Sunday, October 26, 2008

Avoid Flu Shots With the One Vitamin that Will Stop Flu in Its Tracks Video: Avoid Flu Shots With the One Vitamin that Will Stop Flu in Its Tracks
Why expose yourself and your family to the dangers of an ineffective vaccine when the solution is right outside your door?

What You Don't Know About the U.S. Bailout Video: What You Don't Know About the U.S. Bailout
Did any of the proponents of the bailout bill do their homework?

8 Essential Skills They Didn't Teach You In School
Despite the fact that certain skills are essential for personal success, this skill set is not taught at all.

Guess Who Funds High Fructose Corn Syrup Studies?
Can you trust the TV commercials claiming corn syrup is the same as sugar?

New Regulations Mandate Country of Origin Labels
Will the new labels make it easier for you to find safer, healthier food?

My Best Healthy Drink Tip All Year... Video: Thinking Differently About Health Care
Ayurvedic healing has recognized this herbal beverage for its holistic health-promoting properties for over 5,000 years. With its 12+ health benefits, Tulsi is also an adaptogen, which means it can help you stay calm and relaxed in the face of stress (particularly important in today's trying times).

The Worst Cereals in the World
Are you harming or aiding your child's health with the breakfast you serve?

Shocking Loss of Freedom in U.S. Video: Shocking Loss of Freedom in U.S.
This fascinating video interview with the highly articulate Naomi Wolfe describes how the U.S. is following clear historical patterns of tyranny.

10 Productivity Myths That Hold You Back
How many of these mistaken beliefs are holding you back from success?

Thinking Differently About Health Care
Why is the U.S. health care system failing dismally at protecting health?

Prominent Scientist Warns of HPV Vaccine Dangers
Could Gardasil's battle cry "One Less" be a cruel play on words?

The Importance of Scheduling Downtime
Do you feel like relaxing is a waste of time?

Why You are More Creative After You Sleep
Sleep may be your best ally in solving tricky problems.

Why You Want to Avoid Using Chemical Disinfectants
Are you putting your family at risk by using chemical disinfectants to clean your home?

Ancient Trick Eliminates Jet Lag Video: Ancient Trick Eliminates Jet Lag
If you are ever challenged with jet leg this simple and quick tip can eliminate it for you.

Monday, October 20, 2008

BALANCING ACT: Film to be shown at Mocha Maya's Nov. 8th
One Simple Step to Improve Your Quality of Life this Winter Video: How Eating This Type of Fat Offers New Hope for Depression...
Particularly in this upcoming time of colder weather and over-taxed immune systems, it's crucial to get your omega-3's and antioxidants. This one pure marine oil not only delivers 15+ health benefits, but is also the easiest way in the world to improve your overall quality of life...

Caffeine Experts Call for Warning Labels for Energy Drinks
Are you aware of the unadvertised dangers of energy drinks that can harm you and your family?

How to Set Priorities and Get the Job Done
Timeless but often forgotten tips and tricks for getting the job done, based on your personality

American Kids are the Most Medicated in the World
How did the US ever get in this mess?

Dramatic Example of How Health Truth May Take Up to a Century to be Accepted
If you fail to ignore this warning you may be taking unnecessary risks with your and your family's health.

Ancient Healing Art Becoming More Popular
The oldest known form of healthcare in the world is gaining new attention in the West.

Scientists Warn Congress About Cell Phones and Cancer
As supporting evidence mounts, experts are starting to issue public warnings against cell phone use.

How to be a Brilliant Conversationalist
What simple things can you do to become an expert communicator?

Doctors Told to Curb Use of Ritalin in Hyperactive Children
What natural alternatives to drugs exist to help kids with ADHD?

For the First Time in History, More People Text Than Phone
What impact will all of this have on future generations?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Evidence Against Soy
Increasingly mounting evidence dispels the myth of soy being a healthy option.

5 Ways to Keep BPA Out of Your Food
Simple guidelines to protect yourself and your family from this common but dangerous toxin.

How to Never Forget Anything Again
Simple free tools you can easily use to help you achieve this great feat.

Gardasil is Dangerous As Well As Unproven
How many more girls will suffer from Merck's unnecessary cervical cancer vaccine?

World's Most Evil Company Debates Michael Pollan at Google Video: World's Most Evil Company Debates Michael Pollan at Google
What is said when two polar opposites of the food world battle it out on stage?

The Simple Secrets to a Really Good Multivitamin Video: World's Most Evil Company Debates Michael Pollan at Google
When life bombards you with stress, health issues, or a less-than-ideal diet, your lifestyle demands a multivitamin with the critical minerals calcium and magnesium, along with extra B vitamins. See why you need more minerals with each passing year.

Honey Kills Bacteria That Cause Chronic Sinusitis
Simple, inexpensive remedy helps this frequently challenging condition.

How to Use Your Camera As An Easy Way to Save Money
Great tips you may never have thought of before.

Acupuncture Beats Drug to Treat Hot Flashes
Is acupuncture really safe and effective?

How Much Chocolate Should You Eat?
Scientists have uncovered the precise amount of chocolate you need to gain health benefits.

What the Chemical Industry Doesn't Want You to Know about Everyday Products
The chemical industry has spent years suppressing vital information about hazardous chemicals you need to know about.

Pennsylvania University System Snuffs Out All Smoking
But will it have the desired effect on students' health?

Why Multitasking May Not Help You
Are you really being as efficient as you think you are when you do two or more tasks simultaneously?

Friendly Bacteria Protect Against Type 1 Diabetes
Startling new research.

Cell Phones Raise Children's Risk of Brain Cancer 500 Percent
Is it best to demand your child or teen use protection when calling on their cell phone?

'Detoxifying' Foot Pads are a Scam
Find out what works, what doesn't, and whether you should detox in the first place.

How Eating This Type of Fat Offers New Hope for Depression... Video: How Eating This Type of Fat Offers New Hope for Depression...
Are you eating the right fats to support your emotional health?

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything
Are you using these basic skills to your advantage?

Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs Will Wreck Your Muscles
Researchers continue to find more reasons to avoid these drugs like the plague.

Talcum Powder Linked to Ovarian Cancer
Is talcum powder really safe to use?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Who Predicted U.S. Economic Collapse One Year Ago? Video: Who Predicted U.S. Economic Collapse One Year Ago?
And more importantly, what will happen if U.S. leaders fail to heed these warnings?

Best Kept Secret for Treating Depression Video: Best Kept Secret for Treating Depression
Crucial information for anyone you know that has depression.

Is Tea Healthier Than Water?
Studies confirm the health benefits of tea, but beware of this important warning.

Honey Bees are Not Healthy
Are these common pesticides to blame?

Six Food Mistakes Parents Make
Are you setting your child up for a lifetime of healthy eating -- or a lifetime of struggles with food?

Big Pharma Ties Want to Shut Down Vaccine "Conspiracy

You will be shocked and surprised when you discover what's being proposed to pull the wool over your eyes!

Underground Wonders of the World: Lost Caverns and Buried Cities
Astounding man-made wonders you probably never saw.

Does Thinking Make You Fatter?
Who would have known that mental challenges can cause you to tip the scale in the wrong direction?

Food Safety's Dirty Little Secret
Who is looking out for how safe the food you feed your family is?

Are You Becoming a Boiled Frog?
How to avoid getting into hot water with conventional medical approaches.

A Strict Mediterranean Diet Offers a Big Health Boost
But beware of these lesser known pitfalls inherent in this popular diet.

The Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth
You probably never knew places like this ever existed.

When the Cure is Worse Than the Disease
Which conventional medicine treatments may actually make you sicker?