Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This Popular Drink Can SLOW Down Your Brain...
This Popular Drink Can SLOW Down Your Brain...

It accumulates in areas of your brain that control and alter behavior - especially your hippocampus and other limbic areas. A striking study published in 1995 showed that at comparable levels to humans, this had a profound influence on animals' brains and altered behavior. Isn't it time to stop drinking this now?

More Bone -- and Less Fat -- Through Exercise

New research reveals exercise even has an impact on the fat cells in your bone marrow, leading to stronger, healthier bones -- if you do it correctly.

The Surprisingly Potent Asian Food that Delivers Health Benefits More than Fish Oil...

Imagine all the benefits of fish oil... but in little packages absorbed directly into your body's tissue. The cardiovascular benefits, cancer fighting powers, immune boosting muscle... in a framework 15 times more potent - with its own natural preservatives that make it 200 times more stable so it won't go rancid...

Parents: You Can Say No to Vaccinations, Right? Maybe Not for Much Longer...
Parents: You Can Say No to Vaccinations, Right? Maybe Not for Much Longer...

You currently have the freedom to vaccinate or not. But if this bill is approved it will remove your right to freedom of choice if you live in this state, and allow you to be openly exploited by those in positions of power in medicine, government and industry. To help me stop this - I need your help TODAY...

If You're Tired, You are Probably Lacking This

There is a silent and growing epidemic many people are suffering from but unaware of the symptoms. Not only will it make you tired, it dries out your skin and can cause premature aging, high cholesterol, heartburn and constipation. The good news is it's an easy fix - but watch out for these 5 hidden landmines...

Stairs vs. Escalator
stairs vs escalator

This ingenious plan not only makes taking the stairs fun, it makes them nearly irresistible and changes people's behavior for the better!

Lymph Node Study Shakes Pillar of Breast Cancer Care

New lymph node study is shaking the pillars of breast care.

Doctor Warns: Eat This and You'll Look 5 Years Older
the dirty little secret hidden in much of your health food

A new study at the Hawaii Center for Health Research showed people who consumed a lot of this "healthy" food in mid-life not only aged less gracefully, they were more likely to experience brain aging and a more pronounced loss of cognitive function. Ignore this at your own risk...

Delusional Pepsi CEO Says Doritos are Not Bad for You
delusional pepsi ceo says doritos are not bad for you

Pepsi's CEO actually claims that Doritos snack chips and even Pepsi soda are not that bad for your health.

Why You Should Never Sleep With TV or Dim Lights On ...

You may be surprised to learn just how big an impact a glowing TV screen can have on your sleep environment … and your health.

60 Lab Studies Now Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child
60 Lab Studies Now Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child

If you were under 18 between 1953 and 1999, chances are good you were given this live vaccine. Now 60 lab studies confirm its link to lung, brain, bone and lymphatic cancer (up to 1/2 the 55,000 annual cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma). What will they discover about today's vaccines 40 years later?

How Parents Can Ruin their Children's Health

Are your misguided good intentions sabotaging your child's future health and intelligence?

What the Europeans Know About Toilet Hygiene That You Don't
What the Europeans Know About Toilet Hygiene That You Don't

Our friends across the pond wouldn't think of going without this... But Americans have successfully ignored this essential hygiene habit. Discover why our European neighbors may be a step ahead of us when it comes to personal comfort and cleanliness and how you can easily revolutionize your hygiene habits and save money at the same time.

New Ways to Think About Grief

Are there really "five stages" of grief... or is getting over a difficult loss a much more personal, individualized process?

Words of Wisdom from One of the Greatest Fitness Leaders of All Time
words of wisdom from one of the greatest fitness leaders of all time

This advice survived the test of time and will help motivate you to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The World's Easiest Way to Exercise and Slim Your Waistline power plate the most exciting fitness breakthrough in decades
While you can simply stand on this and get many benefits, if you want to build muscle and say goodbye to the flab around your belly, make more growth hormone and improve circulation, here's what you need to do...

Talking Mynah Bird talking mynah bird
This astonishingly intelligent bird is quite the chatterbox and is very entertaining.

Raising Awareness about Electromagnetic Pollution
You are being bathed in electromagnetic pollution of unprecedented proportions. What impact does this have on your health and that of future generations?

The Type of Meat that's Full of Cancer-Causing Toxins
Many vegetarians are now converting to meat eaters because of the proven health benefits. But eating this type of meat will NOT improve your health and can even transfer toxins into your body which leads to oxidative stress, inflammation and an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and kidney disease. Ignore this at your own risk...

Many High-Tech Health Interventions Unnecessary and Wasted
Is your physician talking you into medical procedures that are a complete waste of your time and money -- or worse yet, potentially harmful?

Breast Cancer Breakthrough - Cut Your Risk of Death in Half
Doing this on a regular basis has been shown to decrease your odds of contracting breast cancer, and lower your chances of dying from it by 50 percent, once diagnosed. Plus: the drink (just have 3 cups a day) which may also slash your risk by 50%... and the injection which causes half the human breast cancer cells to shrivel up and die within days...

