Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Quickest, Easiest Way to Help Detoxify Your Body

Your blood, kidneys and liver all love this almost magical ingredient which sweeps away all the toxic exposures you come into contact with every day. But most of it is laced with volatile organic compounds, pesticides or hormones. Here's how to fix this problem - FAST...

Light Therapy Promising for Treating Major Depression

Who would have known that this simple therapy could be so useful to relieve symptoms of clinical depression?

Mass Death of Birds and Fish: Is There a Cover Up?

The official explanation to the Arkansas bird deaths is they died from blunt-force trauma. Tests for poisoning were negative. Case closed. To dismiss these events off-hand as something "within the norm" seems remarkably irresponsible - here are the real facts which suggest this could be a sign of future trouble...

Cancer Sucks -- One Final Adoption

A heartbreaking story of one woman's fight with cancer highlights the tragedy that is occurring in far too many homes... and modern medicine's lack of effective preventive tools and treatments.

Want to Boost Your Metabolism? Try These 3 Things Today...

There are tricks galore to speed up your metabolism and shed unwanted pounds, but what really works long-term? Here are 3 potent and natural ways to optimize your metabolism that brings good health, increased energy, fewer wrinkles, and a slimmer, trimmer body.

Pepsi's Answer to 'Eat Natural': Snackify Beverages and Drinkify Snacks

Mega food giant Pepsi is rolling out new "natural" products in 2011 ... but are they really a good choice for your health?

The Toxin So Dangerous - Even CDC Now Warns Against Consumption by Infants
does fluoride really fight cavities

Is this widely distributed neurotoxin affecting you and your family? Brain damage, cancer and impaired immune function are only some of the dangers associated with it. But when the CDC issued their warning, it only went to health professionals, not to the public. Find out now what they failed to tell you...

If You Eat Processed Meats, Are You Risking Your Life?

New evidence adds one more nail in the coffin for processed meats and their potentially deadly impact on your health.

Cure Your Cravings by Ignoring This Widely Followed Conventional Advice

Lunch should be your biggest meal and you should never eat after 6pm, right? Wrong. This advice (which works against your natural biology) can hinder your ability to burn off excess pounds and cause you to become sluggish. Do this instead to gain more energy and a slimmer waistline...

The 6 Worst Brands of Bottled Water You Can Buy

Analyzing 173 bottled water products, only one brand supplied purification and contaminant information. 9 out of 10 of the top selling waters refused to disclose where their water comes from. You may be overpaying up to 1,900 times to fund this profitable scheme. Find out if you are consuming one of the six worst.

Most Americans are Delusional About Healthy Eating

A new survey reveals many Americans are very confused about making truly healthy dietary choices.

Without This... You Won't Efficiently Metabolize Fat
Without This... You Won't Efficiently Metabolize Fat

With a 25% chance every cell and tissue in your body has less than optimal levels of this nutrient, your metabolism can be totally inefficient in generating energy and absorbing vital nutrients.* Here's what to do...

Tragically, Average Child in U.S. Gets Seven Radiation Scans

Know all the very real and serious risks of radiation before consenting to X-rays or CT scans on your child.

The Best Bomb Detectors for Airports - Why Aren't We Using Them?
naked scanners update

These shocking videos show what we should be using for airport security... the money flow behind 'naked scanners'... and their scary Nazi connections. Worse - these invasive peep shows can't even pick up the very explosives they say they detect. And wait till you learn where else they intend to use them...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Caution: This Common Device Can Double Your Risk of Getting a Brain Tumor
Caution: This Common Device Can Double Your Risk of Getting a Brain Tumor

Unless you reduce your usage of this handy device, you may double your risk of getting a brain tumor within 10 years. And within 6 years, you'll increase your risk (by 60%) of getting a tumor which can damage your hearing. Here're 8 simple steps you can take to minimize your risk...

Now the FDA is Going After Vitamin C!

The FDA is trying to ban IV vitamin C, but you can take a stand against this latest assault on a potentially life-saving natural treatment.

Captured on Tape: 60 Minutes Exposes the Maker of the #1 Most Fatal Drug of 2009
Captured on Tape: 60 Minutes Exposes the Maker of the #1 Most Fatal Drug of 2009

Unable to stay out of the headlines, this drug maker spent 11 years covering up incriminating safety data while 1,354 lives were lost just in one year. Now a former employee speaks out for the first time on 60 Minutes about the shady events, lies, and criminal cover-ups that continued for months and perhaps still do.

WikiLeaks Exposes Pfizer's Strong-arm Tactics to Cover up Deaths of Innocent Children

Despite what you or I feel about WikiLeaks' agenda, this is one instance where a U.S. diplomatic cable made public could help stop future deaths of innocent children used for drug trial experimentation. It's criminal how this drug company enlisted unsuspecting child guinea pigs to boost drug profits... 11 died... dozens were disabled...

