Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Skin Care Ingredient that Can Create Early Signs of Aging
The Skin Care Ingredient that Can Create Early Signs of Aging

Read this before you put anything else on your skin because even the most expensive products contain this "harmless" oil which destroys your skin, disrupts your hormones, clogs your pores, and is a suspected cause of cancer. Find out how to spot it and what to replace it with...

Why 80% of U.S. Dentists are 150 Years BEHIND the Times...
dramatic video visualization showing silver fillings releasing mercury

Silver fillings are "...a primitive, polluting, 19th century product that began when physicians were sawing off legs. Medicine has since moved forward." Unfortunately, there's an 80% chance your dentist still practices this way -- despite its damage to your brain, central nervous system and kidneys...

This "Miracle Drug" Could Nearly Double Your Risk of Cancer

Even though it's been touted as a "miracle drug" prescribed to prevent fractures, here's the ugly truth about its link to cancer, stomach ulcers, liver damage, kidney failure, and even weaker bones. My advice: Throw it in the trash, follow these 12 steps, and eat this "super vegetable" instead...

Don't Ever Drink This During Pregnancy…

There's a hidden, tasteless -- and dangerous -- compound lurking in your kitchen. A new study shows the high risk health hazards of drinking this while pregnant. It's so dangerous it can cause stillbirths and maternal deaths. Please don't ignore the evidence.

Nearly 30,000 Americans Get Cancer From This One Procedure EVERY Year: Will You?

The reckless overuse of this medical procedure not only causes escalating rates of cancer, but will be responsible for 1,000 times MORE deaths over the next 25 years. And studies now show the damage is far greater than you're being told. Discover the sinister truth and spare your body irreparable harm by just saying "no".

Accommodating Resistance with Tubes & Bands (Part 1) A novel approach to improve a serious flaw!

The many pro's and con's of using tubes and bands for resistance training rather than free weights.

How Drug Companies Bribe Doctors to Suck You Into Their Web...
the secret weapon drug companies use to manipulate your doctor

Psychological warfare... guerilla brainwashing... "rewards" for doctors who prescribe their drugs -- all to the tune of $30,000 per year per doctor in the U.S. How Big Pharma spends big money persuading doctors to get you hooked on their meds... step in and protect your own health now.

This "Breakthrough" One Page Chart Will Help You Slim Your Waistline
This Breakthrough One Page Chart Will Help You Slim Your Waistline

More than 100 personal clients have radically changed their waistline, their lifestyle and their lives by using this surprisingly simple tool used by less than 3% of the population. Now it can help you achieve lasting change too...

If Only Your Child Could Digest 24 Hours of Your Instructions THIS Fast
If Only Your Child Could Digest 24 Hours of Your Instructions THIS  Fast

Things said by moms everywhere -- set to Rossini's famous William Tell Overture. Twenty-four hours of parental guidance squeezed into just 2 min., 55 sec. If it weren't so true, it wouldn't be nearly as funny!

Statins Increase Your Risk of Foodborne Illness

Who would have thought that these cholesterol-lowering drugs could have you sicker than a dog from eating infected food?

Could This be the Key Factor Spiking the Rise in Dementia and Alzheimer's?

New study shows that this can cut brain shrinkage associated with the onset of dementia and Alzheimer's - in half. Because the disease is incurable, is the 6th leading cause of death, and can bring endless years of suffering, this and the other preventive strategies discussed here are a must...

Should American Women Learn to Give Birth at Home?

Increasing numbers of women are rethinking the status quo that a hospital is the best place to give birth.

Deadlier than AIDS: Why is This Travesty Allowed to Continue in the U.S.?

The "modern plague" of AIDS is tame compared to this mushrooming medical threat, which now claims more lives each year than AIDS. It's such an insidious enemy that Europe took action several years ago to drastically reduce their threat - why hasn't the FDA done so in America?

One in Six Patients Report Getting Wrong Diagnosis

With each survey, study, and statistical review, the answer remains the same: Patients beware, because conventional medicine may inadvertently lead to you or your family's premature demise.

Bigger than Any Transplant Story You've Heard Before…
star trek medicine is here organs made to order

Scientists are exploring miraculous new frontiers in "organ printing" – using modified inkjet printers to create new organs that replace tired, worn out ones. Because they use your own cells, there's no tissue rejection. Find out just how soon should you anticipate this alternative to today's organ transplant...

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