Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Popular Brew May Lower Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, and Triglycerides

Is this popular beverage healthier for you than pure water? Even though I still believe pure water is best for daily fluid intake, this antioxidant-rich brew is a health-boosting complement if you know which ones to choose…

Flame Retardant Causes Altered Thyroid Hormone Levels

Pregnant, or planning a pregnancy? Then you must read this important information as it may have a significant impact on the health of your baby.

Cancer Drug Kills Four Times More than No Treatment at All

What FDA-approved medication was cutting cancer patients' lives short… and how did it get approved in the first place?

IBM Computer May Be New Jeopardy Champ

Will Watson, IBM's new "question-answering machine," defeat the best Jeopardy players in history?

How the Bacteria in Your Gut is Linked to the Size of Your Waistline…

This secret also holds the key to your high-quality digestive health and your immune system -- your number one defense system against all disease. And it's easy to get started today…

Is this Popular Natural Sweetener Worse than High Fructose Corn Syrup?

Elevated uric acid correlates with high risk for diabetes, kidney disease, fatty liver, obesity, and high blood pressure. We tested the most popular brands out there of this sweetener and reveal our shocking results…

This Fat Can Actually Protect Against Hearing Loss

Surprising causes of age-related hearing loss have been discovered, along with novel, all-natural prevention and treatment options.

How Hip Exercises Reduce Knee Pain

These simple measures can build lifelong healthy bones, and prevent and treat common knee pain.

Canada Virtually Eliminates Flu Deaths While U.S. Has Thousands

Why is the flu regularly fatal to kids in the U.S. but not to Canadians who have far less sun exposure?

This Single Cell Plant Actually Expels Mercury from Your Body…

New study shows that this tiny cell can transport mercury and other heavy metals out of your system, purifying your blood and keeping your liver and kidneys healthy. In turn, this protects the rest of your organs…

Warning: This Daily Habit is Damaging Your Bones, Brain, Kidneys, and Thyroid
Video: Warning: This Daily Habit is Damaging Your Bones, Brain,  Kidneys, and Thyroid
This proves the medical establishment can now get away with open fraud. Discover how they are force-feeding questionable "medication" into our daily diet (based on practically no health studies) that is illegal to dump in our rivers or lakes...

A Simple Solution to World Health Issues: Toilets

Powerful illustration of how basic hygiene can have a far greater impact on mortality than the drugs and vaccines still favored by the medical industry.

City Passes First Cell Phone Radiation Law

A major breakthrough for sure, but be careful and don't become complacent as the new law which will likely become model for other cities can actually fool you into a false sense of security.

How To Wean Yourself Off Processed Foods in 7 Steps

Are you ready to toss the processed junk and switch your family over to real food? Here’s what you need to know and do …

Refined Foods are Bad, But These May Be Far Worse

You've been betrayed! Big Biotech and their government allies are perpetrating the most massive food fraud of all history. Using fake science and false reports is just the beginning…

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