Eating This "Healthy" Food While Pregnant Can Lead to Infant Deafness, Blindness or Mental Retardation...

Your baby's brain needs this critical nutrient... But many expectant moms are going about it all wrong - because of the unintended toxin that's riding along and sneaking into their baby's nutrient supply. Learn how to correct course today, while there's still time...

Foods You Should Stop Eating if You Want to Age Gracefully

No amount of creams and potions will help you maintain a youthful look if you eat these foods on a regular basis. Stop believing the advertising hype - facial wrinkles are not an inevitable sign of aging. You can easily solve the problem by addressing the problem at the cellular level...

UK Finally Makes Smart Decision to Protect Children... Why Doesn't the US?

Don't let government rhetoric convince you this is a smart ritual to participate in... Australia and the UK have both stopped it. Get the facts, stomp out their blatant lies, and save your immune system from their destructive plans. I show you natural ways to accomplish what they 'promise.'

This Everyday "Healthy" Beverage Poisons Your Body One Swallow at a Time

It's consumed every day by millions, thinking it's "good" for their health. But the sinister side of this beverage may be killing you. How well do you know these risks of cancer, birth defects, and more -- and how to avoid them? Fact is... when you learn the cost it may be much more than you're willing to pay...

Baldness Drug Risks Men's Sexual Health

A popular drug for male pattern baldness has been leaving some men permanently impotent.

Resist Giving This to Your Child - Even if Your Doctor Recommends it

More than a quarter of American youths are putting their health at risk and acting as long term guinea pigs by following their doctor's advice about this. Take these steps before exposing your child or you could risk sending them to an early grave...

How Smart Kids Can Be
how smart kids can be

Do you know your U.S. geography as well as this intelligent toddler?

How Coke and Pepsi Are Buying Off Charities

Multinational soda corporations are making mega-donations to charities as part of a very strategic plan to boost their bottom lines.

A Wholesome Treat So Delicious It Might Even Make You Euphoric
A Wholesome Treat So Delicious It Might Even Make You Euphoric

What if... you could have an easy to carry prepackaged treat that actually promoted your health - and spared you the temptation to eat damaging snacks filled with high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, soy and gluten? Isn't it time to trade those health bombs in for a healthier, more nutritious 2011?

Placebos Work -- Even Without Deception

Placebo pills prove to have astonishingly powerful effects, even when people know they're taking nothing more than a sugar pill.

Scientific American Finds U.S. Pig Farms May Be 'Flu Factories'

Is a mutant pig flu virus about to emerge from American pig farms?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

US Government to Europe: Give This to Your People Or There Will be "Some Pain"
US Government to Europe: Give This to Your People Or There Will be Some Pain

Within 10 days of eating this "harmless" vegetable, rats developed smaller brains, livers & testicles... liver and immune system damage... and even potentially pre-cancerous cell growth. Now WikiLeaks exposes the dark secrets of why the US government is trying to bully European officials - and refuses to protect us...

World's Oldest Optical Illusion Found?

Prehistoric artists may have been masters at creating mind-bending optical illusions.

Cordless Phone EMFs Trigger Heart Rhythm Abnormalities

New studies show that your portable home phone can have very real, very dangerous effects on your health ....

How to Solve Nearly Any Illness - Without Drugs

If you think drugs are going to help fix your health problems, don't read this because it's almost certain to change your mind. Discover the hidden solution to your chronic health problems and the best healthy drug substitute for diabetes, heart disease & depression...

Falling in Love Only Takes About a Fifth of a Second

New research shows falling in love at first sight is not an urban legend.

This Troublesome Condition Afflicts 75% of Women - How to STOP It Now...

Tired and run-down? You may have this condition that afflicts 80 million Americans - some of them chronically. Discover its all-natural cures, hidden symptoms, and underlying causes - so you can finally be rid of this problem forever...

The "Sleep Mistake" Which Boosts Your Risk of Cancer

Your brain naturally secretes this sleep hormone - but if you make this mistake, you'll trick it into altering its cycle and stop it from producing the "insomnia fighting" hormone that's also a potent antioxidant against cancer. PLUS: a little known device which disrupts this hormone...

"Until This... I've not had 2 Pain Free Nights in a Row Since 1991"

Even tough as nails problems like fibromyalgia respond - sometimes in as little as 3 minutes - to this gentle, safe and easy to administer pain treatment. And it's getting the attention of skeptical Western doctors who are starting to call it one of their primary healing tools...

Why 1/3 of the Population Gets Sick by Restricting This Vital Food Group
chris masterjohn criticism of the china study

What Chris Masterjohn experienced when he quit eating this food, and the story of his massive health improvement when he began eating it again. Which way is right for you? Find out by taking this one step, which will reveal the hidden secrets of what your body really needs for optimal health...

