Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Foods You Shouldn't Touch With a Ten Foot Pole

If you eat this type of food, you'll destroy the nutrients which take asthma, allergies, eczema, and autoimmune diseases to task, leaving you vulnerable to health problems. Here are six common warning signs and 5 inexpensive and easy solutions to fix the problem - FAST…

Media Now Promoting Brain Eating Vaccines

This latest shot involves a modified herpes virus genetically engineered to modify your brain & need I say more?

Why Dr. Snyderman's Whooping Cough Vaccine Rant is a Total SHAM…
Why Dr. Snyderman's Whooping Cough Vaccine Rant is a Total SHAM…

Media campaigns designed to create fear about infectious disease are nothing new. But NBC's Dr. Snyderman takes it to new and disgusting heights. If you value your freedom to decide, this is a must-read. Does she really want to undo the findings of the Nuremburg Tribunal?

This Daily Mistake Can Make You Obese and Forgetful

There's a 6 in 10 chance you're being battered around by this secret enemy which triggers carb cravings while damaging your working memory, reaction time, immune system, and hardening your arteries. The worst part is - you're probably not even aware of it...

The Medical Scandal that's Robbing Cancer Patients of Their Right to Life

Ironically, the drugs conventional physicians use to treat cancer can actually cause cancer in healthy people who are only exposed to small amounts of them. No wonder they don't do any wonders for cancer patients

Three Little Words that Can Change Your Day for the Better
Video: Three Little Words that Can Change Your Day for the Better
This wonderful little video is a gift that just keeps on giving…

Flu Plan Scandal Ahead – An Urgent Warning
Video: Flu Plan Scandal Ahead – An Urgent Warning
The CDC is about to double-cross millions of Americans advising everyone from the age of 6 months to take the same vaccine which has been suspended in Australia. Here's how to beat them at their own game, including a secret, natural ingredient which is far more effective…

Animals Can Harbor MRSA

This dangerous antibiotic-resistant superbug is expanding its territory from hospitals to your local grocery store.

The Internet CAN Help You Keep Your Weight Off

How can you use the Internet to help you achieve your weight loss goals?

Physical Activity Reduces the Risk of Early Death

If you want to live longer – stay physically active! But did you know certain types of exercise promote longevity far better than others?

Mighty Rise of Food Revolution and What it Means to You

Why the U.S. food system is in desperate need of an overhaul and how you can join in the movement.

STOP Taking Fish Oil Until You Read This
Video: STOP Taking Fish Oil Until You Read This
Fish oil can oxidize and become rancid inside your body leading to unhealthy free radicals. Find out how to get your omega-3s without the drawbacks...*

Failure to Include this Will Sabotage Your Exercise Program

Flexibility and stretching are the missing component of most exercise programs. This may be one of the best solutions.

Important Vitamin Deficiency Linked to Arterial Stiffness

Is a lack of this inexpensive vitamin increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke?

7-Year-Old Inspiration Shares His Heartwarming Success...
Video:7-Year-Old Inspiration Shares His Heartwarming Success...
Having a hard day? This wonderful boy will remind you why it's important to always keep trying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gday would like to give you everyone a tip on how you can save some money monthly, Getting a conversion
kit for your vehicle will save you hundreds of dollars on gas by switch to an american made fuel 'Ethonal'.
More americans are upgrading their vehicles to support both fuel types and buying ethonal to fill up your vehicle.
Ethonal is not only an American made fuel, which you'll be support our economy alot more than buying fuel
that we have to import making us more depended on foreign supplies.
Run your vehicle on a [url=http://www.thegreenconversions.info]e85 Conversion kit[/url]