At Last You Can Opt Out of Receiving Yellow Pages and Help Save Trees
Are you ready to stop receiving these massive, outdated tomes? Now you can.

Is Your Home Supplied with Water Contaminated by Lead Pipes?
Three common plumbing techniques could be leading to unsafe levels of lead in your home's drinking water.

The Common Drug that Destroys Your Memory The Common Drug that Destroys Your Memory
There have already been 80,000 reports of adverse effects of taking this everyday drug which blocks important nutrients critical for proper brain functioning and memory formation. So if you're taking it - I urge you to at least supplement it with this...

This is What Really Hides in Taco Bell's 'Beef'
Before you make a "run for the border," find out what's really featured on Taco Bell's menu.

ALERT: Seizures Now Reported in Kids Receiving Flu Vaccine
Urgent information for parents considering a flu shot for yourself or your children.

New Warning About the "Healthy" Habit That Can Damage Your Brain New Warning About the Healthy Habit That Can Damage Your Brain
You've been told consuming this is vital to a component of your health. And while that may be true - you haven't been told about the hidden poison it contains that penetrates your nervous system & has been linked to brain damage in 23 human and 100 animal studies. Read this before it's too late...

Why the Media is Usually Wrong about Health Information
If you rely on media headlines to make your health care decisions, you could be in for a rude awakening.

New Breakthrough for Joint Discomfort New Breakthrough for Joint Discomfort
Forget glucosamine and chondroitin. If you worry about your hips, knees, hands, shoulders, fingers, ankles, back, wrists, neck or any other joints, these four breakthrough ingredients could change your life...*

Magnesium Can Reduce Your Risk of Sudden Death
Are you getting enough of this important nutrient for heart health to prevent the number one symptom of heart disease?

Health Claim Filed for Vitamin D
Will vitamin D supplements soon be able to legally claim some of the many diseases that this miracle nutrient can prevent and treat?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Biggest Scam in World History Exposed
biggest scam in world history exposed

Congressman Dr. Ron Paul divulges the facts surrounding what may be the biggest scam in world history involving YOUR tax money-- an unbelievable sum of $16 trillion in secret backdoor bailouts of U.S. Federal Reserve funds to global banks. Here's how to show these thieves the door...

Powerful and Simple Tips to Help Lower Your EMF Risks

You are surrounded by various levels of electrical pollution that could be impacting your health, but these simple tips will help to lower your EMF burden.

When Organic Isn't Really Organic -- How You're Being Duped

These days a "certified organic" label doesn't always mean organic and you may be unknowingly paying a premium for sewage sludge-based fertilizers, growth hormones, and bioengineered genes. Find out how to ensure you're truly getting organic and, as a bonus, 6 steps to finding the healthiest food around.

The Newest Dangerous Sweetener to Hit Your Food Shelves...

The manufacturer assures you this is safe - while adding in a substance from the EPA's most hazardous chemicals list... one that's highly flammable and is a skin, eye and respiratory irritant needing special handling techniques. Why you should not trust the FDA on this one either...

ALERT -- Email this to Your Parents and Grandparents to Prevent them from Being Scammed

Make sure you and your loved ones are not throwing away money every month on this widespread rip-off.

Close Look at Shoe Inserts Raises a Welter of Doubts

Do orthotic shoe inserts help reduce foot pain and injury, or are they a waste of money?

One of the Most Dangerous 'Drinks’ You Can Give Your Child
new research shows link between mmr vaccine and autism

A new study in North Carolina looked at 82 children who have suffered damage to their brain - and 70 have tested positive for this virus which is coming from a common "cocktail" your doctor hands out like lollipops. Don't let them pull the wool over your eyes. I urge you to watch this...

U.S. Government Starts its Own Drug Company

The US moves ever closes to becoming a fascist state with this shocking move into the pharmaceutical industry.

Want Smarter Kids? Then Make Sure They Avoid This Widely Regarded Preventive...
breaking news us finally admits too much fluoride in the water

Twenty four studies from 4 different countries show this CRUSHES your child's IQ, so it's imperative you help keep them from it as much as possible. It's extremely pervasive, but the U.S. Department of Health seems to be reversing its stand. How to be sure the ruling won't get shot down again, amid the swirling controversy...

99 Percent of Pregnant Women in U.S. Test Positive for Multiple Chemicals -- Including Banned Ones

Why are pregnant women carrying such a high toxic load … and what does this mean for their unborn children?

The Child Abuse Laws Which Could Destroy Your Reputation

Approximately 1 in 25 children is reported as being abused. Why so high? Learn the disturbing truth about how federal formulas give states and private adoption agencies "a strong financial incentive" to take your children, even if you're not guilty and they have absolutely no proof you harmed your child...

Nearly 250,000 Deaths From ONE Common Mistake: Here's How to Protect Yourself

Examining 62 million U.S. death certificates from 1976 to 2006 uncovered the startling finding that one common, but preventable error was responsible for almost a quarter-million of these deaths. What's more, health officials agree that this danger is still very much alive and tends to spike in one particular month of the year.

Overcoming the Most Common Sleep Disorder on Earth

No amount of healthful food or exercise will compensate for poor sleep - linked to memory loss, weight gain, cancer, diabetes and depression. Sleep expert and physician uncovers this common mistake in balancing the 2 opposing factors most affecting your sleep. Read this now - sleep better tonight...

Are You Missing Out on this Key Nutrient for Optimal Cardiovascular Health?*

This vital amino acid promotes normal blood pressure and blood flow throughout your body in healthy individuals, but is not always absorbed properly.* Here's an easy heart-healthy solution...*

Do You Make This Common Mistake When Your Child is Sick?

If you make this mistake when your child is sick, you could be hindering their ability to recover, and extending their illness - because you're actually interfering with their immune system doing its designated job. Unfortunately, doctors and nurses nearly always give bad advice on this...

These Types of Children Have an Increased Risk of Suicidal Thoughts

A recent review of 37 international studies concluded that children who experienced this had an increased risk of suicidal thoughts. ALSO: the action which precedes 80% of suicides and how to tell if your child is at risk...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

These Popular Drugs Can Make You Violent - Avoid Them

Among the most prescribed drugs in the US, they continue to be sold despite the fact studies have found 75% of the benefits could be duplicated by a placebo. Don't risk type 2 diabetes, mental decline, and harm to your immune system - check out these healthy alternatives first...

This Could Threaten the Future of Food - Destroying the Entire Food Chain...

On the outside, it looks like a scientific success. In theory, it boosts crop production and is highly convenient. But its giant secret lies hidden under the surface... the deadly trio - it weakens plants, causes major soil imbalances, and promotes disease. Protect yourself and your loved ones, and be a change agent to crush this practice... Now!

Want Firmer, Flatter Abs? Stop Doing Sit-ups - Use This "Hand Trick" Instead
best exercise for abs

You've been told sit-ups are an effective way to achieve a tight, toned stomach. But here's the case against sit-ups and a simple 3 second hand technique that's the single most important step to achieving a smaller, chiseled mid-section in your 40s, 50s, and beyond...

Watch Boiled Water Freeze Instantly
watch boiled water freeze instantly

You know it's cold out when boiling water instantly freezes when tossed into the air...

Statins Raise Stroke Risk

Certain people could be increasing their risk of a potentially fatal stroke by taking statin cholesterol-lowering medications.

The Crunchy Snack that Fights Cancer

Just 5 servings of this common vegetable each week will help neutralize toxins in your liver, turn on cancer-fighting genes and turn off others that feed the disease. PLUS: 14 other cheap and healthy superfoods that will make you feel even better - and the most important foods to buy "organic" if you are on a budget...

Curcumin Relieves Pain and Inflammation for Osteoarthritis Patients

Are you familiar with this potentially powerful form of natural pain relief?

The Single Most Important Element for Your Health
dr pollack on structured water

There's no doubt this is the single most important factor in terms of what you put in your body. But if you don't understand how it interacts with the components of your cells, it could have a negative impact on your health. This leading expert reveals what you need to know...

Is a College Education Still a Good Investment?

Attending college simply because you believe it will get you a better job may be an assumption that's no longer true …

The Easiest Way to Zap off Those Excess Pounds in Just 6 Weeks

One of the most common resolutions for the New Year is to exercise more and burn away the flab. But if you work against your instincts or ignore these 12 steps, you'll probably fail to follow through. Read this and make 2011 a year to remember...

The Smoking Time Bomb Sitting Next to Your Brain - Has Its Moment Finally Arrived?

The average person absorbs up to 52 times the amount of this hazardous toxin as what's found in polluted seafood. And it continues to happen EVERY day. This toxic, but legal substance silently infiltrates and wreaks havoc in your brain and central nervous system. In this latest development, is this the showdown with the FDA we've been waiting for?

The Secrets of Never Getting Sick

Are you tired of catching colds, flus and sore throats year after year? Here are the top tips to stay healthy and become one of the "lucky ones" who rarely get sick.

Discovered Over 50 Years Ago - Could this be the World's Easiest Way to Stay Slim and Build
Discovered Over 50 Years Ago - Could this be the World's Easiest Way to Stay Slim and Build Muscle?

In the 1960s, Russian Cosmonauts solved a daunting fitness problem which allowed them to spend up to 270 more days in space than US Astronauts. Learn how this discovery could now help you bust cellulite, boost muscle strength, and enhance your heart health in just minutes a day.

These Foods and Nutritional Deficiencies Can Make You Depressed or Violent

The attempted assassination of a U.S. Congresswoman & murder of several civilians shocked everyone.

New Study Shows Lack of this Vitamin Linked to Strokes

Learn the simple steps to drastically lower your risk of this leading cause of death.