Was There a Conspiracy Involved with BP Oil Spill?
was there a conspiracy involved with bp oil spill

Jesse Ventura reveals sabotage and a shocking "death plot" may have been at the heart of the BP oil disaster.

Warning: Fluoride in Your Water Will Lower Your Child's IQ
warning fluoride in your water will lower your childs iq

Your child's brain could be at risk from the fluoride added to your drinking water supplies.

Breaking News: Popular Cancer Drug Declared More Harmful Than Helpful

With another controversial drug being 'phased out' due to severe side effects, including internal bleeding, high blood pressure, and heart failure, it joins the ranks of failed chemotherapy drugs. There are more effective and safer ways to both prevent and beat cancer, and one may not even cost you a dime.

What's Really to Blame for California's Whooping Cough Epidemic?

Even mainstream media is now investigating why vaccinated people are getting and spreading this disease... the hidden ties between 'expert policy groups' and vaccine drug makers... and the raging debate between 2 well-known pertussis experts. Plus, what you need to know before you choose the vaccine for your precious child...

The "Antioxidant Miracle" Fish Oil Suppliers Don't Want You to Know About*

It's 300 times stronger than vitamin A & E.* It's super-rich in essential DHA & EPA Omega-3 and it beats fish oil hands down.*

Red Wine and Cranberries are Good for Your Teeth

Powerful compounds in cranberries and red wine may help ward off cavities and protect your teeth... but you may want to think twice before stocking up your pantry.

Problems with Digestion? This Type of Food May Be To Blame...

Like many people, you may not be aware of the tremendous damage that this common type of food can launch on your digestive system and actually destroy cells. And not enough of just one nutrient can lead to constipation, heartburn, bloating, headaches, and fatigue. Before you reach for that next pill, check out these eye-opening facts.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Popular Exercise That Tears Down Your Muscles Rather Than Building Them Up
best way to prevent inevitable muscle wasting as you age

Instead of helping you get trim and fit and build muscle, this wildly popular form of exercise increases the risk of oxidative damage in your muscles and tissues. Discover the key principles that trigger your fitness success and start using them today to make your workout minutes count.

New Evidence Identifies Strong Cell Phone Cancer Link

Urgent information you need to know to protect your health if you use a cell phone.

Breaking News - Why Exercising at This Time of Day is FAR Better than Any Other Time...

Late-breaking study reveals how to NOT pay dearly for dietary indiscretions... and slim down, plus improve your insulin sensitivity. The trick? Just do your workout at this time of day. Add this food, and multiply success even more. Results so amazing, it's almost criminal...

People are Awesome
people are awesome

An uplifting and inspiring compilation of amazing feats showing stunts that in many cases just don't seem possible. Don't try this at home...

Probable Carcinogen in Tap Water of 31 U.S. Cities

Is your health at risk from this cancer-causing chemical in your drinking water?

Caution: Do This and You'll Likely Gain 15 Pounds Next Year

Not only will it cause you to pack on the pounds, but it's also linked to cancer, heart disease, premature aging, arthritis, and osteoporosis. AND is much more damaging than originally thought. How to end this vicious cycle now...

Could this be Why Many Women are Infertile?

This substance is found in more than 90 percent of Americans, and new research shows it may have a devastating impact on fertility.

The Witch-Hunt that's Taking it To One of America's Healthiest Food Choices...
U.S. government sneakily subsidizes milk industry
Don't look now... but you're being fattened and conned by the boldfaced lies of an unseen enemy. Under the guise of public health. Financed with your tax dollars. Backed by your government. Beware their slick ad campaigns - and their plans to choke off the hard working producers of this highly-desired nutritious food...

Beauty Sleep -- Truth or Fantasy?

Can missing out on a night of sleep actually make you appear less attractive?

The Superstar of Proteins - The Perfect Match for Counting Calories and Exercise
The Superstar of Proteins - The Perfect Match for Counting Calories and Exercise

When you're counting calories or exercising, your protein needs may increase up to 100 percent. What's the best way to fulfill them? There's one protein that stands out as the "King" and helps meet those needs better than all other sources. Plus, it's quick, handy, and delicious...

Memory Foggy? 5 Signs It's Not Serious

Is your forgetfulness normal or a sign of a serious problem? Here's how to determine the difference ...

The Lethal Medical Failure That's Still Recommended by Your Doctor
The Lethal Medical Failure That's Still Recommended by Your Doctor

Even India has put a stop to this deadly experiment. But doctors and U.S. governmental agencies still insist it's essential for every adolescent girl. The death toll in the U.S. from this uncontrolled 'medical experiment' now stands at 89 with 20,575 reported adverse affects. The newest victims on the list? Nursing infants.

Scientists Show that They Can Change People's Moral Judgments

It is true that scientific manipulation can now mold your principles of morality?