Saturday, June 23, 2007

Local is the ''New'' Organic

The theme behind this interesting "think" piece isn't the organic movement.

Rather, it's geared to encourage folks to find local sources for their foods, the safest and most affordable way to eat "happier" meals, leading some to call themselves localtarians and locavores.

When major retailers like Wal-Mart sell organic food, it still requires an industrial model of farming and long-distance shipping remains the same.

Growing, chilling, washing, packaging and transporting a box of organic salad from California to the East coast takes 57 calories of fossil fuel for every calorie of food.

If eating locally captures national attention, the movement could reinvent the model of industrial farming in a way that organic food never could. It could eventually lead to more money for local economies, more fresh produce in the diet, and a greater appreciation for the natural cycles of the Earth.

COA News April 10, 2007

Check this for the rest of the article

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