Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Major Exercise Mistake I Made for Over 30 Years...
Video: The Major Exercise Mistake I Made for Over 30 Years...
This is the exercise mistake most everyone makes - including me, for 30 years. Then I discovered the secret to getting a better workout while saving 2 or 3 hours every week. So how much of a workout can you get in just 20 quick minutes?

Obesity Takes Toll After 40

If you are over 40, these are the facts that you need to know to understand factors that directly impact your health.

Does the Internet Make You Smarter?

Surfing the Web may have far greater implications for your mind power -- and future -- than you previously realized.

Scientists Discover an Amazing and Simple Way to Improve Your Vision…

What if you could see more clearly by deeply believing you can? Believe it or not, that was the strategy of these people, including those reading reverse eye charts, a group of pilots -- and you too?

This is Now Considered a Critical Piece of Cancer Treatment…

This single factor could improve cancer outcomes for patients undergoing treatments, and is the newest recommended protocol in cancer treatment. So why do doctors so often discourage patients from doing it?

The Worst 'Aging Sins' You Can Commit Against Your Skin this Summer
Video: The Worst 'Aging Sins' You Can Commit Against Your Skin  this Summer
Not one woman in 100 knows about these skin protection mistakes, or these age-defying beauty rejuvenation secrets which give you a younger looking face and skin...

Ginger Reduces Pain After Exercise

This hot and spicy tuber may offer far safer pain relief than conventional painkillers, at a fraction of the cost.

Crazy Cubes Illusion
Video: Crazy Cubes Illusion
What you see is not what you get... This awesome demonstration shows how your eyes can play tricks on you.

Long-Term Study Links Chronic Insomnia to Increased Risk of Death

Just how deadly is a chronic lack of sleep? Deadly enough to take urgent action if you have trouble getting quality shut-eye.

The FORBIDDEN Truth About WHO's 2009 'Pandemic'...

Why WHO's secret committee "force fed" the world the exact lies the drug companies wanted you to hear. Here's the truth behind the great pandemic swindle nobody's telling you about...

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