Tuesday, March 20, 2007

General Purpose

The general purpose of this web log may be changing as we go. But as it stands now our intent is to be able to bring your attention to some things that are both directly and indirectly associated with Mocha Maya's. I am exploring ways to be able to interact more efficiently with our patrons and our musicians and artists and all of the people that effect or are effected by the presence of Mocha Maya's. I have been wanting to do surveys to get a more accurate sense of what people want from the store, or in our newsletter or from the events we have there or on any number of topics. I also come across a number of articles and websites in my travels that I would like to bring to the attention of whoever may be interested. Some are directly related to the coffee industry or the arts while others may be tech related or environmental in nature but I would like to put forth nonetheless. So I am hoping to post some of things here for people to peruse. I am still debating on whether a blog or a message forum would be a better way to "take a survey", but as I said, I may try it here only to move it elsewhere if a more effective way presents itself.

Anyway, I hope that this is yet another facet of what we are trying to do at Mocha Maya's that will enrich, provoke thought or otherwise make your life just that much better. Comments and input are encouraged but anything that is blatantly rude or out of place will be removed from the site with all diligence.

Thank you all so much for your support!

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