for your health?

Can Cocoa Bean Mulch Be Lethal for Your Pets?

This urgent warning could save your pet’s life (make sure you read this BEFORE you do your landscaping).

Insights on Multiple Sclerosis
Video: Insights on Multiple Sclerosis
There are an increasing number of safe, effective and exciting treatments for this previously "hopeless" disease.

Is Bottled Water Really Pure?
Video: Is Bottled Water Really Pure?
The water in your expensive bottled water may come from a surprising source, and contain more than you bargained for.

Barefoot Running May Be Better For You
Video: Barefoot Running May Be Better For You
Should you ditch your running shoes and hit the trail with bare feet instead?

A Misunderstood Skin Condition Sweeping the Baby Boom Generation

Finally, some answers and natural treatment options for this common and chronic skin condition.

How Large is a Petabyte?

You won’t believe what computers will soon be able to do.

Scariest Water Additive Ever -- Are YOU Drinking It?
Don't miss this FREE full-length expert audio interview discussing the many dangers of fluoride.

Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine’s Dirty Little Secret Exposed
Video: Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine’s Dirty Little Secret Exposed
A closer look at one of the toxic ingredients to be used in upcoming swine flu vaccines.

Dr. Klinghardt's Treatment of Lyme Disease

An expert in-depth review of the little-known toxic infection that is an emerging epidemic at the heart of many chronic illnesses.

Hilarious Proof of How Bad U.S. Educational System Really Is
Video: Hilarious Proof of How Bad U.S. Educational System Really Is
Warning, do not watch this unless you are ready to laugh. Without a doubt the funniest video I have seen in years, hands down.

Why Silk Soy Milk's Parent Company is Throwing American Farmers and Consumers Under the Bus

A major wake-up call for anyone who is still being fooled by Silk soy milk’s natural and healthy image.

When it Comes to Vaccinating Your Pet, Less is More
Video: When it Comes to Vaccinating Your Pet, Less is More
How many vaccines does your dog or cat really need ... and what are the risks of over-vaccinating?