Tuesday, June 15, 2010

WARNING: Ignore This Simple Daily Habit at Your Own Risk

The research is in... Neglecting this lifestyle habit can cost you up to a 70% greater risk of developing heart disease along with a higher risk of diabetes, lung disease, and stroke.

Are All Fats Really the Same for Stopping Hunger Pangs?

Do you know the surprising answer to which type of fat is best to make you feel full and help you from overeating?

Spices Play Role in Reduced Cancer Risk

How can you spice up your meals and fight cancer at the same time?

Why Walking and Aerobics Won’t Get You as Healthy as You Think

The evidence is clear – everyone benefits from exercise. But you want to focus on the types that give you the biggest boost and outperform their rivals in providing outstanding health benefits.

Big Pharma's Bald-Faced Lies that can Destroy Your Health and Wealth in 2010
Video: Big Pharma's Bald-Faced Lies that can Destroy Your Health  and Wealth in 2010
You are being encouraged to take deadly drugs by professional marketers who are paid to "spin" any story so it comes out smelling like roses. But this health industry insider is exposing Big Pharma's biggest cover ups for the first time...

The BP Oil Spill May Be Bad, But This Cover Up is Far More Deadly
Video: The BP Oil Spill May Be Bad, But This Cover Up is Far More  Deadly
It's outrageous. It's bad enough that they've destroyed the Gulf of Mexico. But now they are using PR gymnastics and deadly dispersants banned in the UK to amplify the damage within our oceans...

Growing Evidence Links Exercise and Mental Acuity

Growing old does not automatically mean losing your wits and wisdom. Learn how simple lifestyle choices can help keep your mind sharp with age.

Glaxo Testing Paxil on 7-Year-Olds Despite Suicide Risks

Antidepressants increase suicidal tendencies in kids, so why is GlaxoSmithKline testing them on children?

New Bombshell of Disastrous Side Effects from Statins…

The number of people on these hazardous drugs is staggering – as is the mounting evidence of catastrophic side effects… 900 studies so far. Cognitive decline, muscle decline, pancreatic and liver damage… which are you in line for?

STOP Taking Fish Oil Until You Read This
Video: Red Alert: STOP Taking Fish Oil Until You Read This
Fish oil can oxidize & become rancid inside your body leading to unhealthy free radicals. Find out how to get your Omega 3's without the drawbacks*...

Codex Serves Up A Hearty Helping of Melamine!

Do you know how to protect yourself and your family from the health-harming "safety standards" dished out by the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Food?

Overuse of Antibiotics Spurs Vicious Cycle

Important details on this issue that you need to know about.

Red Alert: Insider Study on Cell Phone Safety Seriously Flawed...
Video: Red Alert: Insider Study on Cell Phone Safety Seriously  Flawed…
Deadly myths from the $30-million-plus industry-funded study on cell phone safety - or un-safety. No doubt about it - cell phones are causing brain tumors. Just how serious is the problem?

Why are Drug Companies Targeting Your Children as Customers?

Is your child's health being hijacked by Big Pharma's wily schemes? The youth pharmaceutical market is literally exploding. What does that mean for your child's long-term health?

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