Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Coffee structure

What do You know about Coffee beans structure?

Crude coffee grain contains more than 2 000 various substances: fibers, carbohydrates, fats, mineral salts. At roasting of coffee beans its chemical compound considerably varies.

Food value of natural coffee (on 100 г a drink without sugar): fibers - 0,2 г, fats - 0,6 г, carbohydrates - 0,1 г, calcium - 5 mg, vitamin РР - 0,6 mg, potassium - to 9 mg, phosphorus - 7 mg and even iron - 2 mg. Power value makes 9 kcal. All these vitamins are to some extent necessary for our organism for its normal ability to live. For example, iron - a component of hemoglobin of blood. Calcium and phosphorus are a part of a bone fabric. And the normal rhythm of warm activity depends on presence in a human body калия and calcium. As medical means of coffee it was applied in classical Arabian medicine in 900-1 000th years of our era. Under the name “bunchum” it is described by the ancient Arabian scientific doctor and alchemist Abu Bahra Mohammed ibn Zahari iya al Razee, known in history under name Razes. However in process of growth of consumption of coffee as drink its medical properties began to be forgotten.
Do not do much harm

If you take pleasure in coffee two-three cups of this drink in day - and it is useful, and it is pleasant. Try not to drink coffee within all day in various quantities with breaks. It can lead to that coffee will lose the efficiency for your organism. If you accept too much caffeine do not throw at once. Otherwise headaches not to avoid. Reduce a dose slowly, but it is confident.

Enjoy invigorating drink within day, but it is not necessary to drink off at once some cups. It can call dream infringement. If at you problems with a stomach, add in coffee milk or cream. Dairy products brake acidity increase.

If you have children know, that till 16 years it is better to them not to use caffeine. At that time when the nervous system ripens and the behaviour is formed, it is better to reduce its use to a minimum. And pregnant women should be limited to one cup of coffee in day. It is not necessary to despond, coffee - not a unique source of caffeine. Caffeine can be found in many drinks, for example, in tea. Chocolate also contains defined, quantities of caffeine.

How to drink the coffee, everyone solves itself according to the sensations. Someone likes pure coffee - bitter, and someone - sweet, with sugar addition. Following all listed rules of the use of this invigorating drink, you receive not only pleasure, but also certain quantity of vitamins necessary for an organism and microcells